>hate black people
>get insulted
>help black people
>get insulted anyway
Why do (white female) SJWs feel the need to glorify the black race and degrade their own willingly?
Hate black people
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Content Warning?
Is that really what that is?
>post aesthetics
>expecting anything less than commie trash
Because they're racists in denial and feel guilty about themselves. It's best to call their weakness out.
Trigger is too triggering nowadays to people who've suffered from gun violence.
Yeah, this is a cringy FB group, where you can't post any kind of "edgy" content without warning first. I became member because I like their abnormal reactions over unimportant things.
Holy fuck is that really why? Why the fuck is Idiocracy becoming real? Why did everything go south after 2007? I mean I know why, but why couldn't we stop it? Why did nobody stand up and say "we're better than this?"
It really doesn't matter what we do, does it? I didn't pay to go see any of the Potter movies, OR buy the books...I'm more a fan of Anne McCaffrey, Chris Paolini, and C. J. Cherryh for my scifi myself. But they just keep pumping shit like this out. What do we do?
It seems that the condition is out of control these days.
isnt there a passage in the books that literally used the word pale or the equivalent to talk about Hermione
i was more of a hardy boys kid growing up
Simple answer
Women enjoy being degraded
Maybe. There was also a passage where somebody called her a mud blood so she actually might be a nigger.
No actually the opposite fool. She was actually described to have curly hair and etc...she could've been black or mixed looking at the context actually.
Well I assume it talks about her hair color and I'm willing to bet there's no line that says
>Hermione's greasy, nappy-ass, nigger hair flapped in the wind
The problem is that men are doing the same sometimes. I can't understand this nonsense. They will call you racist no matter what you do...
Being white and alive is just being racist to these fucks.
Just ignore and move on.
No, in prisoner of Azkaban she's described as "pale white."
>Why do (white female) SJWs feel the need to glorify the black race and degrade their own willingly?
Because they want the black cock, not even joking
They hate themselves so bad and are so self-hating that they want the exact opposite of themselves which is nigger
fair enough
call me a fool in real life nigger & see what happens
but apparently she was called white
mud-blood is a term they use for people who don't have full blood wizard parents.
Hermiones parents are both normies, and shes a wizard, so she's a mud blood.
I think its "cringe worthy"
I've always wondered this also. Only thing I could come up with is that either some lived sheltered lives or lived in such shit conditions while young and with neglectful parents that they resorted to digging a hole with niggers as a means of escape with no way out.
Don't help them. Just save your money.
Lmao. True shit.
As much as I hate to side somewhat with an SJW, the whole white saviour complex produces some of the most narcissistic people. They think they're the best, most moral people because they went to Africa on their gap year to 'help' and 'work' for 2 weeks.
I love it when Sup Forums plays psychologist
>Why do upper-middle class white people signal their "heightened social-awareness" to other upper-middle class white people?
Someone post the fb link, I want to join the page
>Why did everything go south after 2007?
That's the year of the iPhone, which allowed newspeak to be disseminated more easily, and also allowed the least intelligent people to be published more swiftly and with greater ease than ever before.
>Why aren't women being sensible and responsible and making life easy for the rest of society?
facebook com/groups/tymrskeltal/
>libshits now believe it's racist to help piss poor Africans with no food, education, water or cloths
can't make this shit up
Not found? Is it set to secret or closed? Fml
You have to join first, it's a closed group
To show them how equal we are, we should stop all foreign aid :^)
I live in the Fox Valley, I thought we were safe.
Why do they then?
Things started to slowly decline after 2001 (9/11) and then in 2008 (Obama becoming POTUS) things basically fell off a cliff.
Nvm, found it. I was being a retard.
Actually that person is right. You shouldn't donate shit to Africa. It's wrecks their local economies.
10. By "feelings of inferiority" we mean not only inferiority feelings
in the strictest sense but a whole spectrum of related traits: low
self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies,
defeatism, guilt, self-hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend
to have such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these
feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.
11. When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said
about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that
he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is
pronounced among minority rights advocates, whether or not they belong
to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are
hypersensitive about the words used to designate minorities. The terms
"negro," "oriental," "handicapped" or "chick" for an African, an
Asian, a disabled person or a woman originally had no derogatory
connotation. "Broad" and "chick" were merely the feminine equivalents
of "guy," "dude" or "fellow." The negative connotations have been
attached to these terms by the activists themselves. Some animal
rights advocates have gone so far as to reject the word "pet" and
insist on its replacement by "animal companion." Leftist
anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about
primitive peoples that could conceivably be interpreted as negative.
They want to replace the word "primitive" by "nonliterate." They seem
almost paranoid about anything that might suggest that any primitive
culture is inferior to our own. (We do not mean to imply that
primitive cultures ARE inferior to ours. We merely point out the
hypersensitivity of leftish anthropologists.)
I couldn't find you btw, I found others with that name, but your profile didn't show up
He's not wrong about the self-hatred part at least.
So there is a little truth in what he is saying.
Look at how many American's hate being American.
We can blame the mexicans all we want.
American's are running it into the ground
because they don't want to be seen as racist.
Voting for policies that clearly don't benefit them but will benefit everyone but Americans.
It's not because of black cock it's because of some imposed guilt.
Like you are suppose to feel guilty about this and since I don't feel guilty I must be racist.
"Social Justice" is not about lifting people up. It is about beating them down.
Something wrong with my privacy settings.. Sorry for the trouble! Here, hope you enjoy this pic.
her hair is described as chestnut brown and a line refers to her having a white face. source: read the books three times.
>Why do ((((((((white female)))))))) SJWs feel the need to glorify the black race and degrade """""""""""their own""""""""""" willingly?
To signal status and virtue.
I have a lot of friends/ family from money and they do this shit all the time. They're not self-hating, just narcissists.
When you see upper-middle class/ affluent white people posting shit like this, it's to make a statement.
This is quite a bit more accurate. I think it's less guilt than it is fear of consequence though.
its fb profile is gold
its interesting you say that year. Smartphones in every idiots hand, and the housing crisis and loss of faith in the system/banks caused it.
Meanwhile, the banking industry made $30 billion in overdraft fees last year, i expect things to fall farther.
I am an actual Undead Rogie btw
I am an actual Undead Rogue btw
what a sad human bean
>When you see upper-middle class/ affluent white people posting shit like this, it's to make a statement.
I don't buy this.
When white people say that they love niggers and hate white men, they're signalling that they love niggers and hate white men, because they love niggers and hate white men.
Occam's razor.
fuck u faggot
the jews respond to social unrest from their thievery by turning women against men and spics and niggers against whites until eventually white people have to kick the shit out of everybody
She's probably been re educated at one of the US's fine jewish facilities
The old, dried-up cunt is mad that the younger, tighter pussy is getting more attention than her used goods. That's literally it. Cunts use social media to garner social capital through "virtue signaling" and bitch about the competition.
This is true. I've been in post aesthetics for years and there's actually a hidden nudes group for long term members/people active in the commubity as well.
I'd invite anons to it but it would have to be an organized thing
Something like a raid?
Yes. I've been wanting to for awhile. It's filled with nudes and vids of real accounts. Pic related a screenshot of a vid some 18y/o posted today
Jesus christ. Fuck your feelings. Ill say what i want to say.
fuck thats good
Where are those pics hidden?
> starting them (Gentiles) young with the white (goyim) savior complex
(((Eliza Segal)))
It's a secret group.
Yeah the content is insane
>white savior complex
so not only do you magically oppress everyone
if you try to help you're still oppressing them
can we just start executing liberals yet?
they are deliberately undermining everything good in society
>tfw brown man
>I was born into a time where white women will offer their pink pussies to me
God is good, my ancestors would be so happy
We can have the white kid (nobody would ever make Malfoy black lmao) calling her a mudblood so it's chill.
seems mostly an american thing.
sure everywhere has retarded leftists but it's always americans that put down their own race so much and use all the tumblr memes like ""white savour" "privlilege" etc.
How did you join?
>yfw you're actually a fat ass white cuck posting on Sup Forums
take the fetish comments elsewhere, faggot
>implying women go around offering their pussys to basment dwelling Sup Forums users let alone a nigger to boot
hahahahaha fucking kek
>Segal Name Meaning Jewish (Ashkenazic): acronym from the Hebrew phrase SeGan Levia ‘assistant Levite’.
Sup Forums is ALWAYS fucking right.
maybe it's not americans but jews. why are they so fucking mentally ill.
Its the new generation of westerners
About half of the people I went to school with are sjws or liberal scum
Why do Americumskins like to project so much?
They're angry at mommy and daddy for no reason. In many cases these cases end in the daughter in the family ending up a single mother with a caramel colored baby. It's so sad. These white girls will grow up and get over their rebellious phase, but for many of them it will be too late.
Don't lump all of us in with these lunatics.
i know but it seems to predominate in america, and by extension the rest of the anglosphere. probably because of jews.
i've met hyper-leftist french and dutch people for instance. they are retards, but they don't use memes like "white privilege" or "rape culture" etc. this hyper tumblr style political correctness i mean.
It'd give away too much if I said. There is 0 chance of anyone getting in it who shouldn't be so don't get your hopes up. A raid would be fun though
Sending clothes and shoes to Africa negatively affects local businesses
I would like a raid too, but people don't know about this page
Yeah, sjws are everywhere.
I stopped using FB because of all the lib shit they spout 24/7
It was too spread here eventually.
FUCKING OAKLAND??!!?!?!?!11?!1
FB stopped by NPR to insist repetitively that they don't have a political bias. It's moves like that which show how they got to be so savvy with communications.
>Local business
>don't send shoes to africa. or maybe do send them
who would read an article that can't even make up its mind in the headline?