
the DENNIS system edition

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shall be letting janny know of this thread

janny shan't like this at all, not one inkling

gay Romanian twat

janny no banny


Had no qualms with the romanian, or romanians in general, until he put on the name

janny has been known to delete new threads simply because he wants to post one himself

smoking hash now...

based janny is back

no he's not
hes been posting racemixing stuff for years now

Do him in Jan man

rewatching the jihadist next door

hope they all get guantanamoed after london bridge


>runts who make a new thread at 290 posts

why do aspergers do this? are you really that desperate for people to post in your thread specifically?


>tfw have to get ready for work now

black gfs are the future
i mean his comment yesterday of "just earn more money lol" and today's "we need to price out the poor people until i don't have to see them anymore"

*buys autistic games in the steam sale*

Literally did the eggiest fart in history, you could not get eggier, it's impossible


>1.9 billion views

which regional power is better for israel's stability in the middle east, Saudi Arabia or Iran?

is it too much to ask to live in a country where personal responsibility is a thing and not having to rely on daddy government for everything?

nothing wrong with that


probably saudi given iran's open hostility

look at that nigger on the right holy shit what the fuck

>work on monday

Google is contracted out by the CIA for psyops shit.
The rabbit hole goes deeper than that lad.

Indians use it in schools

Living off Daddy's money doesn't mean you aren't poor Sebastian

there's only seven billion people in the world
how is that possible

>is it too much to ask to live in a country where personal responsibility is a thing and not having to rely on daddy government for everything?

>when you pass an ugly shitheap with a giant 'SITE ACQUIRED' sign across it

love gentrification simple as


don't know if you were aware of this but a human being is capable of clicking the link to a video twice, thereby generating 2 (two) views, so on and so forth

mothers sit their babies in front of it on repeat
a single IP can register hundreds of views on youtube

fit lad too x

i love australia

when i see a TO LET sign I always pretend it says TOILET lol!

simple as

are youtube views just page views? it's an hour long

>the banter merchants who spraypaint in an I


the 4 year old son of my gf's boss watches these ALL THE TIME when I go to her work
I suspect he's responsible for at least 10,000 views

i've been known to get a sharpie out and draw an i on occasion lol

This man has a BMI of 43



i've been arrested for vandalism 15 times

me on tinder

the so-called thicc bf

Been watching nonce hunting videos


>thicc bf

*vandalise this*
*unzips blank canvas*


would be afraid of the bar snapping and hitting me in my tiny steroid-addled bollocks


really really quite hungover lads

>thicc bf
>not a full out bear
you fucking faggot


all kuffar mate

just saw kittens for sale on Facebook and they're so fucking cute, really tempted to get myself a little kot friend :3

was just about to do this but then i forgot about it but then i saw your post, cheers

>bmi of 27 here
mad that im healthier than him

>not watching Mr. Pickles
Bit gay desu

(new) choon

britain my ancestor :)


you will NEVER live in 1992 tokyo lads

what breed

hate poor people

don't know but the one I want is ginger


unrequited love

>cocoaine dealer and former drum & bass MC from bermondsey

Do poor people ever NOT a find something to moan about? They're moaning now because they're being moved out of their flats because it has similar cladding the ones at Grenfell. But if he council weren't doing anything about it you bet they'd moan about that

t. Xavier Dolan

ah yes the might """lions""" very impressive

didn't need these feels right now

wouldn't mind some of your milkies mummy may

cringiest one i've seen

confronted at home in some dingy welsh shithole, with his gf and dad there, and his disabled mum shouting in the background

No, they're moaning now because their entrance on the luxury block given to them is separate to the one used by billionaires

love japanese city planning

Do rorkes ever not find something to moan about?

if i was king of the world i would outlaw cold weather

listening to Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen

excellent. look forward to watching this lad

NEED a wee

gift ideas for a 19 year old?

remember enjoying this map

overrated and shit

who /lives to press office buzzers and run away/ here

I forgot to add he was just sentenced to 2 years 8 months

i'm enjoying it

what do you dislike about it?

watching bill maher

Can tell this girl is absolutely mental within seconds

he said nigger recently

hitachi wand

I heard he has answers for all our problems.


Absolutely screeching at my work colleagues. They jokingly mock me for living with my parents because I can afford so many nice things for myself. But you just now they're seething with jealousy inside because they have little brats to deal with every day and have to pay bills through their noses.

LOVE laying bricks
HATE nonces
LOVE hunting them

I really can't make it any simpler
