Self defense is only ok if you're white

>self defense is only ok if you're white


Darren Wilson learned that the hard way

>kid rushes a cop
>cop shoots in self defense

Yes, blacks are animals. If a pitbull defends itself and/ or its owner, its still put down. Animals and humans arent represented equally in law, you're correct.

>Cop gets angry when black boy won't comply with him
>Assaults him
>Black boy defends himself and tries to disengage the situation
>Gets shot while fleeing from a psychopath with a badge
>America donates to the cop
No different than any old lynching

1. Mike Brown wasn't self defense. Just a thug resisting arrest.

2. There was that black who got charged with murder for shooting a cop who was busting through his bedroom window with a no knock warrant that Sup Forums defended.

2pac defended himself against 2 cops and walked free from the court

>that happened

Tupac was white

Black men with money don't live in the same reality as black men without it. Look at Kobe Bryant, Bill Cosby and OJ Simpson. Because they can entertain white people they're free to do whatever they want


You aren't referring to the Mike Brown case because if you are you're openly lying.


>There was that black who got charged with murder for shooting a cop who was busting through his bedroom window with a no knock warrant that Sup Forums defended.
If I remember correctly that case he didn't get charged for shooting the cop he only got changed for possession of drugs.

Fuck you, spade

isn't this the faggot that started it all? He fucking reached for the cop's gun, there was gun residue all over his fucking hands

I'd reach for the gun as well if I knew the cop was trying to harm me. Wilson ultimately justified Brown's actions towards him with his predatory behavior.

If this is mike brown (Cant tell since all niggers look alike) then you're retarded.

ITT: Sup Forumsacks unironically defend double stndards

>I'd reach for the gun as well if I knew the cop was trying to harm me

Then you're a fucking dumbass who deserves to get shot


self defense doesn't mean chimping out and trying to kill cops, retard.

Mike Brown = too dumb to live

don't think of it as a tragedy, think of it as EVOLUTION IN ACTION

The officer intended to kill Brown either way, given that Brown was unarmed and not even close to Wilson when shot dead. These cops shoot handcuffed unarmed black teenagers all the time, if I'm Mike Brown I'm most definitely going to fight for my life.

It's not as if I'll get the benefit of the doubt and Justice when I perish.

>No statistics given to demonstrate point
>Hispanic Jews are now considered white

Really bad bait. You probably believe the, "Hands up, don't shoot!" story too.

it is against the law to initiate violence, sorry

>crowds getting angry and ready to beat up one person is okay if their white

Are you even trying?

I wish it was true, more of these little spooks need to get gunned down by cops.

The narrative would be a dream come true if it were real.

Attacking someone and going for their firearm isn't self-defense. Trayvon and Big Mike just had to learn the hard way.