Would you fight and possibly die to defend your country from the invading Japanese...

Would you fight and possibly die to defend your country from the invading Japanese? Keep in mind the Japanese want to have mandatory Anime and have everyone wear sailor uniforms.

Our soldiers stationed over there could probably take over the country lmoa. Such is life for burger vassals.

I dont know why anyone would want to invade this shithole but I guess so

I'd join the Japanese.

Better a Japanese colony than a Chinese colony

Does China make cheap anime?

>mandatory Anime and have everyone wear sailor uniforms.

We do
And we fail

>die while legally killing nankingniggers
seems as good a way to go as any


Gas all weebs

yes i would defend my country against jap filth to my last breath. and the anime babes get the bullet too

will we get Japanese school girl uniform wearing gf? If so then all hail our Master-U


I'd have to or those dogs would commit unspeakable war crimes against my family and people

Nigga, FUCK the Japs. They're all sorts of fucked in the head.

You should look up the kind of shit that happens on territories occupied by them.
Like, even by the usual war standarts.
If it's either death or being PoW to Japs, I suggest you choose death, I don't care how civilized and polite they pretend to be during peacetime.


>implying finland isn't japan

Japan already invaded us, desu.

If they'd gas all the lefties, sure.

I wouldn't fight for "my" "country" even if it was invaded by ISIS
>calling people "fucked in the head" over treatment of PoW

That is exactly what I'm doing.
This should give you an idea of just how fucked they are.

They speak Portugal language?

Yeah, only the first generation didn't speak Portuguese.

Japs were worse than commies,two nukes weren't enough

>mandatory Anime
I for one welcome our new Japanese overlords

Do I get to manhandle Megumin if they invade us?

is this just a thinly veiled Megumin thread?

help them take over

>mandatory anime
Ofc I would fight for my country against n*ps

