How would you use it, Sup Forums? What names would you write and what would be your overall goal?
How would you use it, Sup Forums? What names would you write and what would be your overall goal?
The Knesset.
I would put your name in it for making this thread.
FBI is getting cleverer with their honeypot threads t.b.h. famalams
Every last name that includes either of the following words: Gold, silver, shekel, stein, berg.
i would write down everyone who isnt subscirbed to my youtube channel.
I'd write the name of someone close to Trump so he gets the sympathy votes
But then how would you gain new subscribers?
I would not use it.
Call me a cuck faggots.
oh shit good question.
wait for democrat nominee to win, write their name to secure easy victory at the right time
all big jews, rothschilds, soros etc
open phone books and all names like this and muzzie ones
merkel, and try to find the refugee centres and hope they keep forms on the peaceful migrants
a cuck whose dubs are wasted and lost like tears in rain
i change my mind. i would rather write down everyone who is a member of isis.**
Me neither. If I had to I would probably make bonds with my already corrupt government and make some money.
By the way, how does Sup Forums feel about using it to eliminate the scum of the earth (niggers, Muslims, Jews, criminals) How would that play out in a realistic setting?
I'd write my name in it
My own name FeelsBadMan
We won't be tricked into the van again, spook!
You need to know the person's full name and have their face in mind when you write it down
My own
If it's in triple parenthesis,
it's going to be dead by me.
Raped by refugees
Stabbed by Mexicans
Why are you sad Danebro
>What names would you write
This. And there goes 3/4 of the world's issues.