>No, i don't understand modern business. Do you?
I, uh...
Why are you attempting to argue that point, then? A businessman's mere presence in lawsuits means nothing without investigating them individually.
What are you trying to prove, that Trump isn't a saint that some memes paint him out to be? Con-fucking-grats, you've done it.
Most of the people here supporting Trump, I'd wager to say, do not do so out of the "he speaks his mind!" sort of thing that irritated older folks enjoy.
I'm not the most vehement supporter, but his policies are (in my opinion) most likely to benefit the nation out of the top 3 candidates in the election. 4, I guess.
I believe a nation must hold intact borders with a moderate induction of skilled, educated, and easily-assimilatable immigrants, with little-no unskilled labour immigration.
I believe that owning a firearm of roughly equal specification (not fucking difficult) to standard-issue military is fundamentally vital to prevent eventual tyranny and to fulfill the personal responsibility of self-defense and defense of family/friend/community.
I do not believe that the TPP, NAFTA, and other binding agreements are beneficial.
Among other things, this is why I (somewhat reluctantly) throw my support behind Trump.
im this faget that wants Robert Heinlein-style nationalist-libertarianism btw
And God help me, but I don't reckon Fox news is that bad. Much of the time, anyway.