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They're gonna discover I enjoy gay shit

Nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.

All they'll find is anime tiddies.

considering europe's new hate speech thing and sending people to "reeducation camps" it's probably going to pass

If you were an American the consequences would be drastic. You'd get all sorts of sympathy and first dibs on jobs.

>tfw FBI finds my trap doujins

they're gonna think i'm a fag now.

I'm pretty sure actual terrorists and spies aren't openly browsing and plotting operations over fucking chrome.

It's okay, we already do.

Smells like they're going to label you or anyone a "terrorist" or "spy" just to gain access regardless of content


>saving your browsing history and/or cache
not even once

You're a terrorist as soon as they say you are.

Once they do that, they've immediately got access to your browser history and they can find anything you may have been doing, even if the initial accusation was complete bullshit.

That anime pic is enough proof.

This. Delete that shit every night and always after looking at porn. Especially weird porn.

And they're gonna post it all over the Internet unless you vote for Hilary.

>Yo Steve, get over here
>What is it?
>Well, I was looking through the IP addresses of some posters on this Nazi Commie website thing, and I came across this: it's some Spanish kid who watches gay porn on the sly and posts anime pictures
>wow, what a homo

The FBI seriously can't be that bored, right?

I still don't want people digging through my shit

Someone should post that pic of one user having to explain spurdo and Turkey's populace to his employer.

how weird


I assume this is the point of it.

Actual terorrists and spies don't just hop on the internet and google "sweet drop spots in Washington D.C. for stolen CIA documents"

>baby boomers are becoming their abusive-as-fuck parents

Not surprised.

>access internet browser history
Meaning they would have either:
Access to the whole HDD (we just want your history good goy)
A way to ask browsers for their history files remotely (it's unhackable we swear)

More like...
Hey, we noticed you made some negative comments against obama and now our glorious leader hillary. Off to the reeducation camp for you. Until then, weve seized your property for evidence of course. And some refugees are now housed in your home.
Have a nice day in nu-murica. One global community with open borders.

>Gek wilzit! :===DDD XD

>the people constantly begging how to get past sadpanda are FBI agents

>sir I'm gonna have to search your browsing history because of terrorism
>do you have any evidence that I'm a terrorist?
>yes but I don't have to show it to you because I'm FBI top-secret classified government man
>how can I defend myself against claims that have been made against me if I can't verify or even see the evidence?

>said FBI agents probably think the term "newfag" was invented specifically to point them out

>mfw EFF.org stickers on my chinkpad
>please open

Let's give then some cute girls then.

Wow, really makes you think...