>Gonzalo Curiel
>an American who is a child of immigrants
>got an education
>worked hard
>made good
Are you retards stupid? What's the problem here?
>Gonzalo Curiel
>an American who is a child of immigrants
>got an education
>worked hard
>made good
Are you retards stupid? What's the problem here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump dicksugglers in denial over his scam university.
>Inb4 La Raza faggot
He doesn't belong to La Raza. He belongs to La Raza Lawyers of San Diego.
>Our purpose is to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy. We are dedicated to promoting diversity on both the bench and bar. We support law students with mentorship programs and scholarships.
Oh god, the horror
>MSM blows rejected David Duke endorsement out of proportion
>Judge literally defends militant illegals, and the the reconquista, no story no connection
Of course he hates Trump. According to La Raza, to which he belongs, California, New Mexico, Arizona and most of Texas are actually part of Mexico.
Did anyone else know that Donald paid off Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi $25,000 to drop the case? bigstory.ap.org
Pretty scummy am I right?
I'm glad that some people understand the distinction.
no problem, those prerequisites you listed also completely and totally entitle him to a safe space where no one is allowed to say anything racially about him or fear of being called a stupid retard. its the current year, you people need to stop having opinions.
He identifies as Mexican.
you forgot to mention hes part of the mexican KKK that plans to overthrow america
According to this judge, Trump is going to build a wall right through the heart of Mexico (California, Arizona, Texas)
I dunno man...something about this bandito seems off...
What??....I don't know nuffin about de wall
I would never act unfair against someone that scares my homies
I really dont understood why Trump argued with Gonzalos name.
He has the GOP nomination, and he should speak more to the general population at this point.
He wants to remove the white male. This is a zero sum game.
The game is over by 2040. If we whites are not in complete control we can kiss our chance at the beautiful transhumanist future goodbye .
>part of la raza
>literally "The Race"
>policy includes turning the US southwest into Mexican territory
>literally a traitor
>defends illegal invaders
he should burn
The website directly links to the extremist La Raza, dipshit. They are related.
he's supporting both, you fcking retarded shill
>gives scholarships to illegals
>Trump's wall will stop illegals coming in
>no conflict of interest
I thought La Raza believed that those states were Aztlan and wanted independence from the US
Cultural marxist detected
Just accept the inevitable
he thinks the Southwest should belong to Mexico. he wants MS-13 types to live in the US
he's a traitor and should deported with other La Raza faggots
Yes....we just can't have enough fantastic Mexico in the world....let's add some more
It seems you are the retard here. Trump supporters are, for the most part, degenerate, heroin addicted White welfare trash who will support anyone who tells them that someone else is to blame for their shitty life choices, and who promises them cheaper or free drugs. The Republicans are the party of White welfare trash, same way the Democrats are the party of Black welfare trash.
You may go to the Links page at the top left of the page to sign up for e-mails or to the Membership Form to join print out a membership application, also in the link at the top left of the page.
We encourage joining an affiliate group on our links page, which entitles you to free membership in CA La Raza Lawyers.
WTF They literally handout membership if you join the extremist wing. WTF
>he doesn't belong to la raza
>he belong to la raza
NCLR is a civil rights advocacy group. Not even remotely comparable to the KKK or any hate organization you want them to be like.
It seems you are the retard here. Leftists are, for the most part, degenerate, crack addicted Black welfare trash who will support anyone who tells them that someone else is to blame for their shitty life choices, and who promises them cheaper or free drugs. The Democrats are the party of nignog welfare trash, same way the Republicans are the party of globalist shills
t. Carlos from San Diego
>they aren't bad guys, look at all of these buzzwords they wrote
I would like to invite you to my nazi club, we value the strength of niceness and the wonderful qualities of friendship and excellence in empowerment
didn't that just sound wonderful mr.goldberg?!?
Clearly, your Oxy addiction is inhibiting your reading comprehension, if you ever learned to read at all, since I already made the point you are using to try to "counter" the objective truth I related. Shouldn't you be down at the welfare office? Or do they mail you your checks now?
Gets affirmative action path to success. Then Bites the hand that feeds him.
Civil rights
with the goal of conquering the US for Mexico and la raza cosmica (the cosmic race i.e. Mexicans)
>for welfare
come on now
Strawman, NCLR holds none of those positions
Behind the respectable front of the National Council of La Raza lies the real agenda of the La Raza movement, the agenda that led to those thousands of illegal immigrants in the streets of American cities, waving Mexican flags, brazenly defying our laws, and demanding concessions.
Key among the secondary organizations is the radical racist group Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the American West.
fuck of wetback scum
Space beaners? Holy shit, they are as delusional as KAANGZ.
translation: we are advocating for the illegal invasion of the US for Mexico
They hold all those positions since they are named "la raza" (based of the name la raza cosmica, the ideology that Mexicans will conquer the world)
They use their legal standing to help Mexicans invade the US
Bwahaha. Why do you think these Trump supporters have so much time to go to rallies and stump for a Republican who promises them cheaper drugs? Because they don't have jobs and are living off of their "disability" welfare checks that are paid for by people who do real work and recognize that anyone who supports any Republican or Democrat is an enemy of the people of the United States.
The beaner is lying.
>That spic with the hairnet
They are goddamned caricatures of themselves.
No. We raped the fuck out of those spicks in the first war we had with them.
We'll do it again if necessary
It amazing watching the shills go into overdrive about La Raza, they don't want the normies to find out who they are.
Degenerate welfare hicks in the border states can't even stop them from coming in.
why are you here?
Is it because you're about to go homeless, having donated everything you own to Bernie's cancer campaign?
>Are you retards stupid? What's the problem here?
Most Mexicans want illegal immigrant Mexicans to swarm in and Mexicanize the southern US.
It's fine as long as they aren't illegal..what's the problem with that?
hah. Nope. The berniebro trash are degenerate subhuman garbage, just like the Trumpbots. Personally, I would rather see a Hillary vs. Trump campaign, as I think that will have greater chances of inciting real political violence between the supporters of the major parties. Republicans and Democrats slaughtering one another in the streets is the only WIN/WIN situation for the actual people of this country.
The"normies" can go check on the site for the National Council Of La Raza (the supposed hate group)
Read for yourself instead of being an ignorant parrot. The Judge doesn't even belong to this group, but even if he did there would be absolutely no wrong doing. Nothing you can say will change that.
legal Mexicans conspire to bring in millions of more illegals.
They are part of "La raza cosmica" (The cosmic race) that seeks to conquer Aztlan (US southwest) and then the world.
He's not white. So he can't be American.
la raza (literally "the race") is based on the belief of the conquest of the US by mestizos.
Uhhh... he's a member in a group of La Raza Attorney's. La Raza has clearly stated their opposition to all things Donald Trump. If you need a kicker, the law firm representing the 'plaintiff' is also a member of the same La Raza group as the judge. Sitting judges should have to give up their gavel if they want to align themselves with political groups, otherwise impartiality is impossible.
Look into Bill Clinton & Laureate if you want something to sink your teeth into.
The only problem are idiots like Ryan going along with the Media narrative that Trump said "he's a Mexican so he's incompetent.... when, in truth, this judge is the member of a Mexican Nationalist organization akin to the KKK and an activist Obama apointee/syncophant.
0 relevance to either of the organizations mentioned in this thread. Nice try though, but you failed.
>MS-13 types
Yeah, just because the Mexicans are welfare garbage does not mean the millions of White welfare trash aren't welfare trash. Now look up the welfare states, i.e. states that suck up more money in taxes than they pay. Notice the trend.
>the basis of la raza's ideology of conquest is irrelevant to la raza
MS is more than that.
Nope "La Raza" is a colloquial term that means "the people" or a group of friends etc.
It's like when I call you a Bitch Pussy i'm not saying you're a dog's vagina. Is this really that hard to understand ? Do you actually think this Judge belongs to a group that thinks they're a cosmic race?
You're stupid as fuck dude.
Show me where on the NCLR page they mention anything about a "cosmic race"
It's funny how communists now have their own version of "taqiya."
There's overlap and interdependence between La Raza and MEChA. Their creed is "Por La Raza todo, Fuera de La Raza nada"
For THE RACE, everything.
For those outside, nothing.
>I don't care what the facts say I'm just going to keep spouting my bullshit without any evidence LISTEN AND BELIEVE
Let me guess you're going to say "republidumb states like mississipi and alabama take the most welfare." Yeah I noticed blacks also take more welfare than whites. Southern states are also the ones with the most blacks. Notice the trend?
>got an education
>worked hard
>made good
>we have the same name, serve the same interests, have the same agenda but we are not affiliated.
>a group of friends
>it just happens to mean "the race" and is based on the ideology that Mexico must reconquer the US southwest for Mexico
>Member of la raza
>Parents actually highly influence their kids
Why do you think they stick up for muslims so much? My other favorite is "you brought this violence on yourself for disagreeing with me"
>Gonzalo Curiel
>Fought to ensure illegals get welfare benefits in CA
>Sides with Mexican heritage over being American
>Obviously biased and cannot give fair ruling based on current situation
Kek @ the willful ignorance of so many liberals who can't seem to figure this one out. If it were reversed, you'd all be crying "A white judge can't give a fair ruling over a case dealing with a Mexican!", so why can it not be the other way around?
Liberals are fucking retarded, at least, 99% of them seem to be.
Replace hispanic with white and blow your mind
He is in a KKK-equivalent group La Raza responsible for the police deficiency at San Jose protests. Obvious conflict of interest.
>different "the race"
>no one bought that when a few of the hundreds of KKK chapters became violent. The entire brand is hate.
Obvious conflict of interest, obvious unethical judge.
are you illiterate?
that's where the popular phrase "la raza" comes from
I know that you're a leftist though, so you're being intentionally obtuse to prove yourself right.
Here's the thing. Nobody here gives a shit if you act condescending to prove yourself right. We don't care about your opinion. If you have a convincing argument, then feel free to share, but otherwise, fuck off.
Your feelings don't change reality. And it doesn't even matter because The Judge isn't a member o NCLRm all I was trying to say is that NCLR isn't a hate group
He is a member of the SDLRLA and trying to tie him to any other organization is strawmanning, and a sign of a weak argument. You know you're losing.
how is that any different than what goes on around here
>trying to tie this member of la raza to la raza is a straw man
The Soviets and general Frankfurt schools plan was to destroy objective truth so that they could destroy our culture, and with it capitalism. It's pretty crazy to see that the Soviets are no longer around yet their plan is still working, whether by conscious effort of communists or otherwise.
>The Spanish term La Raza translates as "the Race", Spanish raza having the meaning of "race, ethnicity; breed, strain, lineage"
Suffice to say we'd hear a very different story were we to start organizations called "The Race" defending white people instead of latinos.
So Salvadorans?
Isnt trump an anchor baby too?
He's a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association. You know you're wrong and nothing can change that. This is exactly why everyone is dropping Trump at the moment. The more you try to prove you're right the more people see through your blatant racism.
Like I said before, even if he was a member of every single organization you mentioned it STILL wouldn't count as being a member of a hate group that would make him biased to rule over a case of Fraud.
Yuri Bezmenov, when he was KGB, understood well that once the virus is injected it replicates quickly through generations of hosts.
We're undergiong a combination of final demoralization and destabilization.