Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1870

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.


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I guess your only choice would be に

So I guess since she wanted to use が for whatever reason (place emphasis on the subject, etc.) に then becomes the appropriate particle to mark the agent. That's probably the only explanation I can think of that makes sense so far


Do you understand that if she used が after 警察 it would mean the police were caught? 捕まる has the same meaning as a passive verb.

Thanks, I understand now.

Why is 日本 translated as "the sun's origin" and not "day book"?

Because 日 means sun and 本 means source/origin. 本 comes from 木 (tree) with the extra stroke at the end to represent "roots"

it gets pretty obvious with words like 基本, meaning basis or foundation

How often does a kanji's definition match the combined definitions of its radicals? I'm having a much easier time with the radical Anki deck than with the kanji deck, so it'd be neat if I could start kind-of-reading before finishing the kanji deck by using the radicals.


Which kanji deck and what are you testing with said kanji deck?

I used this site for three years on a recommendation I got from here. I made a lot of cool friends.

is there an alternative??? interpals is ng

I'm using the Core 2K/6K deck from the DJT guide.
What do you mean by "what are you testing?"

Basically never. Sometimes they give you a little clue, but that's it.

That is: when you mean the definition of the kanji, are you talking about the word on the front?
In that case, in a way. It's often kind of a stretch and more of an etymological occurrence which will likely be more useful at part of a more specific linguistic study of the language. Not great for a learner who doesn't already have thousands of those word connections with the kanji, radicals and their combination trends.

For instance, there are often radicals that occur in words/kanji that provide an indication of the reading of the kanji. On a different part of the spectrum there are components that occur to provide "meaning", more specifically.

To be honest I don't think it is something really worth thinking about too much at least until further down the line. You'll probably get more mileage of being familiar with more words over X period of time as opposed to consciously thinking too much about the constituent parts of a kanji within a word and trying to derive the definition from there.

Sakubi is a groundbreaking grammar guide that is right now being read by millions of Japanese learners JUST LIKE YOU!

stop shilling, nobody cares

The "radical" is just a way of arranging characters in old dictionaries. That's why the word for "radical" means "section head" 部首. "Radical" is a mistranslation. Most characters have a meaning component and a sound component, so breaking up characters into "radicals" is a complete waste of time.


"I gathered the troops" vs. "I made the troops gather". Does that sound about right?

This is intransitive - it doesn't take an を as a direct object. The first sentence doesn't work.

user, the post you responded to is a transparent troll.

This is what I thought too, but example sentences on Japanese dictionary websites still use direct objects with standard forms, like:



How did I do?

あかちゃんぼう あかちゃんぼう
あかちゃんぼう あかちゃんぼう
あかちゃんぼう あかちゃんぼう
あかちゃんぼう あかちゃんぼう

ironic shilling is still shilling

You don't know what the word "shill" means.


you're just salty, just stop advertising your bullshit

Survey time...

>How long you've been studying Japanese
>What you're currently reading/studying
>Your confidence in your ability
>What you use your Japanese for (reading/drama/anime/business/real world situations)

>>How long you've been studying Japanese
6 months
>>What you're currently reading/studying
Bouncing back and forth between Leyline, some random nukige, Tobira, and DoJG Intermediate
>>Your confidence in your ability
>>What you use your Japanese for (reading/drama/anime/business/real world situations)
All things that fall within the "anime" sphere, eventually some poetry

Here we see the schizotypal in his native environment, being manipulated by people who want to have fun at their expense and inventing enemies that haven't bested him to compensate for his failures.

This is a "you" problem. You're being trolled, and it's shitting up the thread. Stop being trolled. You fucking tool.

I'm not a troll, I'm here to evangelize Sakubi, the groundbreaking grammar guide that is right now being read by millions of Japanese learners JUST LIKE YOU!

>How long you've been studying Japanese
A bit below one year.
>What you're currently reading/studying
>Your confidence in your ability
>What you use your Japanese for (reading/drama/anime/business/real world situations)
Just reading VNs. I hate this god forsaken language but stockholm syndrome makes me play some VN every day for at least an hour.

How do you guys stay motivated? First month was quite fun but now I just grind through the core2k/6k anki deck every day and that's about it, can't bring myself to continue the grammar... I look through djt grammar reference sometimes but that's about it.

projecting much?

>How long you've been studying Japanese
1 year 3 months
>What you're currently reading/studying
イカ娘 and flyable heart
>Your confidence in your ability
Some days I'm flying through lines, others its a muddy struggle through unknown words
>What you use your Japanese for
to bully children

>How long you've been studying Japanese
Since DJT was on Sup Forums. Aside from that I don't know when I started.

>What you're currently reading/studying
Playing games without a dictionary. Reading stories with a dictionary. Excellent grammar, bad vocabulary, games reuse the same words over and over again so they're easier.

>Your confidence in your ability

>What you use your Japanese for (reading/drama/anime/business/real world situations)

About 4 years


Can read pretty comfortably but still need to look up the occasional word. I think I'll be able to hold a conversation but I'm not sure as I've never actually spoken to a Japanese person IRL

VNs primarily

Find a way of studying that is fun. For example try video lessons, like nihongonomori on youtube. If you think anki and textbooks are boring you don't have to continue with it.

>How long you've been studying Japanese
2 weeks
>What you're currently reading/studying
>Your confidence in your ability
What ability?
>What you use your Japanese for (reading/drama/anime/business/real world situations)
Trying with all my might read.

It's hard but I'm enjoying it.

The easiest way to get good at Japanese is to get a Japanese gf/bf desu.

I wouldn't say that I find Anki or books boring (although I really prefer video over books). Just have no motivation to dive into grammar again.
You know, after writing these two posts I kind of want to start grammar again, huh...



>How long you've been studying Japanese
2.5 years-ish
>What you're currently reading/studying
>Your confidence in your ability
More than it should be
>What you use your Japanese for (reading/drama/anime/business/real world situations)
Reading and watching ASMR youtubers



I have no motivation left. Just habit.

>going to Sup Forums
>getting any gf/bf



>How long you've been studying Japanese
shamefully long. but i haven't been very serious until this year. i think it could be compressed to 2.5-3 years or so.
>What you're currently reading/studying
reading textbooks related to my major and novels. studying n1 grammar patterns to fill gaps.
>Your confidence in your ability
quite strong for everyday usage except for very formal situations and talking with children. problems following very casual fast language if i don't know the topic. but i switch teineigo/dialectal casual freely, can discuss any topic inclusive politics, and read most things that aren't specialized outside my major. i wouldn't say i'm fluent though, i'm still slow and notice gaps every day.
>What you use your Japanese for (reading/drama/anime/business/real world situations)
studying my major in my free time and being an intern where i'm currently. never been very interested in media but i read novels and watch tv for the purpose of learning.

>>How long you've been studying Japanese
Started 5 years ago, spent maybe 4 months actually actively studying
>>What you're currently reading/studying
天結いキャッスルマスター, haven't read it for a few weeks now though
>>Your confidence in your ability
I'm better than people who think their are worthy of translating anything Japanese
>>What you use your Japanese for (reading/drama/anime/business/real world situations)
Anime, VNs, mango, chatting with Japs and anything else that happens to be in Japanese

Wew lad.

>to bully children

I'm looking for an android app that would allow me to find english translation of words written in kanji without the need to know its pronounciation.

I imagine it could work like this: the app recognizes a character drawn by my hand, shows me its readings and other useful information (any kanji recognizer I've found does at least this) but doesn't stop there and shows me all the words using that particular kanji with its english translation (this I can't find).

if iPhone,you should add "Chinese(simplified)-handwriting" to "keyboard" and download Kanji Dictionary,or something.

Sorry for my poor in English

I found another word with 「ぢ」
What's your favorite ぢ word, DJT?

Thank you, I will try this. It might work.


I've found this and it works nicely. So I gonna leave this here if anyone was wondering about the same thing.

>play around with a deck six days ago to see if I liked it
>delete it because I don't have writing supplies yet
>start it again four days ago
>the stats look like this


I'm not going to start over, is there a way to delete that first day of messing around or do I have to live with this until the end of my life?

Stop statwhoring

I wish I could.

Google translate recognizes things the best. The camera works very well, too. Then you can paste into an actual dictionary or something.

>delete it because I don't have writing supplies yet
Is a cheap pack of pens and pad of paper hard to come by in Brazil?

I was traveling at the time. Stuck in a car for practically two days.


I also know your statistically suffering. Consider it 79 of 80 days because I'm about to head off and chase 出来ないちゃん's dragon, but a day was missed right at the start due to fucking around while putting the deck together. Thus effectively tainting an otherwise clean record.

Nothing shall quell the inner roarings of this autistic rage, user. Nothing.

I just found the Review Heatmap addon that mitigates it somewhat by showing your consecutive days studied.

>Review Heatmap addon
Nice. Thanks.



tfw the last volume has 100 pages more than usual

am I retarded or what is this sentence supposed to mean

"If I'm not thinking about Italy then I can't write this character: '例'."

I'm guessing because if you take the components out it spells "Italy." Kind of a cute way of remembering actually.

ah I see, thanks

I'm pretty sure that you can't use 思わずに like this in this case though


How is a na-adjective modifying a verb?

運転 is a noun ("driving"), not a verb.

運転する is 運転 (a noun) + する (a verb). 変な is modifying 運転, not する.

I just thought that if 運転 was acting as a verb, it'd be 運転だったら

Since it's 運転する in that sentence shouldn't it be modified with an adverb? If not then can any する verb just be modified with a na-adjective?

I meant "if 運転 was acting as a noun"

Think of 変な運転する as 変な運転(を)する. That's all する verbs are, most of the time.

"If you do some funny driving..."
Think of it like that.

That makes sense, thanks.

I apologize if this is well known, but I wanted to share it just in case: this is a good youtube page for some dry, straightforward JLPT 1 and 2 grammar coverage. It would be a bit better if the English translation wasn't embedded in the video itself, but that's just a minor nitpick.


Japanese is a fun language to learn!

We must study hrad to become jozou desu ne

Uh this might be a dumb question but how do u teach yourself a language? I find it hard without a teacher.
I've never been to japanese school and I think it's too late now, but my mom is Japanese and she just tells me I should learn how to speak it first because the grammar and shit is complicated. She doesn't teach well, she just speaks japanese and hopes I understand it, so my comprehension is decent, but I don't find myself making progress.
I'm about halfway through learning how to read hiragana and katakana, but I have no idea what to do after
Any ides on where to start?

The Sup Forums language guide is there for a reason.

Unironically read the guide at the OP.

これが挨拶だ( ´-ω・)▄︻┻┳══━一



learn the kana, and then start reading "Genki: An integrated course in elementary japanese"

also download anki to your phone and download the "KanjiDamage Reordered" deck and start learning some kanji

If i'm already halfway through Genki, is it worth it to continue or should i just switch to another guide like Tae Kim. My rational is that to continue in Genki i would need to learn the vocab for each chapter, but im already doing the core 6k everyday

desu I stopped bothering with the genki vocab. It's really useful vocab but I was honestly just reading for the grammar and practice problems anyway

stay with the first two genki books and then graduate on to an intermediate book

Just do the workbook

thanks senpai
yeah that's probably what ill do

If you enjoy the manga (which you really ought to, if you're reading it in the first place), shouldn't that be a good thing?


what does it mean?

Why is google translate so bad with 日本語?

even i can do this much