Polish soldiers don't respect Swedish sovereignty

Polish soldiers don't respect Swedish sovereignty.


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aren't we basicly allies anyway?

And what? A country like Sweden does not deserve any respect

They're the only white people arriving on the Swedish coast

Strange, Wilno isn't that way.

Sweden doesn't have borders, what else is new

just a week ago there were American nigger soldiers trampling around just outside my house

>white people arrive illegally in sweden
>sweden suddenly remembers it has borders

Its time for The Deluge 2.0 Swen if Swen can get time from his metorsexual anal fun club

>>white people arrive
not white people, soldiers/ boots on the ground especially when they have a past not so warm history. Who knows Poland might be planning to take revenge for the Deluge
Lookout Poles might use The PL 01 MBT Tank
Flawless Victory..............

no one thinks of Sweden in Poland and no one knows the deluge beside some autists

Sweden is not in Nato

>what is the eu

vengeance has finally come Swedes :DD


Swedish boipuccy for every polak :DDD


Please Poland, do not use the PL 01 MBT Stealth Tank or Swen will not stand a chance
I hope Pakistan buys PL 01


hide the bolish artifacts:-DD

not a military alliance



The Dutch and German military are already integrating into each other.

Polish imperialism must be stopped.

there's a certain point where you basically just cease to be an independent country you know, I think you're getting pretty close to it

>The Dutch and German military are already integrating into each other.
>The Dutch

and then you remember things like:
Dutch courage
Dutch valor
Dutch friendship

Germany is cucked and fucked
also why are the Dutch absolute scum to the level that the English language has even made proverbs about their behavior

whether you Yooru shit like it or not the Poles are the only manly people left in the EU

Never forget the Polish death camps, amirite

Those sayings only exist because the British have suffered the biggest losses in their history against the Netherlands. And they even got conquered by the Netherlands.

Who never deployed in a neighbor country by accident.

fuck that muslim niggers

real polish MBT in the background

Hey Swedes
How do you like your new overlord?

lol who cares?

they dont respect our sovereignty either

and since respect has to works both ways

we show them none either



I hope that the Polish take revenge for the Deluge, raping swedish women and killing their men, taking back the pieces of arts they have stolen and burning their ones as they did in that country

sweden has polish national treasures from the 1700s in its museums lol. i think polish should be more aware of their prior masters.

Mother Russia is most probably going to have to fight the PL 01 sometime in the future
not that the PL 01 comes anywhere near the Armata but PL 01 is the 1st 5th generation tank

How does Mother Russia feel about the Poles' tank?

>own pieces of art

even the Germans returned stolen art pieces and artifcats stolen by the Nazis. One would wonder Sweden would have done the same by now since Swedes are more noble

How come they havent done this yet?

The Swedes must really hate the Poles

Sweden is anti-NATO.

no vabbeh epico
> quando hai la mamma puttana ma hai anche dei difetti

I heard they have Jewish ancestry.


most of Polacks have Jewish ancestry.

Like that whore of your mom
I bet that your grandparents are ukrainians, therefore you're not Polish

>scandinavic viking cocksuckers


theyre degenerate subhuman garbage

>could be out with us and Boland having fun in the Baltics
>decide to stay home and pretend to be neutral like fags
I'm glad the kurwas are invading them

not funny or you dont know much yourself
Krasukha EW System

>targets are airborne radio-electronics (such as UAVs) and airborne systems guided by radar
> airborne radar
> airborne

it doesnt work on tanks brother

Just joking PL-01 is as stealth as armata

Because we aren't nazis. Those treasures are ours. You wouldn't expect the UK to give back the Koh-i-noor diamond to India, would you?

t. I am greek

Yeah, any party that suggested joining Nato would plummet next election.

it isnt as good as Armata, we all know that but you probably will have to fight it in the future
especially since the burger are amassing troops near your borders and Poles will be there
in any battle between Armata and any other tank Armata will always win except if you also include support systems like the burgers have e.g. gunships/ A-10 like support etc. etc.

also the PL 01 has infra red camouflage among many other advanced systems, they really put effort in this tank

Sad for them russia relies on IR sights as much as on railguns

everyone knows Potop thanks to Sienkiewicz

Like every single successful Pole.

guess that explains this


Yes, the UK will at some point to gain favour with India. Especially considering how much they're leaning on that shithole for its economic potential

>tfw Jewish ancestry
>still a failure and neet
I can't succeed even here, when surrounded by some of the dumbest goyim out there, I am literally a subjew

Fair enough. But that's not a situation that should expect to see mirrored with Sweden and Poland, even if they managed to work up the nerve to ask to have them back.

It's time for a reverse Deluge.

Swedes need to remember that there's always an army in a country; It's either yours or somebody else's

>Sweden is anti-NATO.

i am absolutely sure they will join nato by 2020-2022


>sweden has polish national treasures from the 1700s in its museums lol.
>even the Germans returned stolen art pieces and artifcats stolen by the Nazis.
You kidding me right?

considering Ukraine belonged to us he is

zb sb wykopku
dociera do ciebie w ogóle czasem ironia ciągłego internetowego bronienia honoru polski kiedy sam z niej wykurwiłes debilu?

Ukraina = U+kresu+krainy = U+krancu+krainy Korony Królestwa Polskiego, Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów (Pol-Lit)
Ukraine = At+the+borderland = At+the+end of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

>kiedy sam z niej wykurwiłes debilu?
Tylko JA tego nie zrobiłem, więc nie. ;)

to zapraszam do ziemi przodków gdzie my byli krolowie

*królami ;P

The turret is gorgeous but the hull is ugly as sin.

same 2bh

my byli to nasza wersja we wuz
dlatego dobrze zamienił królami na krolowie


Payback time for the Deluge, motherfuckers

>no one thinks of Sweden in Poland
>and no one knows the deluge beside some autists
you're a retard

firstly I call that graph's reality to question
secondly it doesn't really matter what most of the people think

B-but we wuz kangz in Sweden as well

(That is if Zygmunt III Waza counts as a Pole)

Duh, to ja wiem. Was baiting.
Zygmunt III Waza was half Polish stupid cunt.

He was Catholic so fuck u

>to zapraszam do ziemi przodków
to, kurwa
wytłumacz się czemu jeszcze cię tu nie ma, Swen


Już wytłumaczyłem ze sto razy.

no jesli nie był protestantem a katolikiem to był bardziej Polakiem niż Szwedem.

Does anyone?

To, że ktoś był protestantem lub katolikiem czy nawet prawosławnym to mam w dupie, chodzi mi o etniczność.

>just a week ago there were American nigger soldiers trampling around just outside my house

How? Sweden is not NATO.




Swedes don't respect it either, so what's the problem?

like all your women having the half breeds

Said who exactly?

>nintendo 64 tank