Turkey is secu-

>Turkey is secu-


Jewish propoganda

just when you think they can't possibly be even more of a laughing stock under Erdogan

What's the problem? They aren't teaching creationism, they're just not teaching evolution.

We Greeks should invite everyone who does not want to be a turk anymore and nuke Anatolia.



It didn't happen, it's just as believable as fucking giantass dinosaurs

>teaching creationism
pretty sure it will be the next step

are you baiting? please be just baiting

I could see how an unevolved person would not think evolution is the most credible theory


evolution is not important to know

neither is math

Are burgers legit retarded or is this islamicCc diaspora

>he really believes microbes became humans
Look at this retard

they're just memeing at this point

>my ancestor

>he has a tailbone but can't explain why
Look at this retard

>he actually thinks tailbones are more than just a base of the spinal cord
Golly gee whoopiee

>a base
Yeah a base that goes off in a direction that doesn't have nerves on humans.

How utterly logical for a god to create

>he thinks the outer shell of the spinal cord needs nerves and doesn't exist simply for structural support
Darwinists *sigh*



I bet all these retards itt also believe in global warming or some retarded shit like that

not the same but global warming is also not important

Its not real

Didn't even know Turkey was a secular nation. Well now they get to join an elite club that Texas, Louisiana, and a handful of other southern US states belong to.

Thank you for contributing to the intellectual decline of our youth by filling it with creationist bullshit. Fortunately for Turkey and all of the Islamic world our country is setting all kinds of awful political precedent when they pass legislation allowing to state to teach, endorse, and enforce religion. This legislation is intended to force Christianity down our throats however it's generally applicable to any religion so it's setting the legal groundwork to allow Islam to sweep right over our country.

Remember Christianity is dying and Islam is on the rise. First they will take Europe then they will take us.

But it doesn't matter. Sharia law isn't that different from Leviticus at the end of the day so it's basically the same shit different name.

It's not as if most people in the West understand how evolution actually works even though they've studied it in school.

High school education is just surface level shit that everyone forgets as soon as they graduate.

So too do dogs use it for structural support. But they also have tails, go figure.


>comparing 4 leggeds to us
Now you're really pulling at straws

I would rather people properly learn about evolution and then forget all the intricacies of it than learn blatantly false information about how we were magically created 6000 years ago from dirt and a bone and then go on to remember that for the rest of their lives.

Nah, saying that some fairy sky god created hosts upon hosts of animals and lazily copypasted a coccyx into humans is pulling at straws.

If a god did create all of the creatures of earth, he's a lazy shit who deserves an F on his assignment, possibly a D- at highest

The really baffling part is that you can explain the basic principles behind natural selection in about five minutes tops.

Turkey is dead.

Now you're just acting stupid the coccyx exists as a structural support for the spine and has nothing to do with tails for your 4 legged fuck friend. The fact that you believe the two are similar despite being structurally different shows your lack of understanding of human anatomy and even canine anatomy I must add. So please shut up and learn what you're talking about before you start tipping your foreskin like some faggot on Sup Forums

It's so obvious you came here from reddit. Any brain dead moron can tell this faggot is baiting you. Fucking dumbass

I learn both at school. Creationism in religion lesson and evolution in history. I don't really find things to be that difficult.

haha le magic sky spaghetti fairy isn't real everyone

Fuck off Elder Grant

t. Floridian

I experienced a bit of culture shock after moving to Florida in the middle of my senior year in high school. In my home state, MA, evolution is taught in schools and widely accepted by the majority of students. In Florida, when a teacher of mine asked "How many of you believe in evolution?" only two students out of thirty raised their hands.

>believe in evolution

I cringe every time I hear this.

god-tier (you) getter, genuinely impressed user

haha evolution not being taught in schools is the greatest injustice of our time. christians should be slaughtered for this

honestly fuck you

Do your Sunday school dictators instruct you to post fedora memes every time your beliefs are challenged or something?

"believe" in evolution? it's like believing in the sun! it's just a fact of life. christians are mentally ill lmao

here have a (you)

i'm not christian

Muslim, Jew, whatever. Same difference.

none of those
not religious
don't believe in god

being American should be a crime desu

Okay, you're a liar. I'm not surprised. The deeply indoctrinated are known to be pathological liars. You'll say anything to rationalize your belief.

I don't blame you. You are a victim. Probably brainwashed from day one. Never developed any critical thinking skills. No capacity to question. We will help you when you are ready to accept it.

dumb bastard. baffles me that people like you think you're on another intellectual level because you accept evolution and call god funny names. no one likes your type, christian or otherwise.

Okay, well I'll be on Sup Forums if you ever want help. Feel free to make a thread.

I wish you the best and a quick awakening.

Reddit is that way.

I don't do reddit. You'll have to reach out to me here. You feel free to post on reddit if you want but I'm not gonna see it.

evolution is just a hypothesis. you don't have to believe in it

it's still more plausible than God creating the world in 6 days like 10k years ago.

its hardly related to secularism.

do you understand the difference?

>believe in it
believe has its place in stuff like religion where you have to settle for personal beliefs because you have nothing else to support (or disprove in a way) claims

>american education

>that flag

here is your (you)



praise erdoshit t*rks especially those who unironically supported erdofuck in the coup and its aftermath.

go play with a fidget spinner

>Didn't even know Turkey was a secular nation
turkey was founded by ataturk on an extremely secular foundation, as to not see sectarian or religious conflict cause internal instability or allow turkey to turn into a theocratic state
also, he basically said that the turkish military is the last defense against the government becoming theocratic or authoritarian (kinda like egypt), which explains the most recent coup

Kemalist officers got purged by gulenists in 2006-2013 with ergenekon balyoz trials. Then they appointed their own. Most high officers were gulenists in 2016. And gulenism is an islamic cult.

i spit out my tea laughing
thank you

huh, odd
why did fundemental islamists try to stage a coup against a leader who was trying to make turkey more muslim? just a personal power grab, or do they want to turn islamig gommunism up to 11?

Erdogan had a fallout with Gulen over money.

Who cares, evolution is just a theory

They were bff for long time. But neither of them wanted to share authority. They started clashing each other when no one left to challange them. Most kemalists returned though. We may experience real coup

theory implies it's an argument that is backed up by peer-reviewed/tested data, I think you're equating theory to hypothesis

Turkey? More like Malarkey.

ah, well i hope for a quick and near-bloodless coup in turkey's immediate future, good luck friendo

I am well aware of the difference between a hypothesis, theory, and law Mr. Fedoralord.

then why would you claim that the dominate scientific argument as to the start and pathway of all earthly beings as "just a theory?"