/f1/ - Formula 1 general - Buemi leads edition

>Countdown to Canada GP:

>Session times in your time:

>/f1/ Fantasy League:
League Passcode: 9637387

>Usually reliable F1 Acestream:

>Season standings:
1. Sebastian Vettel 129 points
2. Lewis Hamilton 104 points
3. Valtteri Bottas 75 points
4. Kimi Räikkönen 67 points
5. Daniel Ricciardo 52 points

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for /Team Floersch/

>a fucking leaf

dubs and Stroll hits the wall in both P1 and P2.

First for shit sport.

*flies away*

Stroll into wall when?

>The Techeetah Formula E team has accused Esteban Gutierrez of breaching his contract by leaving the outfit to pursue an IndyCar race seat.
ffs Esteban :DDD

>Mana nip slut
>muh floersch xDDD
kys youre the cancer killing these threads

>"a sleeping policeman"

*goes up your inside and overtakes you*
*wins race*



>a toothpaste calling anyone ITT cancer

They hypocrisy is stunning.

kek that was funny


>Italian cars

>Ferrari spinning

how old is that chick. is she fuckable yet



Great post m8.

>didn't even make predictions for Monaco and still got 22nd
Thank God.

>mentally destroyed

>Ferraris come into pits
>Put on slightly aero-load

Mark my words


any non ace stream?



This stream is mobilepleb friendly: stream.live/

Redbull WILL win the Grand Prix

dont you have ORF

>all these spins
Is this normal for FP1 in Canada?

Why can't they just get rid of shark fins?

>both mclaren haven't even set a time yet

Engines blown up in the pits confirmed.

holy kek
ferrari is so fucked


thiem vs naddal?

>Kravitz: "Public transport is a great way to get 100,000 people to and from an event"

>getting blown up by a suicide bomber
>being comfy and safe in your own car
pick one

Is honda died yet?

rather get blown up than sit in traffic

>the phonecall that saved F1

>the call that saved Mercedes


Do you reckon if Renault sign her as a development driver that they'll make her wear Carmen Jorda's old short shorts?

>Offial F1 logistic's spot
>Aren't allowed to use actual pit lane the F1 uses


I went to take a big shit after this post and I'm back
did I miss anything

>alonso hasn't set a time yet

Is he on strike?

Ferrari getting btfo

>crofty and herbert

dude wtf lmao :DD

>no no no jolyon d-dint du nuffin wrong good british driver boy yes, yes


Didn't mean to reply. Enjoy the free >(You)

>picture unrelated

>indy discussion
For what purpose?

>1 Ham super
>2 Bot super
>3 Rai ultra
>4 Vet ultra
Ferrari takes sandbagging way too far.

i want canadian gf now

>watch ferrari get a second form mercs


>picture of 3 people

LOLOL she forget her dildo was on the bench behind her. Silly girl.

>Fernando not even in the car anymore

What's his endgame?


Getting fired.

Can Alonso give any less fucks?

*FEWER. Can he give any FEWER fucks.

Well yes - it's Joe, Lee and Palmer, after all.

Lmao at McLaren when leave Honda and they fix all the problems and currytits lucks into goat engine

Cash in his most well payed driver on the grid money

What's /f1/ drinking?

Old fashioned here, though scandalously I don't have any oranges so I'm slumming it with a mandarin peel twist

thanks britbong. Being in Montreal my english is not tip top shape

Can alonso give any fewer fucks? He seems nihilistic

>where line is getting points every race in 2018


also checked

the sweet sweet nectar from your mums cunt

>you are now aware that Kimi's press officer is Arrivabenis' wife.




It's better from a can to be honest

Cheap shit, but gets the job done.


Nothing. It's ramadan

Fucking kek

>alonso goes to Renault
>button comes back cause muh sabbatical
>mclaren goes back to merc engine
>build such a good chasis mercs can't compete with it
>memedorne is still a shit
>button wins championship
How mad everyone is going to be?

>>w-w-w-w-w-we don't care that we were beaten twice!
>>th-th-the only people who care are the victors!
>Yeah funny that. Hahahahaha.
'''''''''You'''''''''' (Obviously, the USA and Soviet Union only played a minor role) have ''''''''''won'''''''''' almost a century ago, Nigel.
Being a poor winner seems to be your national sport.
>>i'm superior to racism, but i'm actually racist
>The cognitive dissonance of (you), employing whatever position you can just to desperately try and disparage your old foes of Britain. I didn't know we made you that mad :^)

>doesn't realize Sup Forumsposting is a meme
Are you stuck in 1945?

best timeline

Holy shit alonsos going to do a lap lmao

>drinking at 5pm
The absolute state of Germany

>not drinking at 5pm

You're doing it wrong

Best timeline is Button crashing in to a tractor in Suzuka, and the FOM director cutting to a shot of Jessica in the pits laughing her arse off.

any time is drinking time

>claims he's not mad
>keeps responding

alcohol is haram

Wrong. Board.

>implying she didn't start drinking at 5am today

>croft banging on about team orders shit again

fucking retard

Thoughtcrime island living in a sharia zone kek

>that sound of resignation in the voice of the Williams engineer

stroll sounds like a fucking hysterical muppet

>they still talk about (((((FERRARI))))) """""STRATEGY"""""

>SkyF1 reporting le team orders conspiracy like it's a fact

She can't do that mate, she's got a queen to meet and a government to run