Future american president


I want to understand why people support Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. One is bought, the other is completly insane.
Iam german. The american presidential race looks like a reality show to me. The only not completly batshit candidates like Sanders or Jill Stein aren't considered "serious" candidates by the media and many people.
How is it possible, that people are AGAINST healthcare and free education? It's 2016, and people still have a problem with gays, blacks and other minorities? I mean who cares, live and let live.

Other urls found in this thread:


>the other is completly insane
Trump isn't insane. The mexicans and nigs have been getting the notion that it is alright to chimpout under Obama, riots and assaults skyrocketed since all the BLM shit, and Democrats and leftist media have been trying to excuse criminals for their actions - it needs to be curbed by an authority figure like Trump. Mexico is flooding the Southwest with violents, disloyal trash that comitts crime, fills the country with destructive drugs, and devalues native labor. We are also at the mercy of China, OPEC, and EU bankers in foreign trade. Trump's trade deals and tariffs will give us economic sovereignty again, and end the foreign market cucking. We'll also be less dependent on the Saudis for oil, and be able to use our own oil/coal reserves, as well as building thorium reactors - without greentards trying to shut everything down just to suit their feels.

Trump is also of German heritage, you shouldn't be attacking him.

>Sanders or Jill Stein
pic related

>The only not completly batshit candidates like Sanders or Jill Stein

Do I really need to read further?


OP here.
Those are the points i came across online.
>Minorities/"libtards" are the root of many problems
I guess it's the old "we against them" theme. Racism is so stupid. Do you really think Tyrone or Juan are the reason of the problems in the USA? But you are racist, and i won't be able to tackle that point. If you think like that, Trump might be indeed the "correct" candidate for you. And you appear to be completly unable to consider "leftist" ideas.
>Trump is a "strong" leader
Reasoning and arguing is for nerds, right? I want a guy overflowing with self confidence. As long as he satisfys my racist ideas, iam fine.

I guess iam just naive. Do you really think "greentards" do what they do to "suit their feels"? Do you really think that "The mexicans and nigs have been getting the notion that it is alright to chimpout"? Maybe iam sitting in my progressive german bubble, but i didn't thought people have mindsets like these.

"I refuse to reason because he said a certain keyword. I also refuse to explain why i am acting like this. That will show him!"

Heh I'm partly german ancestrally and even a lot of us here in america are confused as fuck as to how this could have possibly happened. Both have record breaking unfavorable ratings.

How do you not? Blacks commit overwhelmingly high percentages of crime, violent and otherwise.

"Juans" are largely illegal immigrants, and are literally not authorized or legally present in our nation. They walked across our undefended border and reap the benefits of our society without having contributed or even come here legally through the provided process.

Why do you self-loathe so much that you view defending our values and nationalism as unethical, and you willingly label those who disagree with you with derision?

>Trump insane

Well being German I think he understands how insane nationalism can go... hint-hint.

>being against public healthcare
Actually private healthcare sounds fucking great if you have ever been forced to use public healthcare for something more serious than a broken arm.

I dread the day when i might get a serious illness.

>The american presidential race looks like a reality show to me

Because that is how it is presented by the media. If you want someone to blame, blame the American media for infantalizing our political system and using shrill, irresponsible "journalism" to whip the public into a frenzy. The only reason you think Trump and Clinton are "batshit" while somehow having a positive apprehension of Sanders and Stein is because the latter two are not repeatedly caricatured by the media. You seem extremely naive.

I didn't vote for her, iam not responsible for her.

Iam trying get a broad view of the race. I read new media, both left and right. I don't get my view based on how they are "presented" but based on what they say and did. I may be naive, but iam not naive enough to be not able to understand the media.

I was writing something, and i lost it cuz of a fukking update.
"Blacks are per se inferior and more prone to violence. They have a higher statistic and i refuse to think more about the problem."

"mexicans are per se lazy. They are so lazy, they leave their homes and undergo a dangerous journey just to live in the great social security the USA provides."

I don't self-loathe. What are your values? Nationalism is stupid "I was lucky to be born in a certain country". I don't label. People using words like "libtard, greentard, nigs" do.

>Nationalism is stupid "I was lucky to be born in a certain country

if you were white, you would understand

Oh, and your recent election wasn't exactly great either.

Iam white? I don't really get what you are trying to say.

You just restated my points, with the vague implication that they're somehow wrong out the gate.

They aren't.

Throwing "Per Se" into a regurgitation of my own statement doesn't prove or disprove anything.

Black commit the overwhelming amount of our crimes.

Illegals are illegals. I never said they were lazy. I said they violated our basic tenets by being here, and are literal invaders in our nation.

You're just a shitty baiter, i guess.

More like, being a German millennial he's been brainwashed all his life to be an anti-nationalist cuck.


>unable to consider leftist ideas
We spend nearly 3 trillion dollars on gibsmedats ever year, and blacks and Mexicans still don't give a shit or take advantage of it, because they have a negative culture and are partially hindered by genetics. Average black IQ is 85, average white is 100. If blacks acted more like Thomas Sowell, and less like "real niggas", they'd do a lot better in life. Unfortunately, leftists coddle and glorify their niggerish behavior, and subsidize their failure.

I am also in favor of many leftist ideas, since I support Trump's economic policy. Trump also supports state-based government healthcare, such as that in Massachusetts. I think it's a more effective solution, because trusting our healthcare to a federal bureaucracy, when we have 340 million citizens and many illegals, is fucking stupid.

You have no idea how fucking creepy your shit looks to us right now, friend.

>I was lucky to be born in a certain country

How does that invalidate the achievements, heritage, and wealth that your ancestors set up for you?

If you won a lottery, would you throw the letter in the trash because it wasn't fair to some nigger across the Mediterranean you never met?

Sounds like a defeatist, cuck attitude to me. Nietzsche and Stirner would be disappointed.

Well, you and the rest of the world are up our asses, so we must be doing something right. Didn't like, six of your top-ranking female officials just all convert to Islam at the same time?

Are you here trying to shit on us because you don't want to face that? I don't blame you, Achmed.

>hi im OP we love foreigners raping our women and are all spineless liberal cuck pussies whose grandfathers would be ashamed of

>let me tell you why electing a non-cucked politician is dumb

adding to this:

People shouldn't consider each generation as isolated and different from the previous ones.

We (ourselves and our nations) are actually a continuation of the genes and decisions of our ancestors. We are living vicariously through the decisions they made. For instance, if Napoleon didn't invade the Holy Roman Empire, Germany as we know it wouldn't exist. If Europe didn't have long winters, Europeans wouldn't have developed high IQs, etc.

When you view societies as a constant progression (not necessarily in the Hegelian sense, mind you) nationalism seems all the more logical.

aber van der bellen wählen hahahahaha have fun mit dem pathologischen Lügner.

>want a guy overflowing with self confidence. As long as he satisfys my racist ideas, iam fine.

You misunderstood me.

When I said I want Trump to be an "athority figure" what I mean was that he should set-up the idea that we should ACTUALLY ENFORCE THE LAW. Trump and his Attourney General should start to curb the riots and black/Mexican nationalism that is plaguing us currently.

The team we have now, Obama and Lynch, are actually encouraging chimpouts; and so are their obedient little parakeets in leftist media.

>tanned german

>It's 2016
You have to go back, Achmed.

Trump is the only non-insane candidate (including Johnson and Stein)!

>forms his opinion around soundbites and the articles of "journalists"
>not naive

this is like someone claiming to know what a celebrity is like because they've seen their movies and read entertainment magazines

No matter what i say, it won't hold a point because iam a "brainwashed anti-nationalist cuck." Very "smart" way to dismiss everything I say. Sadly, this stop every discussion, but apparently you don't want to disucss, you want to be validated.

I also countered your points. :^)

You just have shitty reading comprehension. Also, all signs and news coming out of Germany lately points to you being cucks. I can also read history articles and see that half of you were subjected to Soviet brainwashing, and the other half subjected to Western "de-Nazification" programs which put a heavy taboo on German nationalism, and it lingers to this day.

Kudos to my ancestors. What does that have to do with me? Why should i be proud of something i have nothing to do with? I can't be proud of Ernest Hemingway, i could be proud if i WERE Hemingway.

And your lottery comment is extremely stupid.

The rest of us know you're a troll when you claim bern and stein are the only two sane candidates
stop pretending to be offended, you knew you would be found out as soon as people read your post

>you are racist and I won't even be able to tackle that point
You're a racist, too Hans. You're such a racist, I can't even prove it but it's so obviously true I don't have to.

Well, i guess i was stupid for coming to Sup Forums to have a serious discussion about Sup Forumsitics. You guys aren't interested in such thing.

>What does that have to do with me? Why should i be proud of something i have nothing to do with?

You have a lot to do with it, it's part of what makes you you. All this Hegelian bullshit of always wanting to trash the past is irrational. You ancestors spent tons of time and blood building up the German civilization; and you want to just piss it away? It's not logical, it's regressive. You're doing away with something that makes humanity unique and diverse. The Japs are nationalistic as fuck, and their society is doing great, and they are among the most technologically-advanced people in the world. Nationalism is not a recipe for being "backward" in that regard. To just not understand and embrace nationalism takes a sense of forced alienation from your deepest instincts.

Even on a basic, primal, level; being as materialistic and animalistic as possible, it's still illogical to want to give your resources to random strangers whom often don't even like you or your customs. Duh?

Not an argument. Pic related is your face right now.

Noone is againt enforcing the law. But do you truly trust a guy like Trump to do that? In how many coutcases is he involved?

And your alternative is?

>But do you truly trust a guy like Trump to do that?
Yes, a lot more than Hillary. Most of the cases against Trump were over petty shit from leftists trying to smear him; such as not approving enough black families for his apartments, etc.

>In how many coutcases is he involved?
Holy shit, you don't understand Modern business at all, do you?

Also, do you trust Hillary or Bernie to enforce the law when they pander to minorities and say shit like "whites don't know what it means to be poor.", etc. They would likely just turn a blind eye to minority aggressions, the same as Obama is doing. Leftists believe whites need to be "punished".

80% of the media in the US is biased towards leftists. If you only watched NBC, for example, you would think Trump is LITERALLY HITLER and feasts on baby blood every day.

You should take infor from Breitbart, Stefan Molyneux, and Alex Jones, for starters. Note: I don't agree with all of their views, I just appreciate that they often tell news that leftist media intentionally ignores and skews.

My ancestors didn't spent "tons of time and blood", they were just people like you and me. I don't want to piss it away, but how does Goethe or Schiller make me better? A nationalist is like a soccer fan. His team is the best. But atleast a soccer fan can choose.

And helping others is illogical? You might take that pure capistalist survival of the fittest stance. But noone would want to live in such a world. Also, i don't understand what that has to do with nationalism.

I don't think that picture fits very well.

Why the hell was this picture not named golden Trump?

Jill fucking Stein of all people, the reasonable one?

Her policies are essentially her "advocating" for a non-human entity, in the pursuit of literal revenge upon humanity for perceived injustices to the environment.


But there's nobody that supports a strong national identity, strong borders and minimal skilled immigration, doesn't buy whole-god into the MUH GUIDING HAND FREE MARKET FRIEDMAN'S NECROTIC DICK meme, while also decriminalizing any behavior not in direct violation of the non-aggression principle.

Oh, and I'd like for the candidate to support strong capital punishment and real forced labour for violations of the non-aggression pact.

There ain't a nationalist-libertarian candidate. Christ, I'll probably have to vote for Trump. Unironically the closest thing I've got, better than the US Lolbertarian Party, for sure.

try studying WHY things are the way they are instead of being distracted by the glitz and glam of what is presented to you in the media. what you're reading about the primary is only a partial picture, and an extremely incomplete one at that. there is a wealth of information out there, if you want to be truly informed and have an opinion that's worth a damn, then buckle in and start reading up on actual history. For example, could it occur to you that Hillary and Trump are indeed actual real people and not just memes? And that both have very reasoned and strategic thought processes behind every action they take? The moment you look at a politician and decide "hurr durr he's just dumb and crazy" is the moment you've checked out mentally from reality and settled in for a nice spoonfeeding from other people. even vermin supreme, the perennial joke candidate, has reasons for doing what he does beyond just being a joke

A major disaster just occurred, you can save your family or a black family, or half of your family and half of the black family. Who do you save?

Oh God, how did you get to this place, you massive fucking faggot?

>And helping others is illogical?
It is when the benefit they give you is questionable compared to how much of a burden they are on you. Taking 2 million new Muslims into Germany, them being 75% young males too, was completely unnecessary, and led to German girls getting rapped and mugged. Sweden's immigration program currently is a net loss to the Swedish economy. They don't want to fit in to society, or work to produce goods and services for the native populace, they just want gibsmedats. Sweden is set to become a third-world country by 2030 as a result of the huge drain on their state resources, and the increase in crime and social disruption. (see pic)

link to source: speisa.com/modules/articles/index.php/item.454/sweden-to-become-a-third-world-country-by-2030-according-to-un.html

>You might take that pure capistalist survival of the fittest stance.
I'm not a pure capitalist, stop strawmanning me.

> But noone would want to live in such a world.
Nobody wants to live in a world where all cultures and nations are an amorphous blob like American and Brazil, either. Maybe some pure nihilistic hedonists, simpletons who only live in the moment, and globalist bankers do, though. Nationalism is how nations and cultures live beyond the lives of their individual members. It is a great triumph of mankind that must be preserved, if we are to call ourselves separate from simple animals.

Well, iam not for Hillary either. But i doubt that there is not a single point of truth in all the cases against him.

Sueing your way to victory? No, i don't understand modern business. Do you?

As i understand that "poor" statement was in the context of beeing the victim of racism. Noone wants to "punish" white people or anyone. Why would they? Not beeing racist doesn't make you "anti-white".

Iam not an Insider, but i don't really believe that. As a german, i think your whole media is completly fukked up, with FOX beeing just the tip of the iceberg. Trump gets the most coverage, and sometimes bad pr is still good pr.

I will check out the other two, but Alex Jones? Really? I mean, even as a rightwinger, how can you take that guy serious?




you can find many similar videos on YouTube. I don't have anything to do with the posted channels, it was just easier to post them instead of finding the original.

>Alex Jones? Really? I mean, even as a rightwinger, how can you take that guy serious?

What I meant to say was Info Wars, the media organization he runs. It has many independent reporters that collect information. Many of them are Europeans and report on immigrant problems and EU scandals, for example. I also said that I don't agree with all of their views, like Jones' screaming autism.

>No, i don't understand modern business. Do you?

I, uh...

Why are you attempting to argue that point, then? A businessman's mere presence in lawsuits means nothing without investigating them individually.

What are you trying to prove, that Trump isn't a saint that some memes paint him out to be? Con-fucking-grats, you've done it.

Most of the people here supporting Trump, I'd wager to say, do not do so out of the "he speaks his mind!" sort of thing that irritated older folks enjoy.

I'm not the most vehement supporter, but his policies are (in my opinion) most likely to benefit the nation out of the top 3 candidates in the election. 4, I guess.

I believe a nation must hold intact borders with a moderate induction of skilled, educated, and easily-assimilatable immigrants, with little-no unskilled labour immigration.

I believe that owning a firearm of roughly equal specification (not fucking difficult) to standard-issue military is fundamentally vital to prevent eventual tyranny and to fulfill the personal responsibility of self-defense and defense of family/friend/community.

I do not believe that the TPP, NAFTA, and other binding agreements are beneficial.

Among other things, this is why I (somewhat reluctantly) throw my support behind Trump.

im this faget that wants Robert Heinlein-style nationalist-libertarianism btw

And God help me, but I don't reckon Fox news is that bad. Much of the time, anyway.

Also Trump has thoroughly respectable people as guests and regular listeners.

>Noone wants to "punish" white people or anyone.
That's pretty anecdotal. There are many leftists that intentionally, literally, want whites to be punished and have their society degraded. There are many leftist European politicians (especially in the EU leadership and local socialist parties like in Sweden) that say European society needs to change and be multicultural, and that national sovereignty and traditions are bad. You leftists just see this through a filter, even if its on a subconscious level, because you've been programmed to think that whites are "evil" or "privileged".

When the tables flip though, the narrative changes. For instance, leftists in the US are currently speaking out against "gentrifications", which essentially means that white people are moving into black neighborhoods, and disrupting their sovereign culture - and blacks need to have their culture protected.

Another example is Tibet. Many liberal types were supporting the "free Tibet" movement. Do you know what the Chinese are doing to it? They are intentionally sending millions of Chinese to live there, to erode Tibetan culture and make it more lenient to the Han Chinese culture - as a plan to eventually absorb it into the Maoist government. Muammar Gaddafi and several Muslim imams have advocated for a mass immigration to Europe, followed by mass breeding, to subvert European culture and make it Islamic. It seems you naive faggots have taken the bait. All you're doing is crippling white nationalism, and allowing other groups to fill the vacuum. The Chinese are now colonizing Africa, because whites wimped-out.

Stein was just an example, i don't want to discuss her now.

Even if you are a complete rightwinger, doesn't Trump statements scare you? Yesterday he says no, today he says yes, noone knows what he will say tomorrow. He contradicts himself often.

We are litterally in a discussion i started to understand exactly those things. Iam probably not a retard. I know that the media is not perfect and often has a agenda of his own. I asked for good sources of information, you didn't provide one. I don't think they are just "dumb and crazy", if i would, i wouldn't have started this thread.

I don't care for the other familys skin color. Ofc i save my own family, and if possible, others too. It doesn't matter if those other familys are black, white or whatever. Would i prefer to save a german family over a foreign one? No. I would do what is necessary to save as many as possible.

I wanted a political discussion, and i thought this would be the correct place. I guess i was wrong.

it was unncessary? What was the alternative? Letting them starve at the border? Iam pretty sure you won't believe me when i say that the whole "German girls getting rapped and mugged" was blown way out of proportion. That is just my naive progressive mindset speaking.
I don't know much about the situation in sweden, but the idea of sweden turning into a third world state in 25 years is pretty laughable.
You complain about strawmanning, just to continue with doing the same with me. I don't want to eradicate all cultural differences. As long as your tradition doesn't hold you back from accepting modern values, you are free to do whatever you want. And i don't really see how "thinking in flocks and herds" separates us from simple animals.

I guess you mean Alex Jones, not Trump?

Your arguing is very "rightwingish", if i may say.
By saying leftists are programmed, you can nullify every argument they say, because they are unable to see the truth. I could say the exact same thing about rightwingers, how they are fed racism from the very beginning, and how they are unable to understand multicultural ideas. But i won't, because iam actually interested in a discussion and don't want to shutdown opposing arguments.

I don't think whites are evil or privilied, what the fuck are you talking about? But hey, i guess iam programmed, so iam unable to understand my own thoughts...

Your whole arguing reeks of racism. "they vs. us", "THE muslims are fighting against US whites", they are trying to OUTBREED US.
I don't think i can argue against someone who thinks like that. Take that as a sign for how right and correct you are, if you wish, i can't stop you.

>it was unnecessary? What was the alternative? Letting them starve at the border?

Encouraging their close neighbors like Saudi Arabia, the Arab Emirates, and Turkey to take them in would be a start. They are the most culturally-relevant nations for them to live in, and are nearer to their home, so they can be rehabilitated after awhile, and return to Syria to improve it.

Not intentionally giving them a bunch of free programs, and having Merkel's landwhale ass stand in front of world news cameras and say "COME TO GERMANY!!!" is another thing. If you leave a cut melon outside, it's going to attract flies. I was also referencing that the amount and nature of the illegals you took in made it an unnecessary venture. You should have put a priority on women, children, or crippled/old people. The young men were the best candidates to fix Syria's problem, and you've essentially drained them of that talent. Also, you're stuck with 1.5 million new rowdy chimpout candidates with no respect for women or German culture.

watch this video by a professor that explains how immigration is actually a negative for the world as a whole:

Basically, it puts unnecessary burden on the host countries, and drains the immigrants' countries of talent.

>not completly batshit candidates like Sanders or Jill Stein

Lost it there, m8!

So basically, you're triggered?

Maybe you should go back to posting traps on Sup Forums like real intellectuals.

Fuck sake, I had a lovely wall of argumentative text that just got axed for no reason.

Instead of re-writing it, I'll take the lazy route.

What, specifically, should I be concerned about regarding a Trump administration?

I would ask you to exclude the possibility of international conflict; I've only got a half hour left in this shift to funpost, and I don't really have the time to explain to you just how the Hill-dawg and even Sanders are more likely to involve the United States in foreign conflict.

Tell me what to be worried about, please.

If you gave one damn shit about what people have actually done you'd know that Hillary Clinton can never be allowed to have the presidency.

Why can't you be proud of your family?

worry about yourself


And adding to this fellow, do me a favor and google these two names:

Vince Foster

Ron Brown

There are plenty of other folks that have allegedly committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head, sometimes even multiple times! These folks generally were set to testify against Bill or the Hill-Dawg; some of it dating back to the Arkansas days and some more current.

Oh, and then there's the fellow that allegedly committed suicide by climbing into a duffel bag and pad-locking himself in. Outcry was so bad that it was finally changed to a murder investigation and 2 anonymous suspects were detained. Of course, after that, nothing else happened and it fell off the radar.

Her and Billy have fucking busted caps in folks for trying to tattle on 'em.

Damn, i guess you are right. We completly forgot to encourage Saudi arabia or Turkey. Would have solved the problem. Yeah, no. And we already made deals with Turkey about immigrants, deals with led to harsh criticism at merkel and others.

Comparing people who are fleeing from war with flies? Really?

The immigration office actually does priorize "women, children, or crippled/old people." We don't "just take them in", they have to prove they have a need for asylum.

German culture? It basically revolves around driking way to much beer and wine. I don't have respect for that either.

draining of talents? If you are fleeing from war or poverty, you are draining talents?

I hate both, but Hillary at least won't bring irreversible destruction to the country and our international reputation

ahahahaha faggot!

exactly, Trump's a destructive faggot who's gonna shit diarrhea all over our political proces

Neither Hillary or Trump will provide us with free anything. We are trillions of dollars in debt and will be provided with very little.

As for your current year rationalization, you do not live here and have not experienced the same things we have, the things your controlled media doesn't tell you.

We just want our sovereignty, dignity and the rule of law to apply to everyone equally. It sounds crazy to you because of your ignorance. The same ignorance that is going to grind you and your culture into nothing soon.

Yeah, they also programmed a sexual fetish for traps so we won't reproduce and the muslim outbreed us. It all makes sense now!

Iam not for Hillary either?

So they are trying to kill people who are against them? What? and even if, iam not for Hillary, so what?

>draining of talents? If you are fleeing from war or poverty, you are draining talents?
Yes, the ability of people to change Syria is being robbed, because young adult males are being encouraged to come to Germany instead of staying and fighting for stability. You didn't have to be weak, and cave to everything the Turks wanted, either. The Saudis also had huge refugee camps set-up that went totlaly unused. It seems to the rest of the world that Merkel didn't let out much of a peep on getting the other Middle-Eastern countries to cooperate. I don't know what your state media told you.

>German culture? It basically revolves around driking way to much beer and wine. I don't have respect for that either.

Well, it's obvious you're going to be a cuck no matter what. It's like I'm telling an emo kid to stop hating himself.

Just tell me what you think about the situation in Tibet.

>Not batshit crazy

>current year

Our political process is shit.

Could you please reply to my post? I'd like to know what you think I should be fearful if if a Trump presidency occurs.

exactly, and trump's gonna add to the pile with his explosive diarrhea

>sander the big fat fucking communist and (((Jill Stein))) aren't considered serious candidates
Into the your opinion Ahmed Muhammad from Germany it goes

It's funny how you're trying to make me seem like a conspiracy theorist. It's a common tactic leftist newplebs use when """""""arguing""""""". I never said anything about traps being related to the argument, that was just your bad reading comprehension. The reason I said that was because you were sounding like a typical pleb from Sup Forums, and trap spamming is a common Sup Forums pass-time.

However, the stuff I'm saying isn't made up. I want you to actually watch this entire video. You can't call yourself an intellectual if you ignore all arguments and info presented.


Also, tell me your opinion on Tibet, as mentioned here:

Nonsense. Explosive diarrhea will be contained to the south of out boarders, behind a big, beautiful wall preferably.

>if you vote for this person u racist
>if you vote for this person u corporatist

you stupid krautcuck go back to sucking those refugee cocks
they're getting dry