How happy are people in your cunt?

How happy are people in your cunt?

>quite happy

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>pretty happy tbqh

quite unhappy desu

pls exterminate Jew and Anglo devils coming from US and their minion Koreans.

Why, though? Mexicans have little reason to be happy.

same goes for germany you subhuman

I am Greek

>What do you think?

They are happy by nature

>quite happy

It's not like the stuff you watch on TV. Shit happens, but is not a big problem here.

We have all the food we want, lot's of culture and pretty nice beaches.

All the people I know are happy.

you have shit
germans are degenerate subhumans
they do drugs and drink a lot

I am Greek

Have you ever been to México?

flag. happy lad


I don't, and I'm pretty happy. What now?

I am Greek

wait some years

Why can't you accept that some people are happy?

Are you a Greek? Because i am also Greek

Well, I believe that you are happy living in Germany because I been there myself and I can compare.

I don't understand why are you so sure that México is shit, since you have never been here?

because i hate you germans and this ugly shit country
its full of mexicans

I am Greek

For the most part happy.

Lolling at you, butthurt retard. You just want to project your unhappiness on others. Hope you will live here until you die.


you are retard
you german subhuman

I am a Greek

I know, and Germany is full of ge... people.

>"happiest country in the world"
>more than half of people I know are or have been on anti-depressants
>rest are miserable for various reasons

Welcome to denmark. I rarely meet a genuinely happy person, and most of the time they are actually norwegians.

germans are subhumans
not people

why are you living in germany?

Can confirm

I think Estonia is happier than Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland tho.

i was born in this shithole
so many other places in the world
and i was born in this ugly shithole

full of junkies, drunktards and other weird slav mongrels

I am subhuman you Greek

I am a Greek

i know
so are your women

>verry happy everyone smiles here


>either angrier than the bear or more depressed than the rainy cloud

Are you a refugee or an actual G*rman?

What is it with you autists and this buzzword star (*)?

they are showing their disrespect towards subhumans that way

Bit rude

Transylvania yes Transylvanians are the happiest people on the planet Transylvania is literally an utopia did I ever mention that Transylvania is heaven on Earth unlike gypsy shithole R*mania Transylvania is so good and a real country yes Transylvanians are very happy Transylvania is the best most peaceful country in Europe Transylvania is really good though

>extremely depressed

My nigga you're actually right can confirm

Greece and Greeks are better you romanian subhuman

I am a Greek you kraut subhuman

almost top10 happy

yahudi parasite
only happy if the world burns

Jealous, depressed greek?

nothing to be jealous of yahudi subhumans
you are ugly sneaky mongrels and hated by billions of humans

>billions of humans
there are only around 20 million Greeks faggot

subhumans are humans too
just lower than Greeks
you subhuman

I am a greek you subhuman

Too happy

Personally not very happy.

Latest science says modern Jews are Greek/Iranian converts:

>New research suggests that the majority of the world’s modern Jewish population descends mainly from people from ancient Anatolia, rather than predominantly from elsewhere in the Middle East.

>The new research suggests that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized northern Anatolia more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia. At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.

>According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Anatolia.

Direct link to the study: html

>Jews are getting destroyed by their own Jew Science
>Israeli Jews destroyed, you cant claim territories your ancestors never set foot on
>Evangelicals who support Ashkenazi Jews migration of Israel under the pretext that they are descendants of ancient Israelites, destroyed
>Jews can now claim they are whiter than Germans

>you cant claim territories your ancestors never set foot on
ikr? tell this to the USA, Canada, NZ and Australia.

anglos are subhumans

Krauts are subsubhuman.

Everyone is unhappy and everyone loves it

He's greek


Even worse..


germans are subhumans

Greeks are better than other humans
you subhuman

things could be worse

meme map
america is a dangerous shitskin country

i am mot greek and i am not happy. but for real the only thing i feel missing is love, its not the country i realy like being here.

The only peoples who are happy are niggers and retards because they're too stupid to realise how fucked the world.

its the only country where you could be anyway

Africa isd really fucked up
We should take Happiness Refugees

Horrible like it was meant to be!

Better yet, all the happy Greeks and Germans should go to Africa to bring their happiness levels up.

this attitude is why your unhappy mohammad

I am a Greek you shitskin

wtf im happy now

i thought bringing their happiness up was why they left africa in the first place


The stereotype is that Northern people are cold, hardworking and unhappy inside
While Africans are lazy, but always genuinely happy

Well, the opposite is true. We work less hours and are happier.

no you arent
you german subhumans

>Authentic masters are never happy; happiness is a category of slaves

*Fedora rips from over tipping*

is the shifting opinion about your people and your religion the reason for your unhappiness mohammad?

>Very Happy

america is a dangerous shitskin country

>let me tell you about yourself

>Western Europe happier than Eastern Europe

See, diversity is our strength

i live in this shithole

Doesn't Denmark also have one of the highest suicide rates?

But you aren't me.

Immigrate to Turkey or Greece (it's the same) then, if you dislike it here

Takes one to know one, eh Fritz?

Oh yeah, I think. I am now, it'll wear off tomorrow

>rips off scalp along with fedora

I dunno, maybe his view of happiness consists of purely staying within your comfortable space, taking happiness in sensual pleasures--if you've heard of Lacan, maybe he's referring to pleasure as opposed to enjoyment.

It could mean telling you to do things that are uncomfortable and ugly rather than just NEETing around all day.

you seem really REALLY angry. perhaps not arab......sub saharan african maybe?

and you arent shitmany

its not the same
why do you make turkey jokes although this shitskin country is full of them?

I am a Greek you shitskin

I don't joke. Turks and Greeks are similar in both genetics, politics and approach to life.
If you think Greeks/Turks have it better, immigrate there. You're an EU citizen and free to choose.

they are not you german subhuman
i know it better than you

Greeks and turks moved out of this shithole before the crisis
soon the same will happen again

nobody wants to live in this ugly country
germans are subhumans