>Day 19 since Uli's statement to sign a Granate
>still no Granate
Other urls found in this thread:
shit thread
on a scale of 1 to Granate, how spicy would you rate Alexis Sanchez?
good thread!
25million per year / GRANATE
>chasing Bartra
Good taste.
Jakob Fulgsang won the stage today :)
glad you liked my picture
whats going on in that webm though
maybe 'not so fat Götze' is his Granate
Why are /bundes/ twitter accounts so cringy?
I would argue that all non-news twitter users are cringey.
>according to ksta.de Serge Gnarby will not be switching to Hoffenheim after all
Is he going to Leipzig of Bayern guys?
rbl or cashpoint altach
>Implying Gnabry isn't a Werder /LIFELONG/ and wants to win it all with them
I sense sarcasm.
pls let Gnarby be the #Granate
>Derweil scheint der deutsche Rekordmeister Bayern München offenbar Ernst bei Corentin Tolisso zu machen. Laut Informationen von „mercato365.com“ befindet sich der Mittelfeldspieler von Olympique Lyon bereits in fortgeschrittenen Gesprächen mit den Münchnern. Demnach sollen die Bayern bereits sein, 35 bis 40 Millionen Euro für den 22-Jährigen zu zahlen.
habbening ;----DDDD
good thread
>corentin tolisso
*Echte Granate™ intensifies*
Please visit fcbayern.com/Fan-Shop
>He promised a granate and now theyre imploding
Pure pottery.
I wouldn't want Serge Gnabry on a free. Overrated. Next Volland.
Ok thats it. Im gonna put money of Schalke finishing bottom 5.
Buyern owns Gnabry and I doubt they'll let him go to a direct rival.
So did >Schalke give him a 6 month contract or are they long term planning a whole season with him?
Orel Mangala from Anderlecht to Stuttgart
Uhh it says so in the second image??
It says it right there in the second pic.
>2-year deal.
What #number will GRANATE™ rock?
Boro appoint Garry Monk
his fake smile freaks me out desu
You two ruined my joke and my day with that.
What number though? 25?
hallo und guten morgen!
Aue aue mein Erzgebirge D:
you're going to get raped.png
>he doesn't rate Tedesco
Bundesliga table 2017/18
>1. Buyern
>2. Leipzig
>3. Schalke
>4. Hoffenheim
>5. Dortmund
das gesicht wenn du bei die schalke unterzeichnest und dich erinnerst dass dein vertrag auch für die zweite liga gelten tut
truly the age of tactics and Konzeptfußball.
Nagelsmann, Taktiktuchel, now Taktikdesco.
Any trainer who didn't complete his license with 1,0 BTFO!
didn't check any kind of football news today until now, holy shit!
pic related is actually the best coach they had in years
>tfw we'll never see Loddar coaching a Buli club.
Is Keller BESCHISSEN WORDEN? He did nothing wrong.
you'd have that face as player, certainly not as coach, since they'll fire you long before that happaned anyway.
I'm not Neinhold but I always rated Keller. that didn't stop me from memeing >mit Keller in den Keller though
>season has been shit
>fire the trainer
>oh shit, there is nobody decent on the market
>let's just hire someone young, it worked for Hoffenheim, right?
The absolute fucking state of that management
The "Keller did a good job at >schalke" maymay needs to die.
That would be most entertaining thing in the world. Imagine a man with an IQ of 85 coaching a professional football club in the Bundes...
Imagine the memes.
t. neini
Keller was the original Beschinnene
poor loddar
why does he have to be so stupid
What about Heiko Herrlich at Leverkusen?
Actually a shame. the boulevard ruined any kind of standing he ever had (well and he himself, too), maybe he should coach a club somewhere outside Germany or Turkey.
Or maybe he should finally learn some proper English and coach a club in the Championship.
give him a chance. cannot be worse than old senile ancelotti or that nn who just got hired at leverkusen
Worst managed teams in German football
1. 1860
2. HSV
3. >Schalke
4. Wolfsburg
5. Paderborn
6. Neverkusen
16. Red Bull
17. Freiburg
18. Köln
The CEOs hot brunette secretary would be pregnant after a week.
Hed probably also impregnate Bibiana Steinhaus during half-time.
Same here. I think he really was a fucking good coach. took them to the CL with a bit more than mediocre squad and actually managed to teach them possession football. The shit BILD and the WAZ pulled off against him was really too much. Speaks volumes what kind of nice guy he is that he never lost his nerve.
Stuttgart should rank higher, just because they thrashed some no name teams in the 2nd Bundesliga doesn't mean that their management is suddenly not Schalke tier
>18. Köln
Yes, >we've come a long way. Still sounds strange to say that the EffZeh is a somewhat well run club desu.
It just looks like >Schalke are just doing things for the sake of doing things. There is no grand vision or long-term strategy behind this. They've noticed that some teams have been successful with young trainers and now they want one too.
No, Heidel put himself in the spotlight now. Shitty signings (plus loans that carried on into the next season, now the transfer window hasn't even opened yet and they already spent €30m on players that weren't performing last season), lost players on a free and his favorite coach flopped after they bought him out of his Augsburg contract.
Heidel isn't retarded. I rate Tedesco higher than Bosz desu.
I hope he enjoys prison for rape then.
I rate Rangnick higher than both of them and yet he couldn't last at Schalke, nobody can.
>Heidel isn't retarded.
>you now remember the Konoplyanka deal
Which player will be stupid enought to join >Schalke and end his career this summer?
I think they still aren't very well run, they have a good manager and sports director but that's it. I mean, why do they consider building a new stadium when their old one is one of the better ones in the league? Will they pull a West Ham here or what?
some overrated mulatto as always
Tedesco might be better than Bosz. Bosz however is part of a very well run club with some quality players. Not to mention that BVB has already addressed the biggest problems in the squad (Reus/Götze replacement, Ginter replacement etc.) and is swimming in cash.
Schalke on the other hand is circling the drain. Its sad actually. I miss the days when Raul and Neuer played at Schalke.
If Tedesco fails, theyll blame him, instead of acknowledging that the club itself is poorly run.
Rinse and repeat.
Thats literally what happened with HSV.
He didn't get fired, though. He claimed he had burnout while probably signing a higher paying job at Leipzig. Schalke was doing well under Ragnick.
As a human Ralle is absolute disgusting trash, but he has great knowledge
According to the local press they don't really want to build a new one, but they're discussing to expand the Müngersdorfer to a 75.0000 seate stadium.
Who dis semen demon?
use google imagesearch before asking stupid questions.
I unironically believe Bosz would have been the perfect choice for Schalke. Someone who plays good football and displays authority. Many Schalke players lack passion, ambition, discipline. Remember what Höwedes said after they lost against Ajax?
>The body language was already missing during warm up.
Bosz would have sorted that out. I don't think a 30 year old can't help. That guy comes too late, he should have taken over when they still had the homegrown talents like Draxler, Matip, Sane and Kolasinac.
Reminder: Thiem plays Nadal in a few minutes.
>Ribery pepe
kek, saved!
RG is over for me. I don't want to see that fat cuckboi in the final.
>tfw no cute big titted gf
I already know how that match is gonna end so watching it feels kind of pointless.
GOnna watch at least the first two sets desu. if nadull is up 2-0 then i'll rip the match
>rather see murri in the final
He was there twice and fired the first time.
That's reasonable. I'll consider that too.
Dortmund should sell Ginter, Götze, Rode, Schürrle and Sahin
>mfw all their German players are shit
what went so wrong
Reus is shit?
>inb4 yeah xd
>literally a cucked fat boi
meh I could watch a Götze match as well
Hes just baiting. Ignore him.
I would Götze play tennis. who wouldn't.
Reus and Weigl are good but every other German player at Dortmund is trash
I don't even know which transfer was dumber, Rode or Schürrle.
we'll claim that he is if he turns out to be good
He was awesome in Aue, they had a huge winning streak that made them stay in 2. league.
However, Aue is like the opposite of >Schalke