>Europe reveals its plan to deal with the migration crisis – INCREASE the limits for legal immigration from Africa
>Europe reveals its plan to deal with the migration crisis – INCREASE the limits for legal immigration from Africa
Why the hell do we even need people from outside of Europe?
This is ridiculous, they wont work and aren't even able to get a job.
Why don't they just get people from some poor Eastern European nation?
Because Eastern Europeans are white.
> NOBODY MOVE! That lassie got glassed and no cunt leaves here til we find out what cunt did it
to pay for our pensions with the jobs they won't have :^)
i liked that scene, but still dont know who threw that glass tho
The guy in the pic obviously.
>Why the hell do we even need people from outside of Europe?
So Europe is more diverse and less White Supremacist.
didnt notice that glass wow. lol. after 10 years ifinally got it.
The logic I got from the article.
People are breaking the law and illegally getting on boat and drowning them selves in the sea. So, lets solve the problem by paying them for a safe trip there so they wont risk their lives breaking the law? What?
Same logic applies to hypothetical situation where "Russian citizens are smuggling themselves to Europe so lets open borders to let the do it safer"
How the fucking hell can that pass a a logic. Lets demolish the rules so no one get hurt breaking them.
>People are breaking the law and illegally getting on boat and drowning them selves in the sea.
But think of the good feeling you'll get if you let them all in safely.
>remainers will defend this
At this point it's obviously some sort of globalist agenda/experiment. What the purpose is, I don't know.
I think it has something to do with overpopulation of brown countries and the declining population of white countries. If you don't start bringing in darkies and making them work for you, they'll work together against you, and with sheer numbers might be able to destroy us.
With the 25 billion/year the german government spends on 90 IQ muslim rapefugees right now with 4 years of schooling...
...they could finance 500.000 births per year of pure german 100 IQ kids, by giving 50.000 euros cash to families for each kid they put into the world.
when i see these people on the streets i like to think to myself: nice, i wonder what this guy will do for science and advancement of society. cracks me up every time, for it is just so absurd
Meh. We will see if Slovakia's presidency of EU will change something in that.
The purpose is to create a 90 IQ 'mixed negroid eurasion slave race', modelled after the egyptian fellach slave caste, ruled by a 'jewish spiritual nobility that replaces the european christian nobility', i.e. a globalist jewish caste of pharaos.
The founding father of the European Union, the race-mixed austrian nobleman Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, wrote the blueprint for that in 1925. Angela Merkel's government released an orwellian manifesto called 'Visions for 2050' where one of the 'visions' for 2050 is 'a europe without racism because everyone will be of mixed race', with a population that is entirely vegetarian because muh animal cruelty, and completely legalized drug consumption, including hard drugs.
The alcoholic drunkard Martin Schulz, the german socialist who is in charge of silencing speakers in the EU parliament with fees and fines (Berlusconi about Schulz: 'a KZ warden'), publically admitted that he is a Coudenhove fan.
Peasants don't need to like it.
Peasants just need to obey.
The irish truly are the niggers of europe
That's a Scottish movie.