Female genital 'nicks' should be legal: gynecologists

By Emma Batha

>LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Countries that have banned female genital mutilation (FGM) should allow less invasive practices such as small surgical nicks to girls' genitalia as a compromise, two American gynecologists said on Monday.

>But campaigners against FGM strongly criticized the proposal, saying it would undermine global efforts to eradicate the internationally condemned ritual.

>At least 200 million girls and women have been subjected to FGM in over 30 countries, according to U.N. estimates.

>The ancient practice usually involves the partial or total removal of a girl's external genitalia. In some cases the vaginal opening is also sewn up.

>But some communities practice less invasive rituals such as pricking or nicking the clitoris.

>The U.S. gynecologists, writing in the Journal of Medical Ethics, argued that permitting more minimal procedures could allow families to uphold cultural and religious traditions while protecting girls from more dangerous forms of cutting.

>Communities which support FGM often consider it a prerequisite for marriage. Many also see it as a religious obligation although it is not mentioned in the Koran or Bible.

>But FGM can cause a host of physical and psychological problems.

>Gynecologists Kavita Shah Arora and Allan Jacobs said procedures that slightly changed the look of a girl's genitalia without damaging them were comparable to male circumcision or cosmetic procedures in Western countries like labiaplasty.

>Laws against mild modifications were "culturally insensitive and supremacist and discriminatory towards women", they wrote in the specialist journal, which is published by the British Medical Journal.

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How did I guess

This can't be real..... please tell me this isn't real.


>Laws against mild modifications were "culturally insensitive and supremacist and discriminatory towards women"
Holyshit, libtards are now fighting for clit snipping just to stick to the the "white man's supremacy".

Nevermind, it's just Londostan enforcing Shariah or some shit.

It's real.


This is the equality women asked for :^)

>"This is very different to male circumcision. With male circumcision there is no intention to attenuate sexual desire, control sexuality or enforce chastity."
Fuck all these people.

>Two AMERICAN gynecologists said



Get it trending boys

Keep in mind, Arora and Jacobs are AMERICAN doctors.

How about stopping the jews from snipping our foreskins off instead?

> when fanatic cunts get fucked up ideas of whats right and want to push it over everyones throat

They're in the OP you sperglord.

They call it "female genital mutilation" but don't outlaw circumcision. If your going to allow circumcision then you should allow FGM simply on principal, that or ban both. The jew will take issue with this.

>on genital mutilation against the victims' will
yeah no

>a woman's right to not have her genitalia mutilated at a young age without her consent is now considered discriminatory against women, by women
What a time to be alive.

>Keep in mind, Arora and Jacobs are AMERICAN doctors.


>Similarly with regard to circumcision, one of the reasons for it is, in my opinion, the wish to bring about a decrease in sexual intercourse and a weakening of the organ in question, so that this activity be diminished and the organ be in as quiet a state as possible. It has been thought that circumcision perfects what is defective congenitally. This gave the possibility to everyone to raise an objection and to say: How can natural things be defective so that they need to be perfected from outside, all the more because we know how useful the foreskin is for that member? In fact this commandment has not been prescribed with a view to perfecting what is defective congenitally, but to perfecting what is defective morally. The bodily pain caused to that member is the real purpose of circumcision. None of the activities necessary for the preservation of the individual is harmed thereby, nor is procreation rendered impossible, but violent concupiscence and lust that goes beyond what is needed are diminished. The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the pleasure is indubitable. For if at birth this member has been made to bleed and has had its covering taken away from it, it must indubitably be weakened.

Maimonides, Moses. The Guide of the Perplexed. Translated by Shlomo Pines. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1963. p. 609

>oh my god FGM is sooo tragic :'(((((((

>male genital mutilation? lol who cares

>Many also see it as a religious obligation although it is not mentioned in the Koran
This is false though, isn't there a diagram in most korans on how to perform the procedure?

Are cucknadians also mutilated by the Jew like their Southern brothers?

maybe but it could have been added, wouldn't surprise me if significant sects had their own versions like Christians do

Am I really the only one on Sup Forums that is pro-FGM?

Don't start this. We've had hundreds of threads about it.

We can still keep chopping up baby dicks though, right? And then suck them to stop the bleeding? That's still fine, right?

ayy man kill yourself.

Where the fuck did it all go so wrong?

>mfw I'm going to have to "buy" as quaran and find out for myself.

Probably, you degenerate.
It's so weird how libcucks just pretend that most muslims aren't religious conservatives who will cut babies to ensure their entrance into the afterlife.

I'm totally for cutting off those disgusting meatflaps. Who would want to bone such a thing, and you can't even have a look first! If some old whore in her 50s can do it for "medical purposes, then everyone can. Let's make this happen. There are not enough innies to go around!

I just really hate women guys. The female race must be enslaved.

It's a relevant part of the discussion.

>Gynecologists Kavita Shah Arora and Allan Jacobs said procedures that slightly changed the look of a girl's genitalia without damaging them were comparable to male circumcision or cosmetic procedures in Western countries like labiaplasty.

Women should have their clits removed. It's what god wants.

Why would you mutilate a girl's gentiles? What religious or cultural outcome could that POSSIBLY serve? I know that circumcision could prevent certain kinds of diseases or cancer back before modern medicine, but what could positive effect could damaging the clitoris POSSIBLY achieve?

Gonna nick that cunt with a smash and grab.

Sometimes I wish ww3 would happen so the bombs can fall and humanity can die

Hopefully just enough culture will remain intact that the radiation eating creatures of the future will be able to learn from their human progenitors

Cut their disgusting roast beef curtains off.

About 31% of Canadian newborns are circumcised. The number is dropping, no thanks to our southern neighbors obsession with the practice. Luckily my mom decided to not have me circumcised, even though my dad was.

They're not talking about that, they're talking about the clit.

> race

Well, it would certainly solve the slut problem.

I say this is a valid solution to the vaginal Jew equation.

>but what could positive effect could damaging the clitoris POSSIBLY achieve?

Pretty much-

>The clitoris makes sex very enjoyable for women
>It encourages them to seek out sexual encounters
>This could bring shame on your family in certain cultures if they're having sex before marriage
>This could end up with her being stoned to death / being chopped to bits / having acid flung into her face if she is married and has sex with anyone that isn't her husband

The families that have the procedure done on their daughter think they're doing it both to preserve their honor and to remove dangerous temptations from their young daughter that could affect her chances of finding a husband in the future and then of being a faithful wife.

A shitskin and, what, a jew?

>he still thinks women and men belong to the same race

>I know that circumcision could prevent certain kinds of diseases or cancer back before modern medicine

Circumcision outside a modern setting either kills or completely destroys the dicks of a huge number of the boys who undergo it.

It's not hygienic, and it's not healthy. Performed under primitive conditions, male circumcision often leads to gangrene and death.


No, there are plenty of 'Swedes' on here too, Abdullah.

If she is that rambunctious from the beginning it probably isn't the fault of the woman but of the parents that didn't teach her right. Same goes for guys who like to fuck any girl that's easy game.

>Let's only have small bombs.
>Just a little sharia won't kill you.
>It's a token jizya.
>Taqiyya is an exception to perjury laws.

>sharia law
>not based
SJW please go

Why stop there? Why not put bells and whistles on it?


> he's retarded


What are SJWs to do?

Seriously though, do they just accept it thinking it's their political duty?

I don't understand why Jews push to keep it legal. Of all the religious laws they Jew their way around they have to play it by the book on genital mutilation? They're suppose to be the smart ones.

This pro-FGM woman said she got cut and it made "no difference" to her sexual sensation.

>Circumcised women can have healthy sex lives: expert

>Women who have been circumcised can lead healthy sex lives and achieve orgasms, an expert has told SBS's Insight.

>Anthropologist Fuambai Ahmadu specialises in female sexuality and health, and defends the right for women to undergo initiation rituals such as circumcision.

>"As an anthropologist who has studied female mutilation rituals in West Africa for many, many years and have written about it extensively," Ahmadu said, "most women do not experience it as mutilation and would never refer to themselves as mutilated."

>She also speaks from personal experience.

>Despite growing up and studying in the U.S., Ahmadu chose to be circumcised at age 21 in her home country of Sierra Leone. She was already sexually active at the time and told Insight that the traditional initiation ceremony, in which her clitoris and labia were cut, did not negatively impact her sexuality.

>“I was surprised to find out that there was absolutely no difference in terms of my sexual experience, sexual feeling, ability to achieve orgasm,” Ahmadu said. “There was absolutely no change at all.”

>But not all women have such a positive experience.

full article


>Laws against mild modifications were "culturally insensitive and supremacist and discriminatory towards women"


Laws against cutting up a babies/girls genitals is DISCRIMINATORY to women?

Is this the real life, Sup Forums?

Memery has overtaken reality.

Except labiaplasty is something the woman chooses for herself whereas infant genital mutilation generally is not.

So basically:
>nigger grows up and decides to get her pussy sliced up for some retarded reason, now she thinks adults should be allowed to make this decision for children too young to think for themselves
That's Africa for you. She's obviously been indoctrinated by her stick worshipping parents.

May I save this image?

how about we stop retards from mutilating their children for cosmetic purposes in all cases?

>I was cut voluntarily when I was an adult
>this means we should let morons mutilate kids

Great idea

Jew take your foreskin?

Reminder that the American Academy of Pediatrics tried to pull this shit six years ago.

Group Backs Ritual ‘Nick’ as Female Circumcision Option

By Pam Belluck. May 6, 2010

>In a controversial change to a longstanding policy concerning the practice of female circumcision in some African and Asian cultures, the American Academy of Pediatrics is suggesting that American doctors be given permission to perform a ceremonial pinprick or "nick" on girls from these cultures if it would keep their families from sending them overseas for the full circumcision.

>The academy's committee on bioethics, in a policy statement last week, said some pediatricians had suggested that current federal law, which "makes criminal any nonmedical procedure performed on the genitals" of a girl in the United States, has had the unintended consequence of driving some families to take their daughters to other countries to undergo mutilation.

>"It might be more effective if federal and state laws enabled pediatricians to reach out to families by offering a ritual nick as a possible compromise to avoid greater harm," the group said.

>But some opponents of female genital mutilation, or F.G.M., denounced the statement.

>"I am sure the academy had only good intentions, but what their recommendation has done is only create confusion about whether F.G.M. is acceptable in any form, and it is the wrong step forward on how best to protect young women and girls," said Representative Joseph Crowley, Democrat of New York...

>Georganne Chapin, executive director of an advocacy group called Intact America, said she was "astonished that a group of intelligent people did not see the utter slippery slope that we put physicians on" with the new policy statement. "How much blood will parents be satisfied with?"


Of course.

If only it was that easy my man.

> Laws against mild modifications were "culturally insensitive and supremacist and discriminatory towards women"

You are protecting women while you let your men get genital cucked, that's discrimination!

They are not wrong ...

>clits are tiny dicks
>cut off penises
>no nothing for woomahn

bump. Seeing if anyone else here has anything further to discuss.

Any of you considering writing a letter or something?

>Laws against mild modifications were "culturally insensitive and supremacist and discriminatory towards women", they wrote in the specialist journal, which is published by the British Medical Journal.


I don't even care as long as male infant circumcision is still legal, cut them bitches up.