Is your family redpilled?
Pic very related
Is your family redpilled?
>implying shooting guns means you're "redpilled"
>No dildos and chastity cages on the gun table
In these dire times i'll give you the benefit of the doubt
Dad is a Christian Lebanese immigrant
>is pro Assad and pro Putin
>hates both Israel and Gulf Arab states
>knows that Jews run the media and most big corporations
>is mad that Canada lets on so many Muslims and Somalis
>stated that the reason Muslim women wear the hijab in Canada is because they are being funded by Saudi Arabia to spread Islam
Murican logic.
Yep. Pic related is my pops.
Most gun owners are just as bad as everyone else, minus the fact they support self defense.
Fudds and their fudd families are extremely cringe-inducing, quite often.
> shooting weapons
>red pilled
That's just normie garbage. The true red pilled master race knows that guns are evil and kill people
Closed family, no
Cousins, uncles etc., yes
is that idaho, oregon or nevada?
i go shooting in similar terrain in idaho.
my sergeant when I was in the polish army would beat the fucking shit out of you for that picture
do your faimly also point guns at each other for top kek?
white trash/10
Your dad sound pretty rad, famalam
Enjoy your zero shift bluepilled faggoto
Yep. Christian Armenian immigrants from Iran. Absolutely hate muslim. So much that they wouldn't let me hang out with them when I was in Iran. They would probably throw me out and disown me if I even speak of race mixing. When I told my mom I had a gf, first question she asked was the ethnicity and her religion.
Holy fuck those white trash genes tho.
t. patrician
>being Russian
>not owning an AK74M
You sicken me
don't know if bait or serious
does poland consider gopro part of extended family?
My mom is an idiot and thinks Trump is a socialist
My dad is single and is cucked by the bern
My grandparents (dad's side) are redpilled as fuck and pro-Trump (they are like 90 years old and German)
>standing within a 130 degree angle of open fire
youre just retarded desu
>firing while somebody is downrange
Yes, but ammo is so expensive right now that it's cheaper to go out and play golf.
We have these magical future spaceman devices called "go pros" thats can be safely placed in front of a firing line. I know they cost 7 years income in glorious poland, but we have them.
>tfw dad is Army Vet from NYC
My dad couldn't love Trump more if he let him fuck Melania and gave our family a billion dollars.
>go to spend a few days at parents house
>go inside
>dads watching Trump on Fallon with MAGA hat on
>Mom is reading "Art of The Deal"
>Sister gave me a "New York Values" shirt
i love my family
>shooting blam blams in lieu of hobbies that actually improve you
The rule of three with hobbies is having at least one of:
1. A hobby that keeps you fit
2. A hobby that enables creativity
3. A hobby that makes you money
Shooting does none of these
I just realized my ID is brokid and I want to smash my computer
I see you have never heard of 3 gun, skeet, ELR shooting, 2 gun action shooting, cowboy action shooting, or many Olympic sports
The niggers was cool guys but no family :(
Fat porker in the background, a methed out prego woman who thinks she can shoot a gun and some ugly borderline rapist in the front. Looks like a good family OP.
My father didn't consider me a man until I slayed my first buck. When did your father consider you a man? The first time you stole a bottle of vodka?
Why do the locals have German flags on their blouses?
My parents were but they're dead. Sister is definitely not. I inherited a shit load of guns.
>tfw my family are mostly cruzcucks that are only voting Trump because he's better than murdercunt
>only member that's actually supported him from the start is me
>implying you have ever done these
>implying professional competitive shooting is a hobby
Are they Christian zealots?
>have a fucking arsenal
>too cucked to overthrow niggnog muslim president ad kikes in goverment
>the only """based""" thing is to shot bushes and sand in the middle of nowhere
>tfw family is literally communists who support the stampede of shitskins.
Needless to say non of my family has ever seen War or lived near newcomers.
Something like that, yeah
when i called him and told him i killed 3 muslims
the average Cruzmissile was a megachurch attending Glenn Beck sycophant
it isn't that simple, Boris
the blouses are part of the german army uniform and the propably bought them used
ha, I could defeat any of you Sup Forums weenies in open combat, guns or no guns
I have VERY fast reflexes
>talk to mom
>ask her if she knows who orchestrated this migrant crisis
>bro kid
You should be studying for your exams
My parents red-pilled me on Jews.
My family isn't some-pilled at all.
Just a regular family without any political views.
Depends on who you talk to. I have a big family.
That's called blue-pilled.
Yeah. My dad had a Muslim friend who straight up told him the females in his family get paid to wear the hijab.
He's anti immigration, and although we're Greek in origin he makes it a big deal to assimilate. My grandparents were the first to come from Europe and opened up a shop making it a priority to not show their own culture in their establishment.
Mum hates all Muslims and Arabic people.
Brother hates all Muslims and Arabic people.
I'm probably most left wing bc I don't care about social issues like trans people and feminism.
We all vote conservative and we all hate the liberal media... Discussing it at dinner and whatnot. Learnt a bunch from my family and tend to do the same with my children
>actively trying to create copypasta
at least they hate Becky boy
Bedouin here.
we hate the other arabs and the jews, but mostly jews.
my cousins and aunts
Belarus flag is best flag
My dad has unironically stood in local elections as Green Party candidate for MP, so I guess not too red-pilled. Obviously not going to give more info than that, but he's fairly well-known as a local politician and follows a sort of old-school socialism privately. On the other hand, he also privately thinks the SJW policies of the Greens are ridiculous, and I even managed to convince him that the official story for 9/11 was a lie. So it's a bit of a mix. Rest of the family are pretty standard left-wingers.
>only male of my generation that is straight
>one cousin is pro hillary
>one cousin is pro bernie
>sister is trump supporter
I was able to convert the berniebro into a trump supporter, luckily my cousin does use facts in his decisions. Could be worse I guess.
are those yeezys? talk about a mid life crisis
My dad is a doctor, I don't give a fuck what his political views are as long as he saves people's lives.
Where did you steal those aunts from you filthy camel trader
If you read my post, I said I killed a living creature and we fed the family with it.
To address the first part, I would not support a revolution unless the regime discarded the Constitution. Unlike Russia, we have the (actual) right to vote for a different president. If it doesn't end up being the one I like, I still have my basic liberties.
Except one cousin. She always gets exposed as the moron she is at family gatherings.
She will never learn.
Somewhat. Dad is a music teacher and quite a critical thinker and a nationalist, mother owns musical instrument shop, is apolitical, but dislikes foreigners, religion and jews. They both vote AfD(we moved to Germany when I was 13). I am sound technician at a cinema company, wife is a clinical psychologist. We are social democrats who value reasonable oversight in economy with the merit-based welfare, friendly immigration for highly-skilled migrants needed for economy with a top-tier vetting system, state support for science, medicine, sport, nature, military and education. We oppose Islam, low-skilled mass-migration, censorship, foreign aid, political correctness, quotas, lobbying and uncontrolled surveillance. We vote AfD, attend PEGIDA rallies and anti-migration events. Have two kids of our own and two adopted girls, one from Nepal, another from Eritrea. In-laws are ok. Father-in-law is German guy, he works for BMW and a dedicated hunter and skier, very much like my dad. Mother-in-law is half-jewish through her mother(she was a Lutheran jew though, culturally and German by surname, family was never bothered during Reich). She works in pharmacuitical business, protested Turkish migration back in the day and still does now, was critical of guilt inducing culture and Shoah industry. I would say our family is redpilled. Often we go on events all-together. Everyone votes AfD.
mom and dad are far-right. sister is a liberal cuck whose mind was poisoned in a uni woman's studies course
That was the first thing which came to mind when I saw that image. I hope that camera was on a tripod and set to a self-timer because standing there is a bad, bad idea when people are shooting.
how did they let her go there?
> Conversation about politics with my Dad
> He already gives me shit about Trump
> Subject turns to Britain
> Say I like Nigel Farage
> His response: "The racist?!"
Ireland is a lefty shithole. There are no red-pilled families.
wasting money on silly mods for weapons is the opposite of red pilled. I've seen people drop $3k on a rifle and can't hit the broad side of a barn at 30 feet. true red pills have a handful of basic rifles and survival gear. most of these "gear" heads can't even pitch a tent. they won't last when shit hits the fan.
It was for our grandfathers, you just enjoy the internet too much.
not surprised Ireland is cucked. they spent decades getting sodomized by england. it's in your DNA to succumb. the strongest Irish genes are in America right now.
she went to university to study mathematics and switched her major without informing them
It's just me and my wife but she is pretty repilled about feminism
Lol, you are me, but in Canada.
Aire bi Muhammad... Kis em el Islem...
Allah / Libnan w bas
My maternal grandparents are but my parents are reddit tier lefties.
>stepmom comes into the family when I was 15y/o
>libtard to the extreme
>took my family regularly to South Africa for some libcuck volunteer projects for the niggers
>thinks it's a good idea to take our rich, white family into the slums of South Africa
>almost get robbed by a youth gang of niggers, barely saved it out
>wanted to call our dog Nelson Mandela
>now helps running an refugee center
>'we must be progressive' bullshit 24/7
>almost opened our house for refugees
>hates me for having a different opinion (so far for being self-proclaimed 'open minded')
>get called 'crazy paranoid' for wanting a firearms license
This was the story how I lost touch with my family. I wasn't even that right-winged. I was bluepilled untill I was 14 and went to school in the city and saw what non-whites do everyday to this country.
Worst part is i'm not even lying. I wasn't being blatantly racist, just saying it isn't normal for a EUROPEAN country to have schools predominantly non-white.
>when Belgium played football and I hanged out the Belgian flag from my room window, she removed it
>she hates nationalism
Some oppose the migrant crisis but thats it.
One family tree is located in Berlin and is 100% socialist. Since I stopped giving two shits about what they could think about me
I planned to reveal some power level when I`m invited over to some big birthday event.
One of them is married to a muslim(moderate).
Basically a bunch of single moms, childless women and teachers. all of them (including single moms, childless women) are akademics.
I wouldnt be surprised if they just black out when I reveal that I support Trump. Gonna drop some statistics as well. Hell this will probably the last invitation I get but fuck it I stopped giving a shit long time ago and I wanna see their shocked faces.
The only topic I dont wanna touch is the jews and the holocaust.
kek looks like Brad Pitt
>parents immigrated from Guatemala
>pro gun
>pro wall
>pro MAGA
>all three sisters are Bern victims
>two are coal burners and one is normal
Eh, it's like half and half. Thanksgiving is fun though since my dad is getting and doesn't care for wha he says anymore, lel.
Why you ask?
>own a beautiful Saiga
>not fully militarized version due to Obama
>Sad man
> unless the regime discarded the Constitution
Now that`s cherry picking.
> we have the (actual) right to vote
Enjoy your political machines. We have the same shit, the diffrence is - we consider this cheap cheating. You consider this >muh democracy.
Was doing the laundry and found my sister's bernie saunders socks lol
They have big penises, so they don't own guns, and are accepting a couple of refugees.
Father is redpilled, mother is getting there.
My brother is starting to show initial signs of falling into college marxist indoctrination. Becoming quite concerned.
Also concerned for sister who starts college in the fall.
But maybe it's not so bad. I was getting bluepilled in college to some extent but now I'm extremely redpilled and an unapologetic racist.
No guns in my family yet, but that's only because I can't afford one just yet.
So he is your mothers husband.
Do it. I wear PEGIDA and AfD attire to work and I am in a cinema business.
My family is redpilled with niggers, feminism and some other stuff.
is weird actually, because my family say that they're Atheist and Anarchist, yet they always vote for Right-wing conservative and hate niggers. I just don't get it.
They're bluepìlls with jews though, if you even say 'Jew' they stop listeneing, I also don't know why since we don't have jew blood.
> imagines some cherrypicked conditions for "open combat", where he can win
> eating organic burger
> forging the strength
Dont you dare to say anything about Trump. They`ll just turn blind on you.
Undermine the academia.
Also say you meet some really nice guys who want to marry them, but they turned out to be christians/racist bigots/homophobes/white males/etc, so you had to decline them.
If you want to save your family, you have to work for it. Do your home work.
As the anglo did.
gonna wear my trump hat thats for sure. My father bought a new house and I am going to help him with the moving.
Gonna ram a MAGA shield into his new lawn.
funny thing is I started redpilling my younger siblings. It surprisingly easy since they arent as biased as the older ones of my family. Well I gave them a light redpill since I dont want to cloud their happy young days with the hard to swollow red pills.
Lets say they secretly all support the Don. Unfortunately more for his bald moves and his money and not for his anti establishment position but who cares it is something.