You prepared to get blown the fuck out today, Sup Forums?
Based Bernie is going to win and beat the shit out of your precious babyhands Drumpf.
You prepared to get blown the fuck out today, Sup Forums?
Based Bernie is going to win and beat the shit out of your precious babyhands Drumpf.
>ties with Clinton, at best
>split the delegates
>he still loses
No, OP post is /thread
HAHAHAHAHA! Good luck with that, you cucks
Clinton already clinched the nomination. It's over. Just vote for Trump and get it over with, you people are associate with being cucked.
I can sense your fear Hillbots.
I've been thinking... There's a chance the whole pre-orchestrated "Hillary wins via super delegates!" shit blows up in her face.
Sanders people have been hearing this all year. There's a very high likelihood they're still going to go vote.
What about Hillary voters? She already won. She's "cinched it".
Will they stay home?
If I was a Hillary voter and people are telling me she already won, she has it in the bag, super delegates super delegates super delegates, I'd be thinking fuck. I guess I don't even need to vote.
But Sanders voters have handed him state after state even knowing his end game doesn't exist. They're voting just to stick it to the establishment. So I think they'll still be out in force.
I can't wait to never see that image again after today.
>bernie making gainz in cali
>ahead of hillary in a lot of polls after making up 13 pt deficiet
>will not win but be close enough to show how weak hilldog is
>msnbc and dnc can not let that happy
>1 day before the biggest election day of the primary, declare hillary is the presumptive nominee
>take a fuck ton of wind out of bernies sails
>essentially call the east coast states while the west coast still has polls open
>implying this shit hasnt been rigged for years
fucking insane man. i really couldnt believe that dike maddow called the election last night when i was at the gym. pretty much guaranteed a huge amount of support for sanders wont show up to the polls today. meanwhile her promo piece for msnbc is about how republican constantly try to make it harder to vote... stupid cunt
If Bernie became president, I would be totally fine with it.
Hillary Clinton is a horror show. I'm only voting for Trump because Clinton is intolerable.
Look here son, I am a True-Mother-fucking-RED-WHITE-&-BLUE Trump supporting American.
But Hillary is sending Bernie to the showers and then the oven tonight
was thinking this about the blacks and hispanics. whites will still vote, but her stupid minority vote may stay home. would be glorious to see
95% on Sup Forums are Trump supporters
She already has enough delegates to clinch.
He's going to lose California by double digits, just like Obama did in 2008.
Bernie winning would most certainly not blow Sup Forums the fuck out.
In fact I think it'd be the most amazing thing possible.
Can't fool me, Hillbots.
Yes, we have Hilary shills, but they are not part of Sup Forums. They are paid to do it.
Shitty bait
Bernie's camp isn't loading illegal Mexicans on to buses and sending them to the polls to vote for him, therefore, he's going to lose by a large margin. Sorry, OP, but that's how the game is played by the democrats now, you're still assuming that there's any "fairness" left, which was your first mistake.
Ready to vote Trump once your guy is left in the gutters tonight?
Sup Forums wins either way:
>$hillary wins = expose her crimes = goes to jail mid-election = Trump wins by default
>Commie wins = Trump debates a fucking a cucked communist = kek'd banishes my sides = Trump wins by default
Just bring it motherfucking on, you fucking donkeys.
Crazy Bernie or Crooked Hillary, makes no difference. Tiny Hands Trump will crush them into powder w. his infant sized fist
I'd still be OK with this. #NeverHillary
I hope you understand that the end goal to the globalist movement is Neo Feudalism
Let’s check out Trump's presidential qualifications for POTUS:
The massive disappointment president Obama is against Trump
The Lying and Deceiving Mainstream Media are against Trump
The Criminal and Corrupt BIG banks are against Trump
The rotten Establishment Democrats are against Trump
The rotten Establishment Republicans are against Trump
Who is the Establishment???
The Mainstream media (MSM), GOP, AIPAC, ADL, SPLC, Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs, Neocons....
The fake Pope is against Trump
Globalist UN is against Trump
Tyrannical EU is against Trump
The Bilderberg Group is against Trump
The Council on Foreign Relations is against Trump
The Trilateral Commission is against Trump
Slave worker Hellhole China is against Trump
Corrupt Drug cartel Mexico is against Trump
Corrupt George Soros is against Trump
Corrupt Koch Brothers are against Trump
The whole (((AGENDA))) is against Trump
#blacklivesmatter terrorist are against Trump
MoveOn.Org is against Trump
I dunno. Bernfags are still donating their ramen money. They don't give up. I see most of them still going to vote.
Shillary isn't going to lose a single vote, of course, because all of the illegal immigrants and the army of the dead that vote Democrat every election were entered into the system months ago. :^)
>mfw Bernie supporters didn't even show up to vote because the news announced Hillary had already won
baka senpai