>Women are unfaithful to their tribe by nature.
>Women will always sympathize with the enemy
>Women will always be the weak point of any nation.
Do you agree with these statement?
>Women are unfaithful to their tribe by nature.
>Women will always sympathize with the enemy
>Women will always be the weak point of any nation.
Do you agree with these statement?
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Social media + weak white men ruined white women.
youre over generalizing.
saying ALL women possess these characteristics is absurd.
thats not to say a good amount are disloyal.. its sad really... why are they like that?
out group preference ensures genetic diversity
Because the women who refused to sleep with the conquerors died instead of having babies...
>Women are unfaithful to their tribe by nature.
Yes, because genetic diversity is better for offspring.
>Women will always sympathize with the enemy
Wrong. Women betray their tribe, if the enemy tribe wins.
>Women will always be the weak point of any nation.
Nope. Wrong. Weak men are the weakest point of any nation. Women only act out, if we let them. Not only that, but being a man also means being a good father.
Nowadays teachers in primary etc are 99% women, who favour girls over boys.
We are solely to blame. And the pill. Fuck the pill.
>social media
Women have always been traitors throughout time
>weak men
This is also a factor but it's not always the case
Yes, they're genetically predisposed to compassion. Which is useful by the time the woman becomes a mother.
It's simple science, bitch.
Yes, I do agree with all of those things.
Women in western culture have been given enormous privileges which have degraded the quality of life for men.
That being said, some women are exceptions to the rule and can be amazing.
>Women are unfaithful to their tribe by nature.
False. They will however fuck the Victor without any remorse.
No no no
The only reason women are unfaithful to their "tribe" is because there isn't a tribe. If the tribe were strong and united then women would support it more brutally and more enthusiastically than men.
>Wrong. Women betray their tribe, if the enemy tribe wins.
Explain Europe, the shitskins are far from winning anything
Point 1 - Unfaithful? Only to low class tier men and weak willed/jealous types. Confidence and a bit of motivation goes a long way. Sorry that you got cheated on.
2. Enemy? What the fuck is this? Is this WW2 and the Dutch women are sleeping with germans? Who is your enemy - anyone with a bit of experience in the gym, an education, and come self-worth/confidence?
3. I don't exactly disagree with this, but it needs more context.
Your mentality is beyond saving. May I recommend a Mossberg to the roof of the mouth?
Agree, but social media has unveiled the ugly truth regarding the ego of women
Is there a German word for contradiction?
>genetic shit is good
>no proof
Thats because European men arent "men" in the eyes of the women. Theyre asexual beta providers.
>literally NAWALT
>That Hank Hill ass on the left.
>One shot at life
>a leaf
>commenting on anyones mentality
hows the muzzy semen taste? does it have that light syrup aftertaste from being cozy up in Cucknada?
Cuckolding counts as winning.
They have legal privilege. They can commit hate crimes, robbery, and rape without consequence. Their numbers are growing. If you criticize them you die. Women love powerful men.
No. I guess it's part of our culture that sabotages itself.
>diversity is better for offspring
What an idiotic statement. The only time "diversity" is beneficial to offspring is when you're dealing with deleterious mutations in inbred people. Inbreeding depression and outbreeding depression are both bad.
It ensures genetic diversity, avoiding too much inbreading in the tribe.
None of those bitches would think about anything remotely deep or interesting. Just chad dick and getting cash. Women in general are grim as fuck.
Women have never had to fight for their people or country, so naturally they feel no allegiance to either.
Women have no tenure for war, or foresight for it. That is why European women continue supporting refugees, they believe no one is different and they can all get along. More and more European men are turning against refugees though because they are realizing the two are incompatible and will lead to conflict, a conflict that men will be forced to resolve since women are still not conscripted.
TL;DR: Women have never had to fight before so they do not understand or see it coming, men have and naturally want to avoid it since we know we'll be the ones called upon by women when the barbarians are at the gates.
You misunderstanding my statement doesnt mean its wrong m80.
WOMEN prefer genetic diversity, which means looking for mate "outside the tribe".
Good job refuting his points, you mouthbreathing retard. Keep posting Sup Forums memes and "fitting" in with your reddit inbred brethren.
Social Media was the ultimate red pill on women
Hans made a good point there. Females by nature want to mate with whoever represents strength and power. Just compare your average eurocuck with your average Ahmed or Jamal.
As Bin Laden said, between a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature, people will always pick the strong horse.
I'm not OP, he didnt mention any of the points I brought up you fucking illiterate cocksucker
That entire image is made worthless because the woman in it is Giselle Brady, wife of Tom Brady. She is a model, she was paid to do that shoot and has like 2 or 3 white children with arguably one of the most famous alphas in our country.
No. Women will flock to whoever holds the power. If you're beta and your enemy is alpha, they will betray you. If you're alpha and your enemy is also, they will stay loyal to you.
Tom Brady is not an Alpha.
A real sports Alpha is Floyd Mayweather for example.
That baseball guy who fucked half the celebrities.
Even wealthy women cheat tho
>>Women are unfaithful to their tribe by nature.
Wrong. Most dating and marriage surveys show WW being slightly more loyal than WM.
>>Women will always sympathize with the enemy
No, women in the past even had habits of handing men feathers or something if they didn't go to ware, basically calling them a coward.
>>Women will always be the weak point of any nation.
women should not be in leadership positions, but i wouldn't call them the 'weak point' of a nation
> white
Nope, American=/=white
>If you're alpha and your enemy is also, they will stay loyal to you
No, women will let the two of you duke it out and then fuck whoever is the last one standing.
That is the amazing thing about women, they can betray their in-group and cause a major conflict (like in Europe) and in the end make up for it by simply spreading their legs for whoever wins. Literally all women need to do to win acceptance by any group is spread their legs.
The perversion lies in the fact that white women raised those white men to be weak and support hate speech laws that keep them weak while their daughters are off to fuck foreigners with backward cultures
>Lesbians are women.
>US of A flag
>it's a cuck thread
every time
True, thats why almost every past cultures forbided women for voting and other political issues.
QB is the most alpha position in football because it earns the most.
ITT: A bunch of beta-cucks making shit up about how woman are slutty traitors with 0 evidence to back it up
white people live in America though. I never said america was all white, guess they haven't harped on reading comprehension in the 5th grade yet though, huh?
Women without children, yes.
>Do you agree with these statement?
Absolutely not but I'm Canadian. Our women are not so bad.
I like that little ass on left...mmmmm.... would tongue punch that fartbox.
>Floyd Mayweather
You mean the faggot who literally plays a sport about fighting that encourages running away?
>"B-but he went undefeated"
Yeah, by running away. That is why boxing is completely dead now.
If you don't like Tom Brady then fine, I don't like him either. I respect him as a player because he is one of the all-time best, but whatever.
Philip Rivers is another alpha that comes to my mind.
>Played playoff game with a torn ACL while his black running back sat on the bench with a sprained ankle
>Has like 7 or 8 kids
>His wife Tiffany is literally a breeding machine
>No, women in the past even had habits of handing men feathers or something if they didn't go to ware, basically calling them a coward.
Yeah, and they fucked that up so hard by giving them to men on leave, men recuperating from sickness and injuries, boys too young to fight and men sent home after being maimed to the point that they would never be able to fight again.
A lot of men and boys killed themselves from the resulting social pressure put on them by the women handing out those flowers.
here is the eternal cuck
Isn't that AJ Applegate.
>compare your average eurocuck with your average Ahmed or Jamal.
so being poor,stupid,homeless and with no education or future makes you an alpha?
I'll sell my house and car ASAP
Even the greeks 2400 years ago made fun of them en.wikipedia.org
That's only because women have been berating them for being too rough and aggressive for years.
doesn't make the message above worthless though
I mean feathers, shit. It doesn't matter either way. Women were given social power and they used it to drive anyone who wasn't actively dying so that they could keep attending plays and eating at restaurants to suicide.
>Yes, because genetic diversity is better for offspring.
>Better offspring
Litteraly fucking with low iq monkeys filled with AIDS
>what is a shittest?
Where were the men, the fathers of these present-day weak-minded-faggots while they were growing up though?
Hello Robert
True, true and true.
Just imagine yourself as an average woman right now. First of all, your main concern is your status among friends and family. The cool and virtuous thing to do is support refugees. Liking things on facebook, retweeting some pro-refugee tweets, or best of all getting your picture taken during a pro-refugee event! Totally awesome now you have high virtue status and you feel all warm and fuzzy inside for helping people. But then some alternative news seeps into your reality slowly about crimes, and rape. Well its not so bad, I mean some of them are pretty hawt and even if I am raped its an incredible moment to be a victim and for ultra double good points I can forgive my rapist. Oh, the men are saying this country will become nonwhite? Well, I'm a woman and those problems are up to the men I can always act cute and men will protect me. No matter what happens, I'll be fine besides, I just got some likes on my instagram, yay! I'm off to the cofee cafe, ttyl
Mind you women don't really think conciously about much of the above at all.Pic related, women status signalling, they love having nonwhite friends, and even boyfriends.
Except that's pretty uncommon. It's usually Australia or Turkey.
>genetic diversity is better for offspring.
That statement is not compatible with modern medicine.
I'm sorry white guys, but black women are literally garbage unless they're mixed race.
"White" Americans aren't actually white
well he's all wrong really and his greatest sin is thinking is right.
All womens have theses traits naturally but some don't because of their education and culture.
il a lui aussi a moitié tors, prend les lillois par exemples, ça serais mieux sans leur inceste pour leur descendance.
A près il y a diversité racial et hybridation.
take this to /r9k/
Good to see you, David.
No. Women will always sympathize with the enemy, if the enemy is perceived as stronger.
Women need to gb2 the kitchen where they belong. They have no reason to be voting, going to war, working full time jobs, etc.
>Implying you wouldn't
yeah, when women do this, you're supposed to double down on your position. practically all women want you to do this, don't let them fool you with their fake outrage, call their bullshit. women don't even know what they want most of the time
>implying women aren't always 100% serious in the moment
They change moment to moment, but they mean everything in each one.
Well memed. Enjoy your rapefugees.
I would, but I wouldn't want to date her.
This text pissed me off
Enjoy being Brazil with nukes
>It's another "what do women want" episode
Who cares?
shoo shoo poo
Yeah. It's logic.
You strive to spread YOUR gene pool.
They strive to make male carriers compete.
So they will always shill for the enemy if they can get either better semen or better treatment from them.
This is like, say, civilization in a nutshell.
>says the celto-germano-slavo-hungaro-romano etc mongrel
Europeans like to meme they are some pure genetic stock when in fact they are just as mongrelized white as your average american, some are even more mongrelized.
Yep, and why would you be surprised, Eve betrayed the almighty creator himself, what makes you think she will be loyal to anyone but the serpent?
I wouldn't.
>t. glorious 6'4" white male shitlord
Women will always sympathize with the angry brown men if they are lower class trash that can only hope for a man that scrapes a living through violence and crime while simultaneously hoping that violence is not turned against her.
>Yes and no
>Yes, but not always the weakest
No, we're not. We're more mixed than Germans because of conquest not because of cuckery unlike you and American """"""""women"""""".
>user-sama I want to have a date. Let's go to the beach together
Implying you'd say no
no, because man can do all that as well
its easier to make sense about anything for musclar man, than for a numale. its easier to make sense for numale than for a woman
it is not impossible to explain things for a woman, simply much harder, specially if you are pleb tier at explaining things for other people
I mean date as in be in a relationship with, of course I don't mind being seen in public with a good looking woman.