Would it surprise you to learn, in white countries, it's actually men who are cucking in support of migrants the most?
Would it surprise you to learn, in white countries, it's actually men who are cucking in support of migrants the most?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not sure that really matters, because even if they were less likely to approve of mass immigration, this sentiment doesn't reflect in their voting behavior, so they are still to blame to some degree.
Seems like there are anomalies, either in the taking of surveys like the one linked above, or in the exit polling that tells us what women are voting for. What is the hard evidence that women are the primary force behind increased immigration?
Nice Marley senpai
Ofc it is. Giving women the vote fucked everything up. As it always have. And now we need to learn it again, and again, and again, like before.
Autistic NEETs and manbabies are responsible for immigration.
If you faggots were reproducing at a respectable rate, we wouldnt need to accept workers from other countries to keep up economic growth
No it wouldn't surprise me, it would make perfect sense considering migrants are less feminist. Still that doesn't change the fact that women generally vote left.
Do you know how many of the leftist parties we have here in Sweden thats anti-immigration? None
Our anti-immigration party would be only third biggest if only womens vote mattered. It would be the biggest party by a large margin if it was just men voting.
Women might be more negative than men towards migrants. But that doesn't really matter if the whole migrantissue isn't important when its stacked up against other issues like when voting for parties. The migrantissue might just be a minor issue for women while it is a major one for men.
>need to accept workers from other countries to keep up economic growth
We never needed to accept workers from other countries to keep up economic growth, nor did doing so promote economic growth.
I realize everyone on Sup Forums has this belief, that women are to blame, I just want to be able to prove it. I suspect it true, I just can't prove it. Any good evidence to point out?
Your argument is fucking bull, women always vote for the most pro immigration, pro leftist, anti white party.
Look at the Austrian election, or the gender imbalance with Trump supporters.
More women vote liberal than men an the liberal party votes for immigration
Whoa mama big tits
Based fucking Belgium leading the charge.
This is a globalist perspective when our nations wealth and sucesses were much more glaring to the brosn shit skins in the past when ae had less population
shit nigga look at dem tiddies
>shows me no sources
>repeats same claim that required sources
I told you where water was and u refused to drink cuck
>"White women are to blame for immigration!"
Hold women responsible for things is like holding a child responsible for doing what their parents told them to. Women are biologically designed to latch onto whatever is the socially accepted narrative is. If they didn't they would be cast out by other women and lose their natural structure for protection and resources through their communities.
You don't punish the child for doing what their parents brain-washed them to do. You throw the parents in jail and get the kid into rehab.
You don't punish women for doing what the media bran-washed them to do. You destroy the jewish influence the media has over society and reintroduce Christian values to our men women and children.
no because ive looked up those statistics
people will say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO because white women still vote for leftest parties more than men but it is for other reasons they do this. sadly, immigration isn't really a big issue to white men or white women and they care much more about things like the economy..
tldr: immigration opinion doesn't always decides which party you vote for
Obviously you have no argument because the facts aren't on your side, look at the parties women vote for and you'll see it's predominantly leftist, see who's welcoming immigrants when they arrive, almost entirely women.
Stop with your wishful thinking that women are capable of rational decisions or caring about their race and culture. The notion is laughable.
>White women are democrats
Men are democrats too, and women are Republicans.
What does that have to do with supporting immigration and being female?
You need to try harder genius, if this were a college class, you'd fail hard.
Women should be punished for being fucking retarded, as should children when they misbehave.
Both need a good fucking whipping when they act out.
Im not trying to "blame" women, I'm just stating it as it is. We only have one anti-immigration party here in Sweden and they are not popular among women because this party is rightwing and non-feminist.
Im not sure what proof you want but heres a link that backs up my previous claims but its in swedish:
Those polls were made back in February but they still hold up today.
>Obviously you have no argument because the facts aren't on your side
this fag is here every day.
put your tinfoil hat on bros.
he's a fucking faggots trying to turn you into a faggot so he can be an even bigger faggot than he already is.
The method of reform is irrelevant until you snuff out the source of the problem.
Look at the elections in Austria
Like 70% of women voted for the left rather than the right
Look at any elections. Women vote for bigger government which in our modern political environment usually equates to more socialism/gibes me dats for immigrants
i cannot speak for sweden but what he says is indeed true here for america
woman are consisently polled as being more skeptical of immigration than men but they do vote for the democrats more (even though a majority voted repubin 2012) but they do it for OTHER reasons besides immigration.
for example, abortion. this is a HUGE issue with woman. they are also big supporters of the welfare state.
the thing is though, with woman being more skeptical of immigration, less brown to want to live indiverse neighborhoods, and more likely to choose same race preference for dating, it really destroys the whole "white woman are traitors" argument. the problem is that ww and wm dont take immigration seriously enough and dont really vote based on it.
im only speaking for america because i dont know the statistics for other states
Except voting for the party and giving them a majority knowing they support immigration is tantamount to condoning and women do this more than men and therefore sustaining the problem more
Lets stay on topic
>people defending roasties
Jesus, I thought you were all red-pilled.
*less prone to want to live in diverse neighborhoods
Women are the source of the problem.
I already explained the context m8 women vote for the parties that support immigration more this is undeniable complete with my source
ITT: shill that thought he would have a longer time to shill before getting a complete answer and sources and having to revert to out right denial
you're the one bringing up the irrelevant point
>who supports immigration more
is NOT the same question as
>who votes for the most pro-immigration party
>Black people dont support gay marriage as much as White people, statistically.
>but Black people vote democrat
>so according to you, this means black people support gay marriage more than white people
thats how dumb you are
I thin there is some confusion here.
The guy wants info to combat the view he is making not because he believes in the view but wants help getting facts and sources for fighting this view elsewhere.
Basically he is asking how would we would respond to somebody seriously making these claims and what exactly would we use.
I already explained why this is not the case in my original post.
Women are children and men are the parents telling them what to do. When the parent stops watching their child and lets them run off to do whatever they want eventually you will have a creepy pedophile (jews) convince them to come into their van for some candy.
It is up to man to take responsibility for his children, their women, and create a society with strong values.
If you continue to simply blame women for adhering to their own biological nature then you are doomed to forever be snuffed out of the gene pool as a result of your own incompetency.
so white men, who hate brown immigrants
vote for policies that bring brown immigrants to their countries
so they can hate them?
NO m8 it is literally the answer to the question they do support immigration more by proxy m8 your in denial
yes thats exactly what I am saying m8 there still exist nigger cultures in the world that use homosexual acts as society enforced right of passage there is no analog for this for whites your done.
any more questions?
im talking about american blacks you fucking idiot
statistically the are less likely to support gay marriage
you are saying because they vote democrat they are actually MORE pro gay marriage
we aren't talking about proxy-support that is not what the thread was about
not responding anymore because you are troll
By simply saying Women support the parties that support immigration more than men by proxy
this is not a subjective argument to be disected like intention or any assumption its a objective reality and if they deny it there is no point arguing with them
Aren't white men the ones that go to Asia to marry with dominant Asian women and produce millions of Elliot Rodgers?
This article is about American blacks m8 Jesus Christ your blown out
You pew research is just that a flawed study and its beat out by reality when they do in fact vote to support gay marriage more by proxy which is not a research paper but objective reality.
your done
>thinks Asian women any where with a stereotype of dominant
>thinks he knows what the fuck hes saying
No m8 support is support do you believe the argument republicans support guns the most can be defeated by saying they might be voting for other reasons?
>the problem is that ww and wm dont take immigration seriously enough and dont really vote based on it.
Here in Sweden the men do, our anti-immigrationparty would be the biggest party here with around 30% if only men voted.
Heres a poll from May were you can see the gender differences:
Exactly, I just want to fucking be able to prove it, but there are so many fuckign RETARDS on Sup Forums these days, you ask for fucking evidence and they start memeing dumb shit like
>not le argumente
THey don't even know what the difference is between a claim and evidence to support a claim. They just repeat claims, like the claim proves itself, then they mimic Molyneux like they're anyone near his caliber of thinker.
Fucking pathetic, this place used to have a smarter average userbase.
Sorry m8
I told you in this post the argument you need to accept it or accept your a shill
here is your source
if its a specific group yes
many neo-con jews vote and give money to republicans and they are anti-gun and pro-gay marriage a lot of times
women vote democrat something like 60 40. also you will only see men at anti-immigratino protests.
No m8 that was not the question your ruining your only criticize
Do you believe the argument that republicans support guns more can be defeated by saying some are doing it for other reasons?......you know the answer and are really fucked
In the only breakdown by gender I have been able to find, more women vote for Geert than men.
Daily reminder.
Of course I know the stereotype is that Asian women are subs. In reality 70% of WMAW couples are composed of a beta average or good looking white man married to a bottom of the barrel Asian woman that have his balls in her hands.
Cool story bro.
we are importing them so that they will see the benefits of a western lifestyle and not be so isolated in their religion. most muslims who live among other religions and cultures are more open-minded and less crazy. the worst thing we can do is isolate them in their own countries where they will grow increasingly more religious and psychotic and fearful of westerners. when they live amongst us the see that we are people just like them and that most of us believe in God and have morals and values and want a better world for our children. it prevents the polarization that occurs from separation.
>completely shill the post
what oddly specific response to something no one was wondering about lol
It's not about support of immigrants, it's about support of parties that invite more immigrants. Look at the results to Austria's presidential election. It was like 60-40 men women for Hofer and vice versa for Bellend
Hi mark Jewberg
Hi Jewberg.
I think they are worried.
fuck off, moron
It used to be 60% male 40% female if you look at the statistics for previous elections.
Probably changed since the whole Cologne thing though.
And to expand on this, Romney would've won with only male voters. Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for FN and SD in France and Sweden.
Voluntary data collecting polls like yours don't reflect actual political activities by men and women. Women are voting for welfare-mass immigration parties in large numbers. Your data suggests, if anything, that they're doing so without understanding the consequences of their choices. Which isn't surprising but is terrifying for the future of our countries.
it's not just NEETS who aren't reproducing.
It's also a large segment of promiscuous "manly" men who are fucking around using contraception and partying/doing drugs instead of raising kids.
>this proxy, which is not actually directly linked to support for immigration is more meaningful than an actual study which explicitly asks attitudes about immigration.
Jesus fucking Christ.
You are hiding the weakness of your argument behind hand-wringing, reasserting irrelevant information and failing to address the weakness of a position based solely on your feelings.
In other words you are arguing like a women.
Grow up.
This is why I advocate godless capitalism of the most ruthless variety. 1 dollar, 1 vote.
>tfw your cuck ancestors willingly gave up control of their country
We're better than they ever were
Also, it's largely corporations and technology responsible for immigration. It's the wealthy Capitalists (yes that trigger word) inviting migrants. It's not the average man nor the average woman.
And with the internet the corporations have never had more sway over the masses.
>Your data suggests, if anything, that they're doing so without understanding the consequences of their choices.
Oh they understand, they just value other issues more.
Sorry m8 again your logic would dictate the argument that republicans support guns the most could be proven wrong by saying they vote for other reasons.
The masses are asses and will be herded around by carrot or stick, like in any other period of human history.
>Believes Obhective result < inention
>What is the hard evidence that women are the primary force behind increased immigration?
this is the question OP asked it has been answered
their intention or consciousness of their actions does not change their responsibility as a accidental death caused by stupid behavior is still your fault by proxy
objective result*
Where is Korea? Where is Vietnam?It sucks but the board is still useful sometimes. Just ignore the retards, they're the same people who respond to cuck threads or posts with fake news links and shit. Retards and shills or recent immigrants.
I would try to help you but phone posting is torturous
I am saying that a survey asking the direct question about the feelings of republicans have about gun control would give a better idea of what their actual views are than the cuntfused attribution of political views derived from your arbitrary understanding of party politics.
Direct evidence on something always trumps proxies and inference.
Its called logic. Learn it. It is your friend.
And under your model, the Democratic party is the primary force, not women, who at best are an indirect variable operating through their allegiance to the democratic party.
You would rather feel right than be right. It is sad.
Facts m8, facts and logic. It would be easier to take you seriously if you used them.
I think you mean,
>Ugly White women are to blame for immigration
look at the demographic polling in places like germany and austria, men overwhelming vote for the anti-immigration parties and women vote for leftist ones
Sorry m8 i asked a simple question that deals with objective reality
no one would accept that republican voters are not the main source of pushes for gun rights simply by saying they think other things are more important.
you simply blown out and want to play a semantics game because YOU want desperately to feel right but you simply cant be because you again believe objective result is trumped by intention and that someone cant be responsible for something by proxy
this is reality
this highly contrived shill thread in disguise really got out of hand for you all and now its starting to become obvious.
Who is the primary force behind the democratic party m8?
Self-reporting studies just do not work with women. Their instinct to lie for the sake of saving face extends to autobiographical statements they make in private. You can't control for that.
>my proxy is more accurate than actual survey data
How you can through around words like objective and reality when your entire account is contradicted by the finest grain information we have really demonstrates the extent to which
>its real in my mind
is the entire basis of your 'logical thought'.
>this highly contrived shill thread in disguise really got out of hand for you all and now its starting to become obvious.
>nu uh you
>obvious shill is obvious
It did get out of hand didn't it. Well beyond the scope of your emotion based damage control.
This is why you are resorting to such absolute bottom tier 'are you serious' type responses.
Good one.
Sorry m8 the question has been answerd and your making completely irrelevant posts in damage control
The force behind mass immigration is the democratic party and the main force that makes up the democratic party is women.
intention is irrelevant in the matter.
its that simple
Different question Einstein. It was also based on your model. I would say corporate america if you wanted to get technical.
Without the types of money needed to monopolize political competition the democrats would be exposed, as would the republicans...
i wonder why -_-
Who's the sperm whale?
>its that simple
Maybe it is to a simple mind who lusts to be right.
The fact is many things are behind the democratic party. Blaming women and calling it a day is lazy, dishonest and incompetent.
But carry on I suppose. I certainly don't have the treatment for that profound degree of retardation.
I am sorry m8 the question is
>What is the hard evidence that women are the primary force behind increased
To say them voting for the party and giving the most support and majority to the only venue you can increase immigration in is not being a primary source is a pure semantics based argument because there is no other way to push for immigration besides to vote and campaign on a political parties policy.
your done m8
Ultimately men are to blame because they gave them the vote. Big mistake.
Nah m8. Your useless and so blinded by emotion that you can't see the tenuous links you are cliaiming.
A smarter man than you might think to understand how these sentiments may be harnessed in pursuit of your goals, and how, if women support these views, may they be turned to advantage your agenda.
But you would rather sit around and blame women like a bitter old blue haired problem glasses wearing harpie and her patriarchy.
As I said, carry on. Its clear what happened here and I do not feel the need to embarrass you any further.
>I told you in this post the argument you need to accept it or accept your a shill
I started this thread knowing that argument, you collosal Downie. I'm only interested in discussing methods of proving a correlation, or better yet, a cause and effect relationship between genders and immigration policy.
I actually feel homicidal speaking to people as fucking stupid as you clearly are -- people who require the most obvious things not merely pointed out, but argued over endlessly and fruitlessly to establish. You contribute nothing to any environment you're a part of. In all likelihood, you're a social parasite of some sort. It galls me that you're allowed to keep consuming oxygen.