Why aren't millennials having children?

Why aren't millennials having children?

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Because millennials are eternal children.

Cant afford it
Women won't raise them
Contraception and abortion are widely available and socially acceptable

First, try to find a girl or woman that is less spoilt than you yourself are and who is willing to sacrifice her education and youth to be a mother. Next, get a job that pays the rent, electricity, food, taxes, additional taxes for the sandpeople we keep importing and of course the brats education in a private school(public ones are full of aforementioned sandpeople). Third, when you are done, get laughed at from your "friends" who chose to not have children and live an alltogether better life than you are. Does this sound like a good deal to you?

jew media encouraged them to become hedonists or SJWs

What does hedonism have to do with not having children?

It doesn't bring a fast immediate dose of pleasure.

Why is my facebook full of millenials with children?
Like every broad I knew in highschool has a couple kids.
Most dudes I know have a couple kids, married.

I'm the outlier.
My excuse? I won't be around long enough to provide a fruitful experience of 2 parent upbringing.
My family history dictates that and I realize there is an end to my tree.

Why not?

hedonism and parenting are incompatible. do you think charlie sheen makes a good father?

I'm honestly not sure what you want to hear.
Why would you have children if you are hedonistic?

Are you really going to die young? Better get out of Sup Forums and start smoking crack and getting a lot of debt my friend.

I would leave my job to raise and homeschool beautiful tall sons and daughters. But no men my age want a family.. Or make enough to support one.

My genetics are utter garbage. I've been blessed to turn out as good as I did, but my mental problems stop me from utilizing my full potential.

I won't go into it, but yeah, my family, especially in the last three generations, has so much fucking things wrong with our genetics on both sides. It's best if I don't reproduce. How are your genetics fucked up?

>expecting people to have children in a feminist environment

I'm 27 and almost everyone I know has at least one child.

There are no women on Sup Forums. Stop giving us false hope.

they are quite literally brainwashed against it, in countless subtle ways

I remember in class having to work out how "expensive" it was to have even a single child - that sure taught me something!

our leaders in politics and media have decided to depopulate the west through reduced birthrates and abortions, and they've used all their power to push this agenda; it's as simple as that
they call it "social engineering"

>putting more people in this shithole

"strong" women, beta men.

Spotted the shitty parents

Why don't you have a gf?

Women suck and rather work dead end jobs then being a housewife. They are completely brainwashed when it comes to this and i refuse to have a child with a crazy person and i connecting i refuse to sign my life over to said person

Because they have been indoctrinated with cultural Marxist propaganda telling them it is okay to be a degenerate. Restoring traditional family values would increase the birth rate.

Mandatory viewing:

I love it how they always include college into something like that as if it's a mandatory part of life that your parents are just expected to pay for.

This and by God, look at that picture! Who wants to deal with that shit so you raise them to function in this fucked up world!

>Why aren't millennials having children?
Not a millenial, got born in 1990, but I will not be having children, why would I create another human being to live in this horrible shithole of a country? That would be utterly irresponsible.

legalisation of contraception and the pushing of women out of the home and into the market killed western civilisation

all so the elite can manufacture their world state Second Tower of Babel that God is 100% guaranteed to demolish, and I bet most of them even know it

>Second Tower of Babel that God
Neo Atlantis already built it and it was destroyed by the Nautilus

Hedonism is about pleasure, not necessarily immediate pleasure. So for example, doing the work you most enjoy as opposed to what you are best at is still hedonism. Hedonism =/= degeneracy

Most baby boomers I know didn't have children until their 30's, the only exception being poor people

Because the sexes are having trouble getting along with each other, and millennials are broke.

Millennial here. Got 4 kids
but...not with a white girl

no wife

Because they are children.

Peter-Pan syndrome is fucking rampant, m8

As a parent you should have 1 goal, give your kid a better life than you had.

I cannot do that.

Because I'm young and I'm not going to waste my life on a whiny brat (your pic proves my point).

Maybe when I'm in my early thirties I'll start.

why would anyone force a kid who doesn't need to exist to live through this current shitty era

Why do millenials keep making threads asking other millenials about millenials?
Reminder that if you are under the age of 36, you are a millenial or too young to be here.

/lgbt/ wants to take the T out. Weird to think, huh...

vocal minority

No jobs, no future, no desire. Of course, I know you don't need a lot of money to raise kids, especially if you have like grandparents and cousins and stuff, and I have the desire, and I know enough people who do. But I'm from a lower class family, I have different ideas on how things should be from a lot of people.

>My family history dictates that and I realize there is an end to my tree.
Be sure to go out in a grand fashion m8.


Because my slut ex girlfriend of three years left me and now I fuck ona holes and spend my money on cars

Because they're too busy chopping off their penises for fake vaginas, wearing dresses, and demanding the rest of society call them women.
They'll die out soon, as their hormone ridden chimera's body will die out by the age of 40 at best.

because governments are incentivizing them not to, and instead incentivizing third worlders to come here and have lots of them.

In order from most to least pertinent and encompassing explanations:

1. It costs too much (birth of a child costs $10,000 in medical bills alone, only gets far worse from here)

2. Feminist/Modern Ideology: Covenants of marriage have been compromised so thoroughly that even marriage is (rightfully) dismissed by young men

3. Selfishness, primarily in the form of the Device Paradigm

4. Implicit Population Control: people growing up are aware of the impact of humanity on the Earth and see no reason to add another shithead to the total, and it is a well-documented phenomena that developed countries see stagnant birth rates the further they technologically progress

because humanity should end

no girl will ever love me

I can't afford them you idiot. And I'm in a seven year relationship, so we're in our prime to be parents. Shit sucks but I'm not gonna be a welfare nigger

*And never will if Zika shows up. Anyone cooked up a Zika-chan yet?

Iktf bro

Because they can't afford them.

First you drown them in debt just to get proper education, then you drown them in to even more debt with ludicrous housing prices and rents. Then you remove or water down all the social security benefits that the boomers and generation x got to enjoy and move most jobs overseas and expect all these people to suddenly find work in highly competitive environment filled by migrants who are willing to work for food or start a company and get even more debt just to get fucked over by publishers, multinational corporations or the goverment.

Shits fucking ridiculous.

I want too, believe me. I want a house with at least two kids, two dogs, lots of land, and a wife that loves me. I want to take my kids hunting and fishing and teach them how to be good people and do what's right and take my son to Boy Scouts and be a good father. Unfortunately that's just a pipedream in this world.

fuck me it's not that hard. I'm 23, engaged and at 28 my wife will stop working to raise our children. In the mean time, we earn and save as much as possible.

Just explain that it is it normal to want to sacrifice your youth and hours for a company which has nothing to do with you.

The best thing to do for your children is not to have them. Those poor fuckers will be alive to see the day when whites become so small minority the nigger hordes will burn the world. I hate to say it but we have lost.

Lower wages
Large amounts of debt
It would be hard enough to just get a house, nevermind marriage and children.

i have ptsd, dissociative disorder, and my fiance is infertile. i don't want to bring kids into this world because i'm afraid i'll go nuts and abuse them

You don't have to spend millions on a house. Move to a town, not a city. Find a decent job in a decent community and then find a nice girl. You will both work, gradually building your nest egg and share the joy of having children and working to provide for them. Finances actually get easier when you're in a couple (providing you teach your girl good lessons about building a life together brick by brick and the importance of teamwork), not harder

>tfw live with ex and her husband of 4 children all under the age of 5

Am I selfish for not babysitting all of them for free?

>live with ex and her husband of 4 children all under the age of 5

Am I selfish for not babysitting all of them for free?

You're a millennial.

You're confusing Epicurean hedonism with high time preference modern hedonism. If millennials were Epicureans, we wouldn't have a problem.

>internet addict
>unemployable degree with no skills
>bad at dating

That's fucking why. Nevermind the fact that I can't even find work and have taken to doing mturk, surveys and other clickwork for chump change, just to feel like I'm contributing something and not wasting away, rotting in front of the screen. Which I do regardless.

There is zero chance I have to live a stable, secure life. It would be an act of cruelty for me to reproduce. So, living alone it is. At least I have muh free time.

Im twenty five, stoned and watching nostalgia critic. And this is how I will live.

Almost fell for this bait.

Because a lot of men are beta cuckolds, and the rest of men are being pushed away by women because women no longer want to have families and instead either want to just fuck for a night or be strong, independent feminazis. The vast majority of women are so unbearable to the average man that just building your life around hobbies is more appealing than getting into a relationship that will likely end with women stealing everything you have.

This is why millenials don't want to have children. Women don't want to be mothers, men who grew up playing vidya or watching cartoons their entire lives end up being autists, betas, or cuckolds, and the rest of men don't want to put up with the average woman's bullshit and end up finding pleasure in the same hobbies that autists and betas enjoy.

Hey I want children, 2 will be enough

Burn them holocaust style.

>Why aren't millennials having children?
Many/most moved to population sinks which now rely on Mexicans since liberals want to exterminate blacks.

In my country the guys get depressed when they see their friends having a family and a wife and the can't

im a manchild

>tfw ywn have a family who love you

Pretty much, I do some women in their 30's and they still don't have their shit together.

Because I'm bipolar and have psoriasis. No woman will ever mother my child. I could adopt or just have a chick have my kid and then fuck off, but that's not what I want. I want a child or five of my own, with a stable, loving household, something I never got and will never be able to give someone else.
I'm planning to kill myself once I hit 35.

We're over populated and it's becoming a huge problem! Huge problem.
People need to stop making kids like there's no tomorrow.

>nostalgia critic
Literal shit-tier comedy. Who wants to listen to some shrill jackass in glasses scream at bad 80's cartoons?

Low test and unable to handle an responsibility and want to live for themselves.

Marriage is now shit tier, bachelor life never been better. They're also poor as fuck

It's an international kind of feel

>roll the dice over STDs from rampant modern sexual degeneracy
>roll the dice over getting half of your shit stolen (and maybe your kids, too) in court
>wanting to raise said children in an environment that will attempt to brainwash them every step of the way into thinking that multiculturalism is good and that there are 25 different genders to choose from, roll the dice even further for them to not end up a broken drug addict

A lot of things would have to be fixed for it to be appealing. A lot of the west continues to enable the vocal, mentally ill underminers of all we spent so long to set up. If you want the right people to reproduce, you will have to give them the proper incentive to do so. All they see now (if they aren't poverty stricken welfare monkeys who shit out kids regardless and let the government care for them) is needless hardship with no absolute pay-off and a bleak tomorrow set up by the sins of yesterday and today.

The feel that was felt around the world.

Everyone who is not white is having 3 kids +, everyone who comes close to white is having 1 kid, adopting african babies or raising their wives kids

Seriously, its financially, societally, and romantically difficult to get kids. And this is even IF you want kids. If your sole goal in life is to live comfortably via endless hedonism then its gg from the start.

yup, we have silently crossed the point of no return awhile ago. I just hope I am able to die and miss all this bs before it gets too bad.

the only that will stop it now is some massive war and you can look around and see how may are opposed to the draft to ever have that happen again.

Because the government takes all of our money and give it to welfare fuck ups and their offspring.

>4. Implicit Population Control: people growing up are aware of the impact of humanity on the Earth and see no reason to add another shithead to the total, and it is a well-documented phenomena that developed countries see stagnant birth rates the further they technologically progress

Kinda hilarious seeing as China just abolished their 1 child policy and like India has no intention on "cutting carbon emissions".

Looks like only white people are doing it.

Our "elites" are idiots.

Are they not too young? How old are the oldest millennials?

I think it's smartest to wait until at least 30 to have kids. This girl I know has these parents who didn't have kids until they were almost 40, so they were able to build up a nice nest egg and now they travel around the world every chance they get. It makes my blood boil with jealousy sometimes, so that's why I decided to go to engineering school to replicate that life. Lots of kids my age seem to be focused on securing themselves in this economy before, rather than after, having children

The boys don't want to be slaves to a system that hates them. Women don't have them because muh feminism.

The family unit has been destroyed completely. Constant jew bullshit propaganda from every angle in popular entertainment.

There's no escaping the jew cage they have us in. I do not want to bring children into this world which will most certainly be worse once I'm gone.

If you dont make enough money to hire someone to homeschool your kids you arent smart enough to do it yourself.

There will be no more "nest eggs". It's cheaper to hire 3 third worlders to do the same job you would do.

Welcome to the global economy. You will die alone.

>It doesn't bring a fast immediate dose of pleasure.
That's not hedonism. Hedonism is about maximising net pleasure.

Still, I agree that having children does not work in a hedonistic approach to life.

what's the point?

Even hedonism is better with a cute wife that loves you. And nature will override your bloodthirsty desire to participate in a satanic ritual sacrifice. You will suprise yourselves, too.


Luigi here gets it.
That and there has been a concerted effort to fuck over the coming generation since the boomers. In the scramble to collect as many resources for ourselves as possible, we see the next generation as a threat which must be hamstrung in order to maintain an advantage over.

I will have kids when i am financially stable enough to have them.

so.. never

If the millennials are eternal children, wouldn't it be the fault of the generation before for not raising them properly?