Just review it already you melon faggot

Just review it already you melon faggot

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He's probably releasing the Poly review today or tomo–

fucking Sup Forums has made that picture of miles davis more associated with king gizzard than his own music god damn

its going to be below 6.

It's going to be a 9 and I'm willing to put money on it

I'm glad this meme has stuck around. Really stupid but really funny.

It's a personal 9 for me but Mellon is looking for reasons to hate Gizz at this point

Strong 7, he's going to call it samey and spend most of the review talking about the release model rather than the music

Those are the best kind. The actually funny ones.


even this abomination i made was saved by at least one other person

The fact that I think of King Gizzard anytime I see a Miles Davis photo is both funny and annoying


can anyone explain the meme?

someone kept spamming "continue my legacy my sons" because Gizz released a Jazz album inspired by him (Sketches of Brunswick East, compare Sketches of Spain)

lol that's hilarious



Someone tried to meme Yes as the new "continue my legacy" because Gizz went full prog, disappointed it didn't catch on

its better with miles imho. TOP meme fellas, keep it up

fuck u gizz retards

wheres my Elseq review you melonheaded fuck

That's what the internet is all about nigga.

have you listened to the new gizz tho or do you just hate it because of memes

>mfw melon's review won't change my opinion of gizz or this album no matter what he says

lmao i kept spamming that meme to be annoying, hilarious that both this and sick memes caught on

it stopped being annoying and started being kinda funny desu

the power of Yakub compels thee

>Miles Smiles
does he really though?

Are Gizzard the biggest pseuds in indie rock?

>continue my legacy, earthlings


what do vegans eat for thanksgiving dinner? tofurkey? maybe melon man is out hunting a wild tofurkey this week and too busy to review?


We mostly just eat the vegatables associated with thanksgiving dinner, like green beans, sweet potatoes, and cooked carrots.

It's not that good.
Did you listen to all of elseq?

I don't think I've ever seen a picture of him smiling

Your hair looks awful, Miles.


Fuck off HerbieFag


but that's like a half smile, like I feel like that could have been forced you know. Kinda like why theres a white bitch on Miles Ahead cover ;)

Prove it

That's not the Herbie masterclass.
That's some boring movie composer.

some hack movie composer, but he's brought the "Herbie Masterclass" argument to a dead stop. Like it's lowered the bar to have a masterclass.

>mfw too intelligent to be less than solid 9

i dont get it

He will eventually review it, nigga's already started to collect some Gizzard vinyls on his recent videos, probably a big fan

Miles Davis is the patron saint of sick riffs

Not indie rock though

For me it's a straight 10, but that bald cuck is not taking his reviews seriously lately, so it'll probably be a 6 or 7.

I'd give it a strong 9 to be honest. I actually DO have a few tiny criticisms, imperfections; so it's not a perfect 10. But I'm reaaallly stingy with 10s.