
Anime edition

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first for us mentally challenged are humans too

Real Euro Hours

No, you're just garbage.

Could you Europeans please leave?

just realised the wallet i deleted in december could fetch me free 13.5k$
shoot me

Can you please leave
Im trying to get an Italian gf

Tony Blair was the greatest political mind of the 20th and 21st centuries.

B-but this is a North American general!

want some if this

Dr. Pepper is the thinking man's soda.

My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola

power rangers is lyfe

Hilarious joke but we all know its Coke Zero

agreed. pepsi tastes like shit

You shouldn't drink soda

disagreed. coke zero increases diabetes
vanila coke is alri

More like Choke Zero hahaha

agreed. they're full of pesticides and caffiene and other such things. glad i stopped circa 1999


reminder to not bully

bullies are subhuman trash

You're right that's why I normally just chug these down

>indian pop

fucking baby. If you can't handle bullying in middle school you are not cut out to handle it in the real world. and he snitched too, baka.

bullies are morally inferior

>tfw h'wite

My eyes are wide like cherry pies

Guys I really want to stop being so unemotional. What the fuck is wrong with me

Or you could catch and punish bullies at younger ages to prevent them from continuing their shitty behavior into adulthood.

good thing i don't live in usa since mentally challenged people have it hard in third world countries

want so bad

Punishment of undesired behavior isn't as effectiv as rewarding desired behavior.

Dr. Pepper is life blood

I sucked a dick and I liked it
The taste of his cherry cocktip
I sucked a dick just to try it
Hope my girlfriend don't mind it
It felt so good
It felt so right
I used his cum as my chapstick all night
I sucked a cock and I liked it
I liked it~

>tfw u r a weak n mentally challenged boy
>tfw everytime u enter Sup Forums u r basically entering wolf territory
>tfw u can't stop putting urself in the danger of being devoured by these wild animals

I said I want, not I will drink

which is why people who get out of prison usually go right back

bullies do deserves punishment though.

gf mad at me buds

who watches this gay autistic shit?


lol the Hungarian dude in the China thread is so buttblasted he won't stop shitting on every post I make
Literally stealing my gimmicks in an attempt to spite me

i could never bully a person, when i dish out online, i just dish out to the void, i don't single anyone out, i just spread nasty comments but i don't target an individual because i am not devoid of morality

What u do?
Only managed to get nine toes in your mouth at once

is that real

Yes, it's you.

Why are American car designs either ugly shit like the PT Cruiser or comic book manchild crap like Mustangs

Looks like someone photoshopped his chin extending down like that

no she's mad at me because I don't think it's ok to insult people in English on the streets

no, this is me

my goal here is to achieve the worsst reply ratio

It really isn't

Terrible thing to be mad over. Absolutely worthless

lots of multinational companies treat indians like guineapigs. especially the pharmaceutical ones

i am north american diaspora

For all the right reasons

meed a way to make money that don't involve work

NOT this
You just have to get good at pretending to be a normie
It's not that hard

u gay boy?

there are some freedom haters on this board, they ought to be rangebanned

*range bans all of Europe

already good at that. sick of giving up 50 hours a week tbdesu., can never do anything with my friends or girlfriend because I work saturday through wednesday ay 2 am and everyone else is normal humans with 9 to 5ers on monday to firday

hahaha japanese is hard as fuck ;o

it's not, really. Only kanji is the hard part. everything else is very easy to pick up imo. I had a harder time learning spanish than japanese

Get a better job
Go to community college for a 2 year degree or something

already got my bachelors senpai. I'm a lab slave

u r all just posting in the void like me

u r hollow

get a government job?

why. spanish is supposed to be easy

Just buy some weed haha

should i put a tape on webcam. i don't use it anyway
used to take pictures before and after shaving neckbeard in college



>over 8,000 americans struggle to defeat a few hundred spics

Who invited the poo in loo

didn't read. america is the strongest country ever

>The Americans suffered almost five times as many losses as the Spanish.[clarification needed] The Spaniards fought to the knife, losing a third of their force in casualties, but yielding very few prisoners. In view of the large number of U.S. casualties incurred from small-arms fire, the Army decided to update and modernize its small arms arsenal.

>btfo by small arms despite having machine guns

I wish. only got one interview with a federal position, out of 7 or so job applications. fell for the STEM meme.
can't. get randomly drug tested multiple times a year.

I know a guy names yatin from India. asked him and he said only uneducated people poop in the streets

Buy fake piss
Or worst case scenario from a clean friend

there must be quite a few of them then

don't trust him. he will shit behind your back

what field?

why are ppl so intolerant to those suffering from mental retardation

developmentally disabled people make me super sad

i, for some reason, just make ppl super mad

are you actually disabled or are you just being weird

>America is so free people have to give their employers their own piss

I will go back to school for genetic counseling but I need money first, so I'm stuck as a medical lab tech for now.

i am, i don't have down syndrome features or anything like that, but i suffer from mental retardation with autistic traits

it's all the feds fault. Just fucking decriminalize drugs already ffs. War on drugs is a colossal waste of money

so you have autism or what?

lol you're retarded

I cope with alcohol. like tonight. called out sick to get drunk

earth wind and fire unironically are so fucking good.

Well, that's the last of my weed

i've been called the r-word so much it doesn't affect me anymore

they have good music for marching bands. here's us last year
sorry that guy was being mean

it's okay, karma will get him

Shut up retard

this one we got edgy. especially if you go to the 3 minute mark. the 2nd song is with another band as well

this was our first show last year and my first half time show ever

>el haitiANO pretending he's someone else