Second for Rinne
Reminder that excluding Hašek pic related is the only European goalie that won Stanley Cup all by himself
Would bang
Will Nashville ever recover?
>According to multiple reports, the Canucks and Stars have discussed a deal...
>Canucks offering their 5th overall for Stars 3rd overall + they'll take the contract of Niemi
>Other sources suggest the Canucks want to keep their 5th overall pick and want to offer Tanev for Stars 3rd overall
>implying he had to do shit
Clutch saves. Hawks were a disaster in the finals.
>canucks talking with Dallas
Management must have pulled their heads out of their asses finally
>trading tanev
Oh nope right back in
>giving Dallas anything
daily reminder that the ape lelbron getting swept in the finals is still more entertaining then furpuck.
IIHF @IIHFHockey 58 min
The 2018 #IIHFWorlds mascot is here!
t. ahmed al hameed
apehoop is the easier sport for you to comprehend,
i don't blame you for making that comment
Stanley cup looks like its aluminum foil
>a fucking duck
>mfw pings load the cup full of catfish and bring it home
>Nashville """""fans"""""
rated for aesthetics
4. apehoop 2/10
3. superb owl 7/10
2. boreball 8/10
1. Stan Lee 10/10
hope jake breaks the record, only thing that bummed me out last game was not going for it in the third. he's a good boy.
Can't wait to win it in trashville lad
Fuck you, I'm on the train and can't even fapz
lmao i have bigger
Pongs are literally keeping the Sunbelt AND Finnish stink off Stan Lee.
They are truely the /goodguys/
Anyone who disagrees are falling for the Bettman trap
Panthers gonna fold and were back to 30 but with even conferences
You mean flames.
>no teams will be relocated
>no expansion until shovel hits dirt
Really makes you think
Is he a meme?
Reminder that if Anaheim kept Andersen, they would have beat Nashville and swept Pittsburgh
He is, he's the personification of "home ice advantage"
Very accurate and true post
>bobby lou
that series was like watching a twisted reenactment of dr jekyll and mr hyde
> P U M P M Y T I R E S
When will swimming pigs be the mascot?
tfw champions
>trashville predditors
Post yfw it sunk in that Pongs are 1 (ONE) win away from repeating as Stan Lee champions of the whirl
that seems about right.
the NBA really needs to add 6" height to the hoop, widen the court by 10', and lengthen it by 18'.
the cup really is aesthetically pleasing.
The Nashville watch party is aesthetically pleasing.
Jssey pujavi
>Nashville chokes in front of their retarded fans
>handshake line-up
>PK goes to shake hands with Crosby
>Crosby hands him a bottle of Listerine, PK breaks down crying
>Crosby then lifts the Cup in Nashville's arena, cucking them forever
>millions of Tennessee rednecks kill themselves
>10 years later
>laughing, Crosby, Malkin and Kessel stumble out of a bar
>"spare change pls"
>they all stop laughing
>it's PK Subban, drunk off Listerine
>they laugh even harder
screencap this
6/10 script so far
will be 9/10 or 10/10 if Preds turn it around, depends on how
friendly reminder game 7 is all a part of bettmans script
good they we are all aware that shittsburgh lifting the cup in nashville was a result of skill and team play
refpuckshitters need not apply
Reminder that Nashville fans are such sore losers, that the ones who dont leave halfway through will throw Catfish on the ice when Bettman is presenting Crosby the cup.
lmbo at trashville fans crying refpuck when losing 6-0. refs actually controlling the game and making sure no one dies and the game ends quicker. then again this is their first time watching hockey so
So is Game 6 Make or Break for the Penguins? They have never won a Stanley Cup on Home Ice. ALWAYS on the Road...
Peoria nhl team when?
>mfw Pittsburgh loses Game 7
>.756 away sv%
>Make or Break for the Penguins
predditors fans have zero hockey iq
Why is the NBA trophy the only gold colored one? Are they saying silver wouldn't appeal to blacks as much because >muh bling?
World cup trophy is solid gold senpai
They just need 12 shots on goal and it's gg
>were you older than 3 in the 90's? because I was and I lived through those years religiously following this game.
I was and I remember how he was a choce before he became a playoff hero. It's a thin line.
>a canafart attempts humor.
Not sure what to do.
Plz no bulli finlan.
We same. Different but still same
We are not the same. You will never find a more stoic person than a Finn.
Canadians are goofs.
Good post
comfy timeline
that is how we compliment each other
building off each others strengths to form a alliance for the ages
Will the Sabres be good next year? Will they be the ones to defeat the pongs in the ECF?
>talents from other countries are running to sweden to develop and become stars
where were you when Sweden is No1 hockey country?
who cares?
Odd timing for this article considering you're getting destroyed by Finland in this age and time.
5 Finns will be drafted in the first round in few weeks.
Hello everyone, lifetime Flyers fan here. While I have no love for the pongs, in fact they are my most hated team of all time, I will be cheering for them in game 6. Why? Because no city that provides country music concerts during hockey intermission should have any award. Fuck the Prods, fuck the Titans, fuck everything below the Ohio River. I hope the pongs take turns killing Subban.
I hate you too user and thank you we are in agreement about anything below the Ohio
Excellent post
>muh ultra hd 4k gold plated generation
If you think anyone from Europe is getting drafted before Heiskanen, you are severely retarded.
80th for Määttä taking Lee to sauna
Why do euros have such silly names?
Wait, when did this become an issue?
by all means, let vancouver draft him
he'll make a great addition to Bustolevi and Virtanen
Maybe he got a little too drunk and that was just the straw that broke the camel's back. There were plenty other people banging on the glass and they weren't star NFL kickers
can you fucking tell eriksson to play good again
>Maybe he got a little too drunk
He was probably pregaming with David Decastro.
If repeating digits, Norge will win a world cup before Finland.
Is there anything subban can use to get the taste of crosby's balls out of his mouth?
Juolevi will be a good one. Virtanen is not even Finnish.
Anyways. Heiskanen will be drafted 3rd overall, because he's the only D worth shit in the first round.
*skates towards you at an incredibly slow pace*
>Virtanen is not even Finnish.
Hank seems like a full inch taller than Dank there.
Subban will win conn smythe, even though pens will win the cup.
Screencap this.
>cucks Dubinsky
>cucks Ovechkin
>cucks Karlsson
>cucks Subban
He can't keep getting away with it
His mother is Canadian and his father is 2nd generation immigrant. I don't see how he could qualify as a Finn. Chris Pronger is more Finnish than Virtanen.