ITT: We love each other



doesn't matter as long as we are sissies :3

prove you're not just proxy fag.

fuck off proxy

>it's that proxy poles again
can you even speak Japanese?

*licks u*

Why do you love japan so much polanon?

this faggotry needs to end

what kind of hetalia crossover is this?

I don't care that it is gay sissies, but this has made me cringe so bad. It is so clearly a proxy.

herro i am japaneesu
whatu doo you wantu?


me on the right

turn that proxy off and kys already


extremely lewd


do you really love each other?

Every faggot should be killed honestly

As a normal Jap, I don't care about poland in real life. Your country is more reletive in Japan.

bonjour muhanmado, how's the life in lyon?

Just every Pole will do

would you like to stoned with me?

Good thread.

What is this

Do I even want to know



Probably his friend's passport or whatever
doesn't prove anything

what proof do you want?

None. I just want him to fuck off.

oh noes, did a shitposter on Sup Forums trigger you? :DD