ITT: Sup Forums approved literature

ITT: Sup Forums approved literature

Other urls found in this thread:

Mein Kampf

48 laws of power

101 ways to prep a bull

I didn't know the Greeks were black like the Egyptians. Makes you think.

fantastic beasts and where to find them

"Meditations" is a hipster meme book. When I was little, all the cool kids red Nietsche instead.

Patriarchy Theory 101


that's ma nigga


The Holy Bible.

It is the only book you need. Within it, every warning of that which is to come.

The Deal of The Art by Trumpington sir Donald


Learn to be a man.




The Turner Diaries

>be Marcus Aurelius
>enlightened Titan of philosophical thought, revered well into the modern era
>have son that enjoys complying as Hercules, clubbing helpless animals to death in the arena like a fucking caveman



"The Abolition of Man" by C.S. Lewis is extremely compelling and prophetic when it comes to the modern moral order.

Stranger in a strange land.

>this isnt posted yet

Read Hitlers Table Talk. MK is a shit in comparison.

Anything by Evola.

its literally the first post you flaming faggot

"I'm obsessed with power because I was bullied in high school" detected

You're welcome


Stoicism in the antithesis of hipster "blame everyone else for my problems" thinking.


This guy know what's real. C.S Lewis entertained me as a child and taught me as a man.

Mere Christianity should be mandatory reading in religion class.You can be as fedora as you want and still gain something from it. Instead we were forced to watch hours of psuedo-philosofical Tyson and Dawkins shit.


You can read this one in an hour. It's more relevant today than ever.

Stoics are literal hippie scum.


Skeptics and cynics are better, but still hypocrites.

Ken Wilber

Modern take on the stoics

Dollar bill

Bitch it's all about Diogenes.

That's the tragedy of Aurelius. He practiced a philosophy of restraint, rational thinking and respect for others and yet his son was a selfish hedonist who initiated the slow decline of the Empire

I'm reading Oswald Spengler's Man and Technics at the moment. Pretty based to be perfectly honest.





not an argument

Sure, a fucking hipster book


I laugh when people bring this book up in a serious conversation.

why Beowulf?


kill yourself


>White Power, by George Lincoln Rockwell

>other download formats:

Shit book by shit author. 0/10 don't read

I found The Myth of the Machine, Vol. I, II - Lewis Mumford interesting, not sure if it is Sup Forums approved


Fuck Ayn Rand though.


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dr. Faustus
The Giving Tree (that's right, motherfucker)


I don't like her politics, but the book is a good read.



The Bible


Sci-Fi is all Sup Forums approved

It's a good book about degeneracy and hedonism imo.

The Protocols of the Known Elders of Zion

I mean Learned Elders, sorry of the type. And that book is the ultimate red pill.
>inb4 JIDF

Because it is an Old English Epic Poem. It's the Anglo-Saxon equivalent of the Odyssey or the Iliad, just Nordic.





read at your own discretion

Damn. That's literally how I was taught from 8th to 12th grade.

Reflections on the Revolution in France - Edmund Burke

The Death of the West - Patrick Buchanan


>meme book
confirmed for having not read and/or understood Meditations

Neon please

Is evola really worth reading?

can anyone recommend fascist literature

Marcus Aurelius is the red pill. Everyone needs to become a little more stoic, liberals and conservatives.


Pick one.


Add in Apollodorus' Biblioteca, and this is excellent Greek education.


lol. educated jokes.

> Memetations

why the fuck does this get recommended in every board on Sup Forums?

start from his blog, he's an pretty active writer

Nah, don't give me credit for that shit, that was lazy. I won't do that again.


Anything by Nietzsche

>Book backlog already big enough.
>This thread happens.

Can you please recommend something on economy??? pol approved of course

Read this the other day. It's fucking good though it is shorter than i would have liked.


Eat shit communist faggot

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell.