English is now banned on Sup Forums

English is now banned on Sup Forums
Which language should replace it?



Japanese because I'm Japanese.
I'm so happy if all people speak Japanese

je pense que le français c'est la langue plus parlé aprés l'anglais ceci, je n'ai pas apris français et je puix comprendre et ecrire un peau

yoi idea desune





or italian aka romanian

russian ofc


hila latina akajkjskajksjakajka

would leave







>Starting from the assumption that it happens soon, we need a language that we can all learn quickly
Japanes is too difficult and require a lot of time to learn it, If english tomorrow is no longer the lingua franca of the page we need to learn the language quickly, the Japanese doesn't comply with that, even if its pronunciation is simple
useless, like the Japanese, is too complicated, adding all the characters and tones, no thanks
Is a good option, but you have but have a problem and this is the use of cases, particularity(not really) of Eastern European languages, the new alphabet wouldn't be a problem but given the new sounds and the use of cases as a flexive language is not very convenient
Personally i prefer spanish or italian they're easy to learn and also their pronunciation is simple, something that certainly doesn't have French
>esperanto is a good option too

a constructed language devised by the international community

Tämä lauta on nyt suomenkielinen.

esperanto... or a new one?


Speaking Mandarin isn't actually that hard. Writing and reading is a huge pain in the arse.
Also, Chinese characters aren't really used in Korea any more. They just use their own alphabet.
As far as I know, the only times it is used is in extremely formal situations, like funerals where the deceased's name is written on a banner in Chinese characters, and sometimes legal documents.




fuck that
let's have an organic lingua franca born out of our attempts at communication
if it worked for the basque-icelandic pidgin it'll work for us

Due to the great diversity of Sup Forums we would have to create a special committee for the creation of new words, given the love that each one of us has for our own language will be problematic, we would also need linguists, etc, etc, etc. Therefore it is not viable

Its whole idea was to be super easy to learn and to not be connected to any existing country to avoid nationalistic butthurt (except the Sup Forumstards who will hate that it was created by a Jew).


proto indo european




Probably French, if you want to cater to anglos who make up the majority (or at least plurality) of Sup Forums. Out of all the romance languages, English-speakers can most easily figure out what French text is saying without even knowing the language.


Japanese, Russian or German.


Italian because it's easy and sounds nice.

Don't use the arabized one, please

French or Spanish


Finnish because it is the perfect language for shitposting.

Can normal people tell the figure as Japan? only mountain and sun...every cunt has both...


>we would also need linguists, etc, etc, etc.
uh what
just speak your own language and people will be forced to understand you


Scandi languages are very similar to English. Much more so than at first glance. The additional letters might be scary, but you make roughly the same sounds in English already.

In addition they are easy to pronounce, use simple counting system (except danish), have almost identical word order, use only a mild amount of inflection, are easy to conjugate and we use compound words which makes it trivial to guess what they mean, if you already know the base words.

>friendly reminder

I thought Ukrainian and Russian were the same
amerishart educayshunn ;DDD