Thoughts on this guy?
Don't care one way or another.
Based because my SJW sister is triggered over it
i honestly hope he gets screwed.
If i had done what he did, id be in jail already. just because his daddys rich and hes an athlete doesnt make him better than me
t. fucking white male
So did he actually rape her? Or did he just finger a drunken slut?
>that fake american smile
Looks like a rapist.
Albino Dindu
is it just me or does it look like he has like 8 more teeth than he should?
There's no reason we should side with degenerates like these, if the guy actually raped that girl; he should have gotten max sentence.
I'm confused about the whole thing. He was drunk, as was she.
She was apparently passed out behind/in (?) A dumpster,
He goes out of his drunk way to "rape her"
People find him, and Chase him (without catching a guy with his literal pants down)
Then the case happens.
It's odd
He looks like a good kid. Someone I would have a beer with.
I hope he's acquitted. It'd be a shame if some drunk slut ruined his promising future
him & the girl
I don't envy him tho, even if he only got 6 months, the case has caused an uproar + his short sentence cause of his rich daddy + the fact that inmates hate rapists... kid's not gonna have a chill six months
he'll prob get banged in the ass a few times. certainly since he's a little beta, all depressed 'n anxious 'n shit. in jail he's prey. damn I'd slam that boipussy too tqh, bet his anus ring is tight as hell
all joking and memes aside, how would you react if he did this to your gf, sister or daughter?
i would probably try to maim him by throwing acid on him in court or something.
i hope this pretty boy becomes some niggers fuck toy now.
he was dry humping a passed out girl behind a dumpster and got caught..
can you imagine seeing some guy dry humping a flesh rag doll? behind a dumpster, no less?
He got some stinkfinger behind a dumpster and now he's gonna get high balled by black cocks.
i would castrate him and then mutilate his father for trying to defend him..
also, what a rookie.. drinking and humping behind a dumpster?
like, who the fuck does that?
Rapist. Deserved more than the six months.
Will get deservedly fucked by the offender registry.
He's going to prison and they're going to knock those big ass teeth out of his mouth so he can chug nigger dicks until he's more cum than man.
After he gets out he'll be a pariah unable to find employment, reviled by women and in todays age of internet white knights, he'll be constantly and acutely harassed until he kills himself.
Sup Forums standing up for literally a Chad. Wtf.
Fuck Chads.
>Our outrage should be directed at the lack of humanity in the sentencing of these hundreds of thousands of people—and at the misogyny that fosters sex crimes—but not at the sentencing of one young man who committed an awful crime but was fortunate enough to be shown some mercy.
What is this shit
>boipussy too tqh, bet his anus ring is tight as hell
jeez, youre really projecting here.
don't forget his mugshot
actually, it kind of does make him better than you, but thats besides the point
pretty sure this is actually a trans man with a vagina
Yeah that's what doesn't add up. You don't just go searching around dumpsters at night. The whole thing is odd. Did him and the girl know each other prior?
man be honest. if you were in for a long time. no sex, just wanking endlessly
then some young kid comes around with a tight buthole wouldn't you slam the fuck out of it?
He looks like Micheal Cera
hes a fucking rapist, leaf.
thats endgame right there.. im instantly better than him..
t. Not a registered sex offender..
looks highh as fuck tbqh famalams
im being very honest with you.
No, I would continue wanking it.
fuck him, he should've served his full sentence. If I would have did it, I would get the max since my dad dont pay off judges.
I would assume so...?
like, it would make the story a little better if he knew her prior, right?
Not 100p rapist, but like 75p...
It seemed like it was feminist hour on Ashleigh banfields segment on cnn. Not even sure what the full story is
War on Drugs - Great success!
War on Terror - Great success!
Next up: The War on Sex!
I dont know the facts of this case. I wont rush judgement on someone whos gotten more pussy than I.
RIP, Cassius Clay.
I do not know a fucking thing about this guy, other than he is apparently the worst human being ever and the photo the media uses of him paints him in a more sympathetic light than the one they used for Trayvon Martin (?)
I haven't heard dick about this story outside of Facebook memes
> Hardworking
> Friendly
> Rich & White
> Can go 20 minutes
>The two men who stopped him were Swedish
This part made me kek
come to talk to a rare falg
>Girl didn't know him before.
>Girl passes out behind dumpster
>Chad proceeds to fingerblast said girl
I actually read the girl's letter and it was pretty sad tbhsmh-senpai
He was drunk. He was the victim.
his father
ya reckon he'll get gang raped by a pack of savage niggers in jail? or is that black on white prison rape problem in the u s of a way overblown?
The media sure is having a field day with this.
Not only are they acting like he actually raped a girl, but they're acting like he did so with sandpaper condoms while yelling, "NOT ALL MEN!"
Holy shit, I haven't sen a witch hunt for a white guy like this in a while.
"let him get raped by some black guy's donkey dick in jail" my gf's thoughts exactly
this you based cunt
no matter how much of a drunk slut the girl was, what he, at least allegedly, did, was absolute disgusting nigger/sandnigger tier behaviour.
this piece of shit should rot in jail.
some basement dwelling virgins idolising him because
>muh alpha
>muh high energy athlete
>muh based successful white student
doesnt change my opinion on that matter
rape isn't right. neither is plastering someones photo all over social media labeling them as such and giving yourself a pat on the back for doing so.
He literally dindu nuffin and I'm not being ironic
The girl said agreed to had sex with him, no matter if she was wasted she said yes......YES FUCKING YES
>One finger
How the fuck did he know to look behind this dumpster? Why the fuck was he just snooping around? I wish the case docs were released, shit doesn't add up
He shouldn't get a full sentence since the dumb whore shouldn't have been passed out behind a garbage. Women need to have some sense of responsibility.
i hope this old cunt gets cancer of the balls
>Women need to have some sense of responsibility.
lol not in this life
his father didnt even try to deny he did it in the end
he just said something like
>look at him, hes a promising law student from a good family, something that took my son 20 minutes shouldnt ruin his life forever
well, your son shouldnt have acted like a fuckin nigger then
6 months are way to low in my opinion
hell, even the rapefugees often get 2 years in germany and were cucked as hell
Is it true he just fingered her?
>be drunk
>find drunk girl behind dumpster?
>finger her while she's unconscious
>she will never remember it
>guy has to serve time
>also will always be on a sex offender list which will severely hamper his ability to gain employment, marriage, and even a somewhat normal life
Not really.
Hey i have an idea, let´s ban alcohol, right "Hans"?
You forget that this will put on a list that will forever ruin his life. He didn't even technically rape her, he just fingered her and she was passed out.
Multiple narratives actually making the rounds now. Typical lugenpresse, you should keep an eye out what´s happening elsewhere for this is classic misdirection
Another belgian here.
Thanks for your comments man, we've got a reputation to keep up.
Trust me, I've seen it all on kikebook and twitter.
I thought you people loved putting people on lists
Very patriotic, very EUropean
>ruin his life
lol, in your dreams
with his daddies connections such a list matters shit. that's what you don't seem to understand. I don't really care about the rape desu. I mean sure it's morally wrong. but the girl was a degenerate too. what pisses me off is the fact that due to his status this faggot will get a much shorter sentence than anyone else in the very same situation
Despite what some edgelords have probably posted in this thread, if you rape someone other than your wife, you're not fit to live in civilized society and should do significant time in jail. Six months is not enough, it should be at least 3-5 years.
>Trust me
lol ok moot
Ah belgians,they only got one thing on their mind.
I have conflicting opinions after reading the article on Buzz Feed.
Both lives have been completely altered for the worse because of what occurred.
The athlete is an entitled upper class whitey going to Stanford clearly taking advantage of a drunk college girl who may or may not of given consent behind a dumpster in the view of bike riders.
6 months for what he did was very light considering the judge ran for that position on toughing up sentences on sexual assault.
Hopefully this guy regrets this decision for the rest of his life, and that all entitled whitey frat rats think about this the next time they rape someone.
I also think that she had a tough case. She may of given consent. It is tough to prove. Lesson here is don't get black out drunk around people who may take advantage of you that you don't want them taking advantage of you.
As a guy, I would love for a college age girl to rape me.
I have long feared that my sins would return to visit me, and the cost is more than I can bear.
id like to see you double standard faggots defending a nigger for this
>he just fingered her
>its not really rape
id like something like this happen to your sister/daughter/girlfriend
its not that much of a bad thing, since its not really rape, isnt it?
she wasn't even awake. it's a victimless crime.
I would bury him in a shallow grave, then I would beat the hell out of my daughter for ending up passed out drunk behind a dumpster.
Good point, if he was ugly he´d probably be in supermax now
why didn't this faggot get at least 15 years just boggles my mind
stfu you slavic subhuman
is this slav logic or a shitpost
i cant tell
all i know is, it doesnt make any sense
Um, we have?
Look up the case of Brian Banks, a black football player who was falsely accused of rape and sent to jail for years, ruining his career.
God damn, Germany, you used to be based. Guess all the refugees fucked you up.
Do you have evidence of this digital stimulation?
As far as I can tell, there has been no trial..
but you don´t care about that.
you are now aware he is the male version of chelsea clinton
>not success bought with daddys money and connections
cant tell, looks like a creep though
not an argument
>can go 20 minutes
it says he just fingered her, even if he came it was probably the alcohol that took him so lomg
>she wasn't even awake. it's a victimless crime.
Cool, if we still shit from your house while you sleep, does that make mean you're not actually the victim of burglary?
If Sup Forums were to have a daughter I am sure all the pro chads would change their mind instantly.
A-salami & Ale-and-cum
Quiet crêpe it was sarcasm
>falsely accussed
learn some basic thinking before wasting my time with replying you fuckin faggot
thats not the point
i responded to the burger claiming fingering is not rape
I'd imagine that someone out there realizes that it's somewhat hypocritical to want people to get raped to death by packs of wild niggers in prison for potentially having dry humped someone.
i read something that said she remembered dancing with him but then she got too drunk
his account of the story says that she was going along with it
oh shit im not banned anymore
fucking mods always banning me for being australian
>is it just me or does it look like he has like 8 more teeth than he should?
well, the woman's male relatives probably feel that way
To leftists he's "a horrible rapist that deserves to be tortured", while rapefugees doing even worse shit have constant benefit of the doubt.
Like he would ever sleep with a woman to have a kid.