Brit/pol/ - British Politics

Life of the party Edition



>Y O U - H A V E - 0 - H O U R S - T O
>R E G I S T E R - T O - V O T E
2) Enter details including NI number
3) ...
4) Vote LEAVE

>C A M P A I G N

>P O L L / O D D S - C H E C K

Best post of last thread award goes to:

Other urls found in this thread:

Can someone explain this "little englander" meme to me?

We brexit EU or I brexit life

Reminder that the register to vote site is experiencing high traffic.


If you like England you are a close-minded bigot racist nazi.


Can anyone explain to me why non-whites in Britain feel so strongly about staying in the European Union?

Is that some alternative medicine, Nige?

wanting to look after your own people first is a terrible "inward looking" and "little englander" thing to do


He mentioned it after to be regarding e cigarettes.


Not exactly a surprise.


and to keep that traffic high

do it for my nan


the grauniad told them anything else was rayciss

It is all of your duties to open up CMD and type in.

ping -n 1000000

unless youre ethnic, then its healthy and normal.

Because their inferior culture is protected by the EU buerocrats.

I can't tell if those bookmarks are memeshot bookmarks or real.

Was at gym missed the debate. How did based nige do?

"'I'd like to invite you all to join me in a little circle-jerk"

Welby is a cunt
Cameron too


what's so memey about them lad

Student Unions on suicide watch


Saline as fuck

Pretty well considering he was interrupted constantly.

Better than Cameron. BTFO of the biased audience, whose questions consisted of "y u racist tho" "ye but y u raciss"

Pretty shit (audience were complete cunts to him) but polls and response tracking are showing he still did better than Cammywammy amongst undecided voters

Just a classic elitist disparaging term for hard working white tax payers who don't live in big cities.
You'll find them in suburbs and towns running businesses, working trades and living honest lives.
Usually vote Tory, like traditional values and form the backbone of our society.


BASED user

>Destroy our economy
>Ruin our country with an ageing population and nobody to prop up the system
>Have no say on any matters of relevance ever, never have a say, never go to any meetings about decisions affecting us
>Have big multinationals move their HQ to Europe
>Lower GDP
>Lower wages
>Lower employment rates
>NHS will be under even more pressure with less skilled workers in the next 10-20 years at a minimum
>Get totally fucked by terrorists without support from Europe
>Back of the queue for trade deals with EU countries and the USA
>Dumb fucks like Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson who are essentially comedy figures will become people of actual importance which would be highly embarrassing
>Ignore advice of literally every group of experts ever including the banks, lawyers, foreign policy ministers etc etc etc

But hey, at least we'll be able to get rid of those fuckin' Muslims, amirite guys? They tuk ar jurbs. Amirite?

I mean, who cares about science, intelligence, rationale, logic, research, facts and evidence when those ragheads are taking over? amirite?

I adore old Nige but I don't think he did great tonight lads. Really depressed.

This is the black woman who tried to barrage the farage:

why does your firefox look like opera

They knew what they were doing, and nothing will happen.

Don't fucking call her anything racist ffs lads

newfag Sup Forums has always had a website to blame for everything

I have used firefox, opera, and chromium all in the past so I riced to suite my workflow

I actually sent one to Ofcom.
Ofcom will do more, and they send the complaint on directly to ITV anyway.
If they get enough complaints then they have to investigate whereas ITV don't.

"I found my girlfriend in a passionate tryst with a man in our bed... I liked it" - Owen Jones, noted braindead trickle down media whore and cuckold

>I mean, who cares about science, intelligence, rationale, logic, research, facts and evidence
obviously not you :^)

what cameron meant was youd be out of the bigger picture, shut off from the world doing things alone.

obviously this isnt true, but its how they paint the Leave scenario

>His screenshot is from a subreddit
>It's stupid to call him a redditor

Another child left behind

Crash the EU Brits. Do it. Crash it. It has to die!

God bless you, m8

Britbros please succeed with Brexit or we will invade

Robert Hayward, who got closed to the GE prediction last year will tomorrow call the Referendum for Leave bar unforeseen consequences.

Robert Hayward, who got closed to the GE prediction last year will tomorrow call the Referendum for Leave bar unforeseen consequences.

Robert Hayward, who got closed to the GE prediction last year will tomorrow call the Referendum for Leave bar unforeseen consequences.

t. Newsnight

A good response would be to ask them to define 'Little Englander'


fucking reddit senpai


It was a political interview with some laughs thrown-in you fucking moron. Steph and Dom are cool people. You must have watched it if you know about it so shut the fuck up about it.

which polls bruv

did good despite a couple self entitled muh racism black girls. he got a lot more applause than cameron and he answered questions directly. cameron on the other hand waffled like fuck and didnt actually answer a single question

Yeah I sent one to ofcom too but they have a submission form rather than an email address which doesn't lend itself to letter format it just blobs all your text. Doesn't make for easy reading and therefore not good for screencaps


Don't make the headline tomorrow "Poor innocent black women attacked by leave voters"

I never thought I'd say this but...

I'll be proud of you britbongs if you brexit.


Last thread idiots saying Dresden came before Blitz

Check that link, it's a map showing every single bomb that landed during the blitz, 1940-1941

Pretty much a nuclear warhead

Dresden was 1945

is that gif from the debate a couple weeks ago?

> Pinging
> Request timed out...
> Request timed out...
> Request timed out...
> Request timed out...


Another clever incoherent insult from metropolitan Londoners with no concept of English identity within their little internationalist city state.

Nah, fuck off. Don't believe you, source

So when's Dishface actually going head to head with Farage?

Direct source pls

hi zach

sauce on that mate its too good to be true

I doubt it but... can former colonies register to vote in this referendum? I'd give you glorious bastards a leave vote if I could. With all the EU hate speech laws in the making, it will be soon that you britbros can't even post on Sup Forums. That would be a shame.

>everyone is doing it
>i'll do it too
>saving "please fuck off back to plebbit"
I'll be laughing once you retarded limeys get your vote rigged and since you're all cuckolds like Austria you'll do nothing about it.

> pretending it's not a glass of gin

Don't tweet her you fucking idiots

This gif is pretty old


I'm so proud of my country now

It seems we are all becoming red pilled together

Yeah I'm having this problem too.

I find the best way is to open 100s of tabs by clicking with the scroll wheel, see if any connect or close the browser.

Repeat until you get in.

Tweet her all you like, don't be shrivelled into a flacid cock like they want us to.

m8 that's literally a screencap from the e-reader version of his book

>smart and educated people strongly favour stay
>uneducated lower classes favour leave

I wonder is really making me think.

1/1 means it will definitely be 2/2, meme magic.

I've had it a while do I don't think so. Saved it from Sup Forums on December 12th 2015.

Must be trolling, how could anyone be that stupid

What would be the Sup Forums version of this?

>Diversity Advocate

Gee what a surprise

pls don't tweet at her unless you have a black person in your avatar

accuse her of being racist as a black person and you're good to go

Don't say something stupidly racist though

Murrica despite the fact that your best effort at banter is consistently 'lol bad dentistry' and the fact that you insist on taking credit for shit you didn't do, we are rather fond of you and sincerely hope that if we get cucked into remaining you'll elect Trump and liberate the fuck out of us


>err nerr all them poor people who will miss out

source on this pls

A massive UKIP flag over all of the UK

100% UKIP

>area bombing
aka carpet bombing aka saturation bombing aka dropping bombs on civilian population centers indiscriminately aka terror bombing.

Giving it a fancy name doesn't change anything, it's still as bad as anything Hitler did and here's a fucking spoiler alert, nobody fucking cared at the time. People were totally okay with leveling civilian towns and cities, that's pretty much how the vast fucking majority of wars were fought right up until after world war 2. People only started thinking mass slaughter and outright annihilation of a city was such a terrible idea when we all got so frighteningly good at it. Then America made the bomb. That's what really defined what kind of war is okay to fight in the modern age; can the country retaliate with nukes? No? Then who gives a fuck? Bomb the shit out of it and flatten every building.

Sorry that's the world we live in and people still make excuses for it today. Either learn to defend yourself from it or just get better at it than anyone else, don't pretend we were ever above it.

>Smart educated people
>~20 year old Uni students

Choose one and only one.



How uncouth my dear American cousin

>I mean, who cares about science, intelligence, rationale, logic, research, facts and evidence when those ragheads are taking over?
Sharia law will prohibit all of that.

DAILY REMINDER that Jocks need to be genocided