>tfw jon stewart passed the torch, like a father passing on wisdom to his children
i hope all his 'children' (colbert, oliver, trevor, larry, and samantha) can do what he would have done had he been here
Hold the media accountable!
>tfw jon stewart passed the torch, like a father passing on wisdom to his children
i hope all his 'children' (colbert, oliver, trevor, larry, and samantha) can do what he would have done had he been here
Hold the media accountable!
>his face
>his child
Jon literally invited him over from South Africa to take over his show, and he's done terribly.
Oh yay another female comedian.
Thanks to ((Jon ''''Stewart'''')) and his cronies, we have an entire generation of entitled slobs growing up who legitimately believe that reality has a liberal bias.
did Jon lebowitz age about 30 years in the last year?
notice you dont say the same about oliver, hes from a foreign land too
maybe because oliver is white.....????
No, John Oliver was actually a part of the show for years.
Trevor was there for less than a year before Jon passed the torch. Obviously, Jon invited him to take over the show.
why do you have such a problem with that? why does a black guy hosting bother you so much, stormfag?
also oliver would have gotten the job had he stayed around
He's using advanced Jewish memetic magic
They guy isn't even funny. It's an outsider who can't even vote talking about American Politics in the most abstract way. John Oliver is a prick but at least he's more honest about it instead of constant bitchiness like race baiter Wilmore
>His wife's son
How about them ratings Trev?
He stared into the mouth of the media for too long. He tried to get 9/11 first respondents the health care they deserve.
I remember when he used to take a crack at liberals now and then but no now hes broken and can only see feelings.
Lol. Faggot detected.
Because everyone makes a huge deal out of it like its breaking some sort of ceiling.
If they put as much effort into being good at their jobs as they do looking virtuous the show wouldnt suck balls now.
Thats why.
This. He can't just ride into the sunset. The one good fight he has left is the 9/11 responders. His absence from TV has been the best thing for the right in years.
All the off-shot shows really sucks.
Daily Show will never be funny again - neither will it's 'children'.
Passed it to who?
I remember loving the Daily Show and Colbert Report, then Gamergate happened and Colbert had Anita on. I refused to watch the episode. That was my redpill moment. After that I realized how evil Hillary Clinton was and how she and Colbert are BFFs.
Omg I want Trevor Noah inside me
Trevor Noah, the mulatto of low ratings, failed.
Samantha Bee, feminist Canadian extraordinaire, is the new lefty hope.
Jon Liebowitz really needs to an hero when Trump becomes president.
Didn't Colbert tore her a new one in that interview?
As much as people like to parrot the "current year" meme. He's done some good pieces, like the recent one on zombie debt and predatory debt buyers.
Pardoning $16 million in healthcare debt was a pretty nice touch, even if he only did it to one up Oprah.
>Trevor Noah, the mulatto of low ratings, failed.
jewman picked him knowing the show would suck
he's gonna sign a show with hbo, just watch
It was how he normally toyed with his guests, playful banter and a gleam in his eye that he knows more than he's letting on. I wouldn't necessarily say that she got shredded though, he backed off after he realized that she was losing to him joking around. Which in a way, is kinda worse.
He already has a contract from months ago. Due diligence would have prevented Noah. It may have been deliberate.
Is that the bitch with the refugees I keep seeing on commercials?
Lol if you don't know who Samantha Bee is you should probably get out of our country :/
This is fucking America, people.
You're a retard. Oliver is a cunt but he can at least be funny and he guest hosted the show for a while even. He was on the show for YEARS.
The Tanqueray man was there JUST BECAUSE he's black.
Nobody hates him because he's black, they hate him because he's there JUST BECAUSE of that fact.
>Samantha Bee
>Gets Nobel piece prize
Because Noah is incompetent. Even the left wing press shits on him now.
She's as funny as a gaping wound.
"Maybe female comedians would be funnier if, when they opened their mouth, someone wasn't always trying to stick their d*ck inside it!" Whoa ho ho! Watch out! This girl has the JOKES!
I hope all of them are in the same fucking plane crash. These people are to comedy what Stephen Hawking is to dentistry.
>tfw fapped to Samantha Bee because she looks hot as fuck in flats and an a-line skirt
>not posting pic
That's kind of what I meant. Hiring someone "just because" of their skin color has a really low chance of success.
If he had done well he'd be an exception. He's not. He's there so they can chestbeat about how good and progressive they are.
And he fucking stinks. I'm glad he's there. It helped Trump a ton. Stewart's a fag but he knew what he was doing.
He already had a comedy special that I watched long before anyone had heard of him. It sucked. Stewart crashing the Daily Show with no survivors is quite the Jewish trick.
Fun fact. Noah is also Jewish.