Let's dump all we have about this epic meme
This majestic meme
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Awesome job brah
Haha this one is perfect
b-but where's eastern european womyn?
welsh don't wear kilts,lad
Yeah I know we don't wear kilts but I thought the whole picture was worth posting anyways.
You meant this one, right?
Wow, this really made me think.
you dont care much for consistancy, eh?
I'm just posting everything I've saved, Bibi
Berlusconi picolino, me amore...
> bulgars
> eastern
guy didn't get his maymays straight
i love how serbs are praised when they're always in the same boat as us
streetwalking in Western Europe
>filthy commies
>reich tier
Can anyone tell me what the name of these memes are? where do I find templates?
Is there a template?
Back in the days when commies where fucking evil, but not degenerate as today
>tfw you're from new jersey but have no Italian blood.
Irish/german/austrian/polish reporting in
I have this template. No idea about the name of the meme tho
ADFuensalida managed to venture so far to the left that even neocommie crackpots he hangs out with consider him degenerate.
Banging rocks together in the stone age.
Asian girls are overrated though
George Lincoln looks so damned cool
Sup Forums BTFO
>not American
>not American
okay I made one using the template
I only got this
>Nothing but Mexicans and Blacks
>not Irish
I think it means ancient celts, rather than modern celt nations such as Ireland or Wales
To expand upon Bulgaria
not a word for bretons ? :c
Requesting the one with the Louisiana parishes. It failed to save and I didn't notice until later.
By the power invested in me by this parish
Why are you confusing the best women in the world with german burka whores?
Stämmer bra.
why the parrot?
The /fit/ guy should be a manlet.
Barbosa is now the face of Portugal.
Dixie and Texas are where 2/3 of red blooded Americans live so...
Oberschlesien reporting in
The original version was Loire Valley for poitou-anjou-maine-touraine. This is a modified version.
Jews cannot ever be based
They are a literal plague on the world, I believe that even memes aside
Zionists need to be executed like dogs, the rest of the jews can fuck off for all I care. I know there are some innocent ones out there, so I don't think a full on aushiwiz solution is optimal but the zionists and jews in power need to be assassinated and/or publicly shamed
You Better Hope FN becomes more popular.
>its a "autistic newfag from Sup Forums desperatly tries to fit it with le jooz memes" episode
best one
I only go to Sup Forums tho
Stop being mad, merchant. You know I speak the truth
>talking shit about the LNSGP
It is literally Sup Forums distilled into one cohesive ideology
His nose is way to small.