Bring your rags!
Bring your rags!
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This is one of my favorite tracks.
1st for best rags
I like this tracks as well. Normies bitch about it but they dumb
>a lot of young inexperienced drivers in this field
kek this gon be gud
>no Lelani
>all those shitskins in the commercial
Fucking advertising Jews....
I wish arca wasn't so cucked when they share a track with NASCAR.
>having to cancel qualifying on a perfectly sunny day
W H A T T U R N 4 ?
These cars are gorgeous
Look at those ride heights
Let's go Majeski!
>Giant grocery stores
whew that takes me back bros
Who /arcaracesatlocaltrack/ here?
I've lived in both Nashville and Toledo. desu I thought the racing at both kinda sucked.
Madison International Speedway here. Track is getting old and racing isn't that great, but I still go every time ARCA comes around.
the ride heights on these things are crazy
i can't believe all that spilled gas didn't catch fire
I was waiting for a lugnut to hit that pool of gas and cause a nice sized fire but it didn't happen
>yfw this semen demen is in the top 10
>Now shes two laps down
>Off-brand rags
>waiting for a yellow
>yellow waves as soon as you leave
JGR wins lol
>banging off the rev limiter like a honda
Wew. Think theyd want a little bit more gear if theyre doing that.
>based Joe Gibbs
I like how in Joe Gibbs interviews from last season he almost always emphasizes how winning was something he never takes for granted. This year shows why.
JGR wins every race this weekend
1 down, 3 to go
>No burnout
+10 points for that
>Boring ARCA race
well fuck. I guess there's one every year
We staying here for trux, boys?
>Gragson on pole
Cool. I've heard glowing things about him personally. Hard worker.
Now that JGR has found another series to rape, expect most intermediate and non-plate ss tracks to be like this. I never thought I would wish that Venturini was still dominating the series with their cadre of underage drivers.
Yeah, this should have been a double header thread
>no track has hosted more truck series races than texas
Disgusting for a developmental series
What are the chances this wont be a procession, lads?
Give Kaz your energy lads \o/
This is the group that will call tomorrow's Xfinity race
that should be a fun shit show to watch
Yea I'm actually looking forward to it. Should be funny.
>danicles not even standing NEAR steakhouse
What's John Wes up to these days?
line cook at Zaxby's
>autism cindric
Probably cleaning bathrooms at Zaxby's corporate HQ
Either farming, a cushy job at Zaxby's corporate, or a mix of the two.
Better yet, what's John King doing these days?
This might be a wreck fest.
I wonder how many drivers still own farms.
>ywn hang out with Carl Edwards in his comfy survivalist bunker
Ryan Newman owns a big farm
small field here. there were more cars in the arca race haha
Duh, they need Cup stars to fill the field and the grandstands.
Why is Jr starting in the back on Sunday if he lost his engine in first practice?
Bowyer has a pretty big farm too
One engine per weekend.
Dominos just came boys
Guy's car looked like it got in a serious crash on the way over
No way in hell Norm Benning is doing minimum speed. He's getting lapped every few laps. They should park him before it causes a wreck.
Norm adds to the challenge for the rest of the field
He's like a rolling chicane
Enfinger with the ARCA pit crew
>bell and memecheck together
The potential for kek is high
Crapton is getting eaten alive
>no Mikey overly excited commentary this week
>Jennifer Jo actually running and not just a start and park
He's probably in Pocono for the cup race, but he'd better not shit up tomorrow's race.
Mikey is doing the announcing tomorrow
It's all cup drivers
Some breddy gud racing here lads
>naming your kid Myatt
That's some straight up nigger tier shit right there...
I love the truck series when they are away from the Cup and Xfinity teams
Shame I'll be watching E3.
>timothy peters in the top 5
The world feels right again....for the moment
What went wrong?
He realized NASCAR is bullshit and given he has his health and plenty of money he could step away
>green flag pit
>pit penalty
That had to hurt....
>JH Nemecheck
how does this clown still have a ride?
His dad owns the truck
nevar forgit
>muh nepotism
Despite the minimal passing up front, this has been a pretty damn decent race desu
>Briscoe's ARCA tier crew
that's a shame
Brads developmental pit crew members fail again.
I know there is a ton of nepotism in NASCAR these days. But its not like its anything new.
Remember Justin Labonte, Steadman Marlin, Jason Jarrett, Matt Martin
What kind of name is 'Myatt'?
Jeb Burton
Steven Wallace
Did Matt Martin ever make any NASCAR touring series starts?
I don't remember that happening
rip Red Horse Racing. Did they ever have a good sponsor for Timothy Peters? I understand a millionaire owned the team but I don't get how they always raced without sponsors.
He was supposed too. He was signed to a contract with Roush and everything and was even in one of the EA NASCAR Thunder games as a Featherlite Modified driver.
Then he decided he didn't want to be a race car driver so Mark went full time again
>meme a wreck
I remember when Matt and Mark Martin appeared on the Life cereal box together
They even had a truck diecast made of his that never saw the light of day
>going to pocono sunday
Those are actually always entertaining races to watch though
Right? Why do people hate them? It usually is a different winner and its not like the greats never won using fuel mileage. DW won the 500 on a fuel milege gamble.
Matt Martin was apparently a really good driver. Just decided he didn't want to be a race car driver for a living.
>memecheck off track
>Still ahead of jenna cobb right now
Top kek. Why does she try?
He's probably an accountant now or some shit desk job with no paddock slut wife regretting his decision
Anyone notice Phil keeps saying Ryan Truex Jr?
Forever in the shadow of his big brother's greatness, both on the track and in the booth
Pretty sad that Mark Martin is based as fuck and his kid is such a huge faggot. I remember watching interviews of him and he was the cockiest most arrogant little shit on the face of the earth. I'm glad he never made it into NASCAR.