Why do women support open borders?
Why do women support open borders?
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more choice
>Why do women support open borders?
>women fantasise about being raped
>wonder why they want to drastically increase their chances of it
They want alpha males, not beta cucks
media tells them too. most don't really actively support it anyway, they just don't care, just like men.
Ever see those sitcoms with the wife and husband where the wife is hellbent on changing her man but it never happens and they learn to cope? That's basically what's going to happen when the Muslims outnumber the native population.
>all of the best places for women to live are white, christian nations
>they all want their nations not to be white and christian
This. It's biology. They want to expand their options for a potential mate.
If it were women who were the bulk of the refugees, they'd be against it.
if it was millions of horny 20 yr women all the perma virgins here would support it. it's just biology
Because women are giant children who don't really understand how the world works, how violent shitskins are, how much they will get raped if they let in niggers, how terrible islam is, etc.
They think with their vaginas and their emotions and it's our duty to protect them and keep them in the home.
Because their whole existence is allowing things into them
They want dick.
Status,it is a "nice thing"
"These hoes ain't loyal."
Open borders and closed legs
Because women love the BBC.
I have a ripe, 8" long black schlong and all the british slags love it. They slobber all over my fat dick and love to swallow my African seed.
Beta cuck males will never understand how much their women crave the BBC.
european men failed history's biggest shit test so now women are unsatisfied and hope ahmed will put them in their place
New Zealand is full of cucks, America has few...unless you think the winner of WW2 is weak.
Women want more dick
for sure, but the reality is, that men migrate first and women stay home until it is safe.
They follow anything pushed the most blindly and right now it's jewish feminism.
Kill every jew before they kill you.
Hopefully you impregnate them for it is the will of Allah, brother. As-salamu alaykum. :^)
You mean why do Western women support open borders. Women here support our borders.
Because these dumbass bitches love to open their legs to nigger Jamal, beaner Pedro & Sand nigger Muhammad.
Women now view the state as a husband.
In the past a single mother would not survive. Why? She needed resources and support. Marriage was more than love, it was survival - alliances or bringing resources together.
Now the state is a husband. It can provide housing to every woman that plops out a kid.
The high point of our civilization has bred decadence. And our bureaucracy has given people entitlement.
To women, a refugee is someone who can just as easily take the state as a partner like they do.
They do not see the unsustainability of that.
The ones I know don't.
Because they think they'll pay for their pension.
Women invite; men invade.
New Zealand has a better democracy than both of ours, and there is no denying that. They're sorta beta, sure, but they're fairer than having Bush in office.
It's really just the liberal mindset.
>Everyone deserves ____
>Everyone should be able to ____
>Everyone should have ____
>There's enough x for everyone here
So they invite the "less fortunate" foreigners to share with them what her own people have worked for.
Because they are fickle, lesser creatures.
They want open borders simply because they think its the 'nice' thing to do. They can't comprehend that there would be any consequences to open borders, because thinking muslims or mexicans bring crime and rape with them wouldn't be 'nice.'
also this
also, these two as well
Well some women don't have a border at their vagina do you think they would have a border to their country?
I should probably have done this before the trolls enter the thread, but...
>Inb4: assmad perma-virgin lel XD
I have a girlfriend. Planning on making her my fiancee. Then, my wife. Doesn't mean i owe her any more freedom. She's still a woman, and women are stupid.
Ew no, I'm not attracted to Arabs.
It's literally just this simple. They think free shit grows on trees, not their countrymen's pockets. I can only be upset at the cucked men. It's women's nature to do whatever the fuck makes them feel good in the short term.
Are you sure han.
Because there are too many Seth (((Rogans)))
And too many feminists
>pic related
And too many Useful Idiots
they all have a deep seated rape fantasy
I'm not attracted to them either. Arab women are disgusting.
They need genetic diversity.
Keep in mind that humans don't have any free will. All your actions are entirely determined by the left side of your brain, which you don't control.
The side that you control is the right side, which is a piece of shit; all it does is deal with speech, but every actually important decision that your body makes is determined entirely by the left side, which you have no control over.
This means that you can try and argue with women all day and come up with all kinds of arguments against open borders, but come election day, the left side of their brain (which is in charge of the hand that will write the little X on the ballot) will make them vote for the party that allows more immigrants and more genetic diversity for them to choose to reproduce with.
There is literally nothing you can do about it.
for easy to obtain brown and black penis choices
Thats called a deep seated sex fantasy
Rape is just sex. The consent part is just like your hunger and dinner. We have decided that men aren't allowed to eat unless women are hungry too.
Women, individually and collectively, like to see men fight, because they know that no matter what, they will always be taken care of by the strongest.
This feminism and social justice craze is just an expression of their biology. They hate western men not because they are sexually aggressive and patriarchal, but because they aren't any more.
War and ideological conflicts between nations are really conflicts between men, because men are nations. Western women advocating the importation of our enemies is the collective equivalent of a wife who has grown bored with her husband and now wants to test his masculinity by making him compete with other men for her.
Arab children are being taught to man up unlike eurocuck children. Of course they would prefer refugees over us.