>Protip: you fucking can't
Show me a based uncucked Swede
Other urls found in this thread:
"The Golden One"
RARE as fuck!!!
A fucking Jizz on a star
>roided narcissist
Still a degenerate and a potential cuck.
>t Cannibal
thanks fampais
either you have the bestest proxy or I want to talk about your country all night long
I've just read three books on cannibalism tonight... hoping to get to know some shit.
But anthropologists claim it's all hearsay.
one of the swedes in that picture is muslim and that's not the blond one
Man, either you are super-poor or super-rich.
European Commission's per diem to go on a mission in Papua average 376 Euro per day on top of your wage.
Explain this.
guten morgin papua new guinea
Do an AMA thread please
Confirmed morning because here is morning now. Same longitude.
>But anthropologists claim it's all hearsay
well it was a well exploited myth propagandated by the white-man collective myth and fear...
surely there have been culture dedicated to somehow ingesting the dead's ashes or even limbs, but the phenomenon never really have been as widespread as commonly believed.
I think one of the worst sauce for spamming this originated with a very poor translation of some Marco Polo's passages
why? this isn't the correct board tho
idk bruv I'm just a tourist looking for bants
Okay, but cannibalism has various dimensions:
The latter being "learned cannibalism".
However, it seems it was used for political purposes, as you say.
In Sierra Leone, early tribal chiefs would accuse other tribes of misdeeds, to get Colonials to turn against them.
But apparently the worst fear is not about Cannibalism per se -- e.g. survival in case of cast aways.
The fear is its embedding in everyday shit as a cultural thing. This is disputed. Survival cannibalism is not.
Chiara, tu questo me lo devi spiegare bene.
internet fucking sucks and it's expensive but the company my friend works for has it for free so here I am freely shitposting
are you papuan people or other descent?
How is papuan people doing? are they being violated by the government like abos in australia or a bit better?
do you ever hang out with old papuan people?
do you have any cool story about papuan people?
>idk bruv I'm just a tourist looking for bants
Don't bullshit me.
Who goes to Papua for tourism?
It's fucking insane there. There are no facilities. Everything you need in a normal Western town is super expensive.
Some ppl go there for fishing. Others to follow the trails where ANZACs died.
But Papua has zero attractions. You'd be better off in New Caledonia or even Celebes... and I'm talking adventure. Not hotel or resorts.
>internet fucking sucks and it's expensive but the company my friend works for has it for free so here I am freely shitposting
He died out in the 80's.
>This is disputed
it's not disputed.
pretty much no culture on earth based cannabalism outside of very specific cerimonial religious rituals.
it was one of the first thing spaniards accused indigenous of, in order to paint them as sub-humans.
it took bartolomeo De Las Casas to point out they were based people instead of savage cannibals.
>are they being violated by the government like abos in australia or a bit better?
I do have a cool story. Indirect though.
At Uni I got to a conference by an anthropologist who was hired by Medecins Sans Frontieres for R&D in PNG.
Basically, it turned out MSF were very good at dealing with emergencies such as wars, and people pulled apart by landmines.
But PNG was their first long-term mission... and basically it turned MSF upside down.
They had a chiefly medical approach to matters. But in PNG there was no battle, no conflict. Just an endless series of home abuses, persecution, harrassment, and violence.
So this anthropologist got hired to study how to improve MSF efficacy.
She discovered a lot of shit:
>domestic violence in PNG was gender neutral
>women beat up men, and vice versa
>escalation of domestic conflict was immediate. People got triggered easily and easily start fighting
>MSF were using a wrong approach because e.g. they treated victims of violence medically and not psychologically
>actually, oil industry and contemporary colonialism ended up being a GOOD thing, considering the situation the country was left in by Aussies in the late 70s
I hope OP will answer too.
Grew up here. I live in New Zealand now. Just visiting some mates who live here and yes you are correct everything even necessitites are expensive but this place is great for outdoorsy people, great natural attractions like the kokoda track blah blah ww2 etc.
I'm stuck in the big city tho
Just for your info, I am talking Highlands in this post:
Cannot voucher for Port Moresby.
> roided
you take that back right now
it's true everywhere here tho
>great natural attractions like the kokoda track blah blah w
I thought it was something Australians invented, but actually was just like the Aussie version of Auschwitz. A place were they were sent to die.
>I live in New Zealand now.
>I'm stuck in the big city tho
Outskirts or central area?
May I ask what ethnic group you identify with (if any) and your religion? Can answer broadly if you like for privacy.
>kikes spreading lies
Nothing to see here, folks.
They're still around, here and there. ....
I'm whitey tighty. Christian. yes the kokoda track was a suicide mission but it's been glorified as a tourist trap now etc. I'm gonna switch wifi now because the """"aussie"""" one is cheaper it's fucking complicated ill continue to post but under another moniker
hey its the fuzzy wuzzy angel
>I'm whitey tighty.
I was hoping for a Negrito.
>I'm gonna switch wifi now because the """"aussie"""" one is cheaper it's fucking complicated ill continue to post but under another moniker
I smell bullshit here
He looks like a cuck, but he says Americans should vote Trump so he's okay in my book.
they based people imo
>OD cucked his ass
need more prrof? more OC here
The Golden One is pretty based, user.
Just by the looks
t. monkey