"Hello user,I heard you will be my tour guide. So let's see what your city has to offer."

"Hello user,I heard you will be my tour guide. So let's see what your city has to offer."

Which places would you show?

I can show you the landfill, cow farm, and grain elevator.

Enjoy your time in Canada :)


I can show you the whole country.

Do you like trams? We've got trams

Uh well here's a park, and a service road I like to drive down sometimes away from people.

>Not a jungle fever Croatian


London is overrated to be quite honest love, I'm also running short on time this weekend. How about we skip the niceties and just fuck?

My big throbbing white cock.

In this heat probably just one place.
>pic related
Sit in the shadow and have a cold beer or two...
[spoiler]and maybe I would show her my sleeping room later[/spoiler]



Yes sweetheart I'll be your guide. However you gotta pay upfront. And I don't accept cash

hmm... a city square or two, a few churches, parks and what's left of the keep. Should be an alright walk, not impressive, not offensive.

> Croatian flag
> No black angel
What the fuck, why would you do this?

my bedroom

"sorry, I only guide chocolate godesses"

"You're not cute, please leave me alone, I'm autistic btw"

*Tour guides around city*
That'll be 200 bucks

>let me show you my bedroom babeh ;))
Then wake up and jerk off.

I like this guy

Start with the castles, the cathedral, one of the abbeys outside the city, and then through the old city to one of our old museums: The Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum with works by Dürer, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Cranch the Elder. It's the second oldest public museum in the world and just newly reopened. A collection of erotic art from the 17th century is one of the leading parts currently.

Cover yo legs first you hoe, trying to get a discount?

London's a shithole. It really has nothing to offer you besides depression and subhuman races, both of which I'm sure you're familiar with.
If you really want to go somewhere I'm sure you could go to some shop or restaurant. That's the only thing this damned city is good for: sucking your money out and delivering it to the Red One. Fucking consumerism.

Over there you can see some potheads and to the right a few moose and bear? do you like McDonald s its a five star restaurant Here in NB