20 years from now he's not going to be remembered for jumping onto a great team. He'll have a ring and that's all that will matter.
And, you know
$82 million less in his bank account.
Multiple rings ahaha
NBA is rigged
being a champion and especially a finals mvp gets you big money from endorsements. his shoes would make up for it.
Nigger will live the life for life in the bay anyway tho
What are youtalking about?
He's the new heavyweight champion of the Israeli Wrestling Federation.
Oh shit. Do you think he knows he gave up $82 million for a ring? Somebody better tell him.
and you never see LelBron's dickriders mentioning his rings in Miami.
He could've gotten all those things if he stayed in OKC with an extra $82 million
>implying he will live there in the offseason
>implying he won't go to his LA offseason home
And he was only in OKC for 5 months out of the year anyways
I think KD's gonna have the last laugh though. He seems like he's having way more fun in golden state, and he's playing like a fucking beast in these finals instead of being soft. Who gives a fuck about what us plebs have to say
>tfw you will never be 7 foot MVP and get any sloot you want just by being you
>its an assblasted cavs fag tries to ruin KD's legacy by saying he did the same thing lebron did
Uhh OK lol
->muh fake KD v. Lebron dichotomy
They both suck.
And the NBA has become insufferable.
>implying he wasn't having fun with Westbrook
Westbrook is a much better singular talent than Curry
3 and 5 cockroach, 3 and 5.
I think KD will be assblasted in 20 years when he declares bankruptcy after not taking the extra $82 million
He will have 82 million worth of rings after he retires
aww shit man, at the end of his career he will have earned like 250 millions $ instead of 332 millions
poor guy will definitely live in starvation
Lol we will always have 3-1
you know that money is the root of happiness, right?
Like KD and the corrupt league didn't have a backroom deal.
The NBA. The only sports league who managed to jump the shark. baka
How will Durant ever recover?
>i-its not comparable!!
Ahahaha you're right faggot its not. LeBron goes around calling himself the king and the best in the world then changes teams and claims they'll win 7 championships then jumps teams again once that ship has set fire and sunk and you fags wonder why people form super teams to win rings
Thanks for ruining the league LeBeta
Lebron didn't make the first super team tho.
No he only set the precedent for jumping around teams
Mind you, this is supposedly the best player in the world, switching teams because he "needs help". You're looking at this as some other player in the league thinking, "well fuck if the KING needs help, I must need all the help in the world I can get to win a ring"
You're making a fake argument and you know it.
I don't care about either of them.
I care that the league has violated thespirit of competition.
so what could he buy with the 82 million that will bring him more happiness than winning a championship?
The championship that literally no one respects?
He has a $300 million deal with Nike, you think he gives a shit about his NBA salary?
That's like saying 20 years later people won't remember LeBron going to the Heat
I'm guess the 'NBA' has already set up a backroom deal with Lebron where he will become an owner one. day.
Hence his participation in the 'graffiti' incident, among other things.
Lebron is already talking like it's a foregone conclusion.
>Lebron is already talking like it's a foregone conclusion.
Of course it is. Not a 100% owner, but he can easily buy/get a minority stake in any NBA team. Especially Cleveland.
Nah. He's gone be a majority owner. Watch.
Because they're not even remotely comparable
>implying superstars make most their money off salary
you dumb fucking pleb
>82 million
the guy is already worth over 100 million lol
my best friend is an engineer making $140,000 a year, he would have to work 714 years to gross 100 million
>people actually believe this
>the guy is already worth over 100 million lol
So he could've almost doubled his worth but turned it down to ring chase for little real return?
That's fucking retarded and so are you.
I mean winning the next 3 ships is going to put him in a conversation for greatest NBA player.
Americans are funny as fuck.
>winning the next 3 ships is going to put him in a conversation for greatest NBA player.
>implying he won't make 10 times that in sponsorships now
Haha flyover Ameripig retards everyone
He took a cut to make something out of his talent and to not go down in history as another Carmelo Anthony.
do you really think you're fooling anyone shill?
NBA is fixed/corrupt
Anything outside of league 'rules' is done through Nike/Adidas
Why the army of shills and corrupt media has been so hostile to LaVar Ball.
First undefeated team in the playoffs.
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
You're acting like you will be able to spend the money he gave up.
this, being loyal in the current era of basketball is not the best option, especially with a retarded ownership/managment franchise
>Carmelo Anthony decided to pursue money at the expense of championship success
>gets ridiculed and hated for it
>KD decided to pursue championship success at the expense of money
>gets ridiculed and hated for it
What are you supposed to do?
op is retarded as fuck as well. its' going to be more like 325 instead of 332. he gave up like 6-8 million over 8 years lol.
Whatever you want, because people will hate on you regardless.
I'll probably get berated like hell but I seriously don't understand why players switching teams is treated as such a national tragedy in basketball
It's like expecting Ronaldo to forever stay at Lissabon and Higuain to keep working at McDonald's all his life
Ring shaming led to kD joining the warriors. Ring culture will forgive KD for joining the warriors.
Because we aren't Socialist sissy boys like divegrass players.
The NBA needs to spread the talent around the NBA to avoid being as Communist as soccer
Are you retarded? Wealth distribution is literally socialism
>socialist when only the clubs with oil money can succeed
>has even worse parity than the NBA
Wow look at this fucking retard. Go read a fucking history book dumbass.
Im sure he'll gladly give up that $82 million
>Gets to live in the comfy bay area, in stead of shithole flyover Oklahoma
>Gets to play with guys he genuinely likes (Steph curry and Iguodala = increased happiness)
>Will win a couple of rings (increased happiness as well, added legacy points)
>More endorsement money coming from added publicity from being on a winning team. (Lets face it if Durant was still on okc, no one would be talking about him as much as they are now. But since he's on the warriors he's becoming a household name and people are talking about him surpassing LeBron as best player)
no, what they need is a hard cap or competing leagues.
don't hold you're breath for either
NBA is more social engineering and propaganda than sports
>The state of caring more about money than rings
Money = happiness
How poor are you?
are you really talking shit because he wants to win ?
t. poor person who never won anything in his life
He'll make up for it on endorsements.
Winning a ring will make his brand more valuable.
A couple of years down the line, the Warriors will let Thompson walk or KD hops to another superteam.
Pursue a championship without joining the best team in the league and getting carried because you're a bum ass choker?
Why do Americans attempt to discredit success and skill? So peculiar.
Mainly ne'er do well Sup Forumstard flyover faggots who are nothing but jealous, deny it, but are extremely angry little men overall.
You're making your shilling too obvious.
Do over
>Sup Forums
Motherfucking $82 million poster...
I'm pretty sure $82 million can buy your whole country
>NBA Finals MVP
>shittier personal legacy
Joining a Super Team is genius.
Sure, you'll get hate, but hey, at the end of the day you get a ring and get to fuck bitches while enjoying millions of dollars.
>while enjoying millions of dollars.
>lost $82 million
Yeah ok.
Winning NBA Finals MVP will likely allow Durant to garner valuable endorsements.
Durantula's been buttfucking LeBum and Lavs the entire series, gotta love it, keep in mind he's making 34 ppg and 10 rpg with LeCramp guarding him. LeTrash B T F O.
Maybe he doesn't care about money anymore and just wants to get on a team thats more fun.
SO why doesn't he play for free or veterans minimum?
Let's compare bank accounts and see who the real loser is
Why don't you compare how they've both done this season?
Durant has invested into a lot of shit in Sillicon Valley, with that and shoes deal hes probably become a billionaire by the age of 50, meanwhile LeBum's ghetto crack kids will spend all his money.
because KD has out performed him too
i feel like comparing them at their point at the same age with stacked teams to remove all the bullshit about "how old/tired lebron is/ has no teammates"
its just not fair to try and compare KD to lechoke
he might be a better talent but he's a terrible teammate
Except they are though
Durant leaving to go to the team that beat him might be bad from a competitive standpoint, but from a professional standpoint he did what he did to get a ring and be happy on a team where he is valued more than Westbrook ball-hogging all the time.
Durant owes nothing to OKC. He's not from there, he didn't grow up there.
LeBron is from Cleveland and left to chase rings, it's the same thing. He then created a super team in Miami and after winning his rings and getting bullied by the Mavs, he went back to Cleveland and every Cleveland cuck and Lebron nut hugger accepted him with open arms.
The blatant refball that happened in Game 3 this week was reminsicent of last years finals games 5-7
>Lebron fouling Iguodala off the ball throwing him to the floor
>Cavs getting every call including a 2 minute period where the Warriors incurred 6 fouls
>Steph getting fouled hard on multiple plays
Lebron had to campaign to the commissioner for Draymond to be suspended last year and then went and kicked Iguodala in the balls and got nothing! Not even a technical for spiking the ball after the whistle.
>Conversations of Lebron being the GOAT
Such horse shit. He complains about virtually everything even though the Cavs have the highest salary cap and somehow fluked multiple top lottery picks in a 3-4 year space.
>even with all this the cavs are still about to be swept
Feels fucking good man
Feels damn good
Remember how:
>LeTrash & Co. showboated against the Craptors when LeCramp stole that drink like a nigger he is
>LeHairline & Co. played the bottle-flipping in MSG during the blowout
>LeFlop playing with the ball in front of Ibaker
>LeDiva & Co. said his team should be considered a favorite no matter where they play
>Le5Losses kicked Iguodala in the nuts at the end of Game 3
>LeChoke throws hissy-fits on almost every bad play and when GSW scores, thusly revealing his anger management issues
>LeFag complained about how the league should "look into it" (Draymond's kick) despite admitting he never felt it
>LeGM made a Curry doormat at his Halloween party and Curry took it like a man and never once complained and bitched about anything
LeCuck is a cunt, everything about him looks carefully constructed by his team and PR experts, everything for the almighty shekels. When you're a cunt, own it like Jordan instead of pandering to le social justice cause.
Its just the way it usually been in american sports. If ronaldo was drafted by an american team that was at the bottom of the barrel, but ronaldo turned out to be a top 5 talent, he would be expected to stick with that team through thick and thin until his late twenties or early thirties. If by then its been shown that the team can't win a title with him then he can part ways in a friendly manner or the team can trade him to a contender in exchange for pieces that can help them rebuild in the future. In the NBA theres a bit more fluidity, but for the nfl a QB like Newton, or Luck is pretty much expected to stay with the team that drafted them until the day they retire, or the team decides to part ways with them.
I'm pretty sure not playing with Westbrook and not being on a team of those fantastic owners are the reasons #2 and #3 on priority list. Yet everybody forget/ignore them. Shoe deal was the key ofc. If he performs the same in finals and keep guarding LeBron shit will hit the fan hype wise for him. Whoever crafted this move for him nailed it, since it's paying off big time. He'll be a crucial part of new golden times, which will need to happen to justify cap bumps and move it even further. KAT/AD hitting prime, LeBron going to LA, Rockets/Spurs/GSW staying strong, all the talent rich drafts delivering. KD can just go to Washington/NYC and have giant market, what all fans wish for (to compete not on imbalanced team) and have rivalry with Giannis/Kyrie with Lebron individually and Boston/Toronto/Cavs as teams with Philly as dark horse.
So unless all these stacked drafts will produce nothing but busts, NBA is in pretty fucking comfy place going forward. Jews win, as always. KD just inserted himself into process and won by proxy.