Wife nagging at me for playing video games all the time, says it's for kids and not adults

>wife nagging at me for playing video games all the time, says it's for kids and not adults

>make 40k a year and she complains it's not enough if we want to have a kid one day even though she doesn't work at all
>with me at all times, no freedom

Is marriage a meme? Am I a degenerate for thinking this way?

>he fell for the women meme

40k a year nigga hahahahaha nigga u living in poverty like get a real job nigga hahahahah

you chose the wrong woman thats all. maybe your kids will do better.

if she doesn't have a kid she should have a fucking job

wtf did you think would happen?

when women bots are invented the manchild dream will come true

>not making your idiot wife get a job so you can play video games all day

Cuckb8 nigga



Yeah, that is not enough to raise a family. But playing games can be constructive. How much do you play? Be honest. Every day? How many hours?

That's your fault. Just play a lot less. Seriously when I was in a relationship I made sacrifices.

Plus you should be focusing on having kids when you're married so she's right. Don't be a cuck.

Did you see the fight with man and woman thread in a parking lot? I don't envy you clamdiggers at all

>he got married

*throws back head in laughter*

>sacrificing things you like for a woman to spread her legs

>sacrificing things you like for something you like more

I see nothing wrong with this.

How can someone be this much of a cuck?

According to Sup Forums you should have gone with a home maker.

She is right, you need to triple the amount you make and get good.

>He fell for the marriage meme

This, should've married a man instead.

>play video games whenever I want
>single and hang out with friends whenever I want
>make over 63k a year
>fuck easy women and sluts when I need to get my rocks off and when I go on vacation
>continue to play video games and enjoy a bitchless life

Wait for another few years user. You'll have been shamed out of doing what you enjoy, live for only your insufferable wife and her son, only for her to take him and everything else you own and treasure in life.

>triple the amount

How the fuck do I do that? I work in the family business and I won't be the boss for another 20 years or so. It's pest control.

For Canada yea... Not in the USA. I live in Edmonton Wife and i make 48000 each. Still considered lower mid class IMO

>not being married to a woman that makes more money, doesn't care if you play vidya, and doesn't want kids

Hit her.. Men have been playing games in general since creation.

>le mgtow meme

OP clearly doesnt like his wife more

It's less of being a cuck or not and more of never knowing the full situation.

There are too many factors that we do not know. How much does he play video games? How much does his wife do around the house to merit bitching about his pastimes? Could OP be earning more if he tried harder? What began the relationship with OP and bitch? Did she know about his video game hobby before they married and willingly went through regardless?

I'd say it's more of OP being a loser with no ambition or backbone, and bitch being a dumb slut with shit taste in games.

you might as well comply, you're already married OP, you already owe her 50%. the moment you've got a kid she'll have you by the balls, then she can nag you AND fuck other people.

the worst thing is that, often when sacrificing things, your woman will spread her legs a lot less

>plays video games

Loser, lol.

This is true

If you don't show them you don't give a fuck about their nagging you're never going to get what you want

That includes sex

and then die alone

>He fell for the vaginal jew

>marry a normie
>act surprised when they're a normie

You brought this on yourself.

>coming to pol for serious advice


>not having a high-dollar "maid" to take care of you and your house who you fuck on the side
>not paying to stay in an old folks home and grope the female attendants

And those are just two solutions thought up in minutes whenever I have more than double my current years to start "worrying" about that. Don't see the problem user. If you need to share you memories with another to be fulfilled then okay, you do you, but the "die alone" meme holds no weight for some people.

If she doesn't contribute to the bills she doesn't get a say and until you put her in her place you will be forever cucked

7'1" millionaire Wendy's chef with footlong dick reporting in

next time she nags you demand she treat you with respect. if she dose not comply dump her. if she complies fuck her brains out. she is testing to see how much she can get away with.

>dump your wife

Most men like, or are at least content with, the property they own or rent that they earned through their own hard work and are not, usually, inclined to willingly let it go. OP already dug his grave by hastily marrying a woman who clearly did not have enough in common with him to be marriage material and he is now learning a lesson his father should have told him a long time ago.

Waiting for this

Give up the games and buy an electric guitar with a 200w amp.

"What did you say ? I can't hear you."

Fellow Edmonton fag here. Don't you fucking dare make white kids in this city to get swallowed up. You need to convince your wife to move out of the city to have kids.

It's already over, bud. DO NOT have a kid with her. Get out now, while you're not trapped.

You are a little bitch, and your wife is right about a lot.

>Quit vidya
She's right. I did it; one of the best moves I've ever made.
>not enough for a kid
She's right again. That isn't nearly enough nowadays to properly raise a child.
>she doesn't work at all
She is a woman. She's supposed to be taking care of a child, which she can't, because you play vidya all day instead of improving your earnings.
>with me at all times, no freedom
This may or may not be reasonable, depending on how much vidya you're playing.
>is marriage a meme
Yes, and a necessary one for raising the next generation properly.
>am I degenerate
No, just immature.

Holy fuck why did you ever marry this person? You clearly aren't happy with each other and your home life is only going to get worse.

Inb4 memelords and breitbart commenters who waddled into Sup Forums and never left tell you to le man up

>be married and happy with wife
>wife is barren so must adopt to have kids
>always wanted to have family so adopt a boy
>have to work long hours to support wife and family, but make about 80k a year
>wife does not like games, they are for kids. gives me 2 hours a week to see my friends and only if she does not need me for her plans
>depression sets in but I get therapy
>wife turns my own mother against me due to therapy saying I am suicidal and crazy
>find out wife is somewhat abusive towards adoptive son
>wife wants to adopt a girl
>6 months with new baby girl she says she has lost interest in our relationship
>agree to separate but stay living nearby to help raise kids
>find out another man is living in our house who she has been having an affair with
>now she wants divorce so she can go globetrotting with new man on his sailboat
>find out during divorce she's kept $100k hidden
>at custody hearing she calls me unstable, brings up depression, makes no mention of stolen funds. demands full custody of children because she knows I love them.

women... not even once

lel this situation plays out the same all the time.

>have kids because you think it's going to solve the relationship and make you closer
>you have kids together
>wife leaves you alone with kids
>you drift apart from the wife
>she convinces your kid that you're a terrible father
>leaves to find another man to satisfy her because you disgust her

Enjoy your shittier life if you ever think about having kids with her

Isn't the average household income like 50k?

How can you increase revenue?

Where/how much do you advertise?

>tfw no wife
>tfw no children

Your wife needs Jesus.

No, you're degenerate for having a cunt for a wife.

>tfw wife agrees our daughters will have to have an older blood-related male escort when in public
>tfw agrees to breastfeed exclusively
>tfw agrees not to circumkike boys
>tfw agrees to live in cabin and be housewife

I'm living the meme dream. Pray to kek she doesn't go crazy and kill me or something.

Wow, that sucks.

Worst part is she got you to adopt two kids so she could 1. keep her figure for attracting other guys and 2. use them as leverage in the divorce.

Women are pure evil. She needs an acid bath.

I can tell you were raised by a single mother because you don't know anything about standing up for yourself

and mom just put you in front of the vidya gaems so she could fuck tyrone without you bothering her - that's why she took you to blockbuster

That's 25+25, genius.

yeah i heard that same bullshit.id go upstairs and u couldnt drag her away from candy crush on her phone.
divorced shortly after.
one point im not fucking about on and that is kids.do not have them unless u have a prenup and are NOT married.
divorced with kids is best way to fuck yourself for fuckin ever.


Stop letting her push you around faggot, unless you're scared she will leave and take all your shit.

>make 40k a year and she complains it's not enough if we want to have a kid one day even though she doesn't work at all
thats pretty mediocre dude

That means if his fat wife got a job that would be enough to support a family.

and kinda
i make 78k and im living comfortably i mean im not out making massive purchases all the time but i couldn't imagine living on 40k and being comfortable.

Everybody dies alone.

You make 40k a year.
You need, what, 20k a year to live on your own? I guess depending on where you live, exactly.

So, you're paying between 10k to 20k a year to have a part-time prostitute, part-time cleaning lady, part-time nagging bitch living with you. I'm pretty sure you could do better with that kind of money, so think about it. Cut your losses before it gets any worse.

>doesn't work

Aww shit. Get ready for alimony, nigga.

Indeed. She could just charge a buck for every dick she sucked too. Tax-free income, baby!

Oh yeah? Heard you could fit three jews in an oven.