Look what this evil racist Tila Tequila said about my fellow Mexicans. This is inexcusable oh my G-d is she kidding me, I can't believe she would be so culturally insensitive. The year is 2016, how could she do this?
Boycott Tila Tequila
Other urls found in this thread:
>my fellow Mexicans
you have to go back
Oy vey! She is soooo racist
Nah man I ain't going back I was born here gringo this is my America we are all Mexican now.
Nice bait.
> Look at my legs, look at my crotch
> Am I relevant yet
Wasn't this like some reality tv star or something?
You are trying WAY too hard Mexikike.
The only people who should be boycotted are people who take her seriously
She had some pretty hot lesbian porn. That's all I know.
Nice shitthread.
>tfw I had hot crazy Asian gf
>but tfw she was crazy for Obama's dick, and not Hitler's..
I wouldn't even pull out desu don't even care
Her tweets were waaaaaaay worse
I'm literally still shaking from some of what she posted
Low Energy b8 thread.
Hi Tila!
This is what it takes to make yellow fever shameful, and I still would, and so would (((you))).
G-d bless
I love how she triggers the SJWs.
>those boots
>cowboy boots
As a Texan this bitch's clear lack of knowledge offends me, but her hatred for illegals and slutiness in general force me to agree with my penis that it can be forgiven.
How could you possibly think that is a good thing. You are fucking a white male!
God damn, I'd fucking rail her silly in that car.
>vietcong girl being racist on twitter
>mexicans, blacks and sjw butthurt af
This is better than anything Sup Forums could ever plan.
washed up nobody with some racist beliefs deciding to completely hop on that train because it's the only following she has left since they too will jump on anyone even slightly famous who says anything even slightly in their favor
She also didn't fall for the
>earth is round
Truly based.
>Implying she has said or done a single thing wrong
Tila Tequila is based. First the Nazi shit now she's dissing beaners? I nominate her for honorary Aryan.
This gook has given me a massive boner since I was 13 on MySpace, not ashamed of it anymore.
Wow I like her much more now
Mexicans are a cancer. Chink looking but unlike chinks they are violent and nigger tier stupid. How come white countries are being flooded with shitskins?
Aren't Mexicans and chinks related genetically?
It's actually real. She does it for shock value.
Do you think she'd fuck me because I'm redpilled?
>replying to a bait thread
I would a Tila though, in every way imaginable.
Why do so many people on here promote female losers?
I don't care about any of these whores. Please stop, I am tired of seeing these threads on my catalog page.
Are you hot and rich?
Me too, I have reported her to mummy Trudeau, tell me it'll be ok, I'm literally in tears
Because the Spanish colonizers were stupid enough to racemix with the savage indians. Imagine a Central-South America with no meztizo/mulatto. Literally perfect
I'm tired of seeing Canadians, yet here you are.
Can they do anything about her?
Shes made it this far by being non white but how long till she gets the shaft.
I want to cum in her pussy.
fucking this
>putting your dick in that roastie
Come on now.
Most I would do is probably a blowjob.
I thought only white people could be racist. How am I supposed to keep up
How old is this bitch and how is she still around?
I remember her leaked porn video literally killed my boner back in the day.
god dam your redartet
Shaking....like a leaf?
I'm decent looking and live with my mom
Hurr durr let's forget Spain was ravaged and bred with Moors. Southern Italy too. Oh and how can we forget Portugal and little piece of France too...for wait 800 years was it? 🤔
>how long till she gets the shaft
Probably 8pm-9pm every other day at the least.
Somewhere out there is a fool with more libido than sense who is putting his dick in that crazy.
I don't know whether to celebrate him or mourn him.
Mexicans are actually arabic.
Go get triggered someplace else, Big Tex.
I would rip those boots off her and smell them while my hard white cock ravages her ass.
>and live with my mom
You're a white male!!!
Wasn't she doing porn from the get go?
I still remember that video she did with 3 other girls in some hotel room. Fapped for a bit then realised it was a terrible mistake.
Tila will forever be the queen of Sup Forums
I love this woman
I'd fuck her too
I would love on that broad.
Marriage material right there.
I have her porno. The scene where she is getting fuck in the ass is nice. You can see tiny poop stains on the sheets from the anal sex.
Well played.
Mrs.Tequila is such a racist coward. This is why she got owned at Gathering of the Juggalos!
Anchor babies really upset me.
>fucking spic spills salsa over the border
>her kid is now magically a citizen and she can't be forced back because she'll be separated
>fucking bastard gets to walk around spouting bullshit because he's technically American
>"I'm an American, hombre!"
>"Dun mean I don't care about my roots, mang."
>"How can I be an illegal when I got a birth certificate?"
>"Fucking gringos thinking all Mexican are illegals, look at my birth certificate! I don't need a green card, officer! That's racist!"
>while waving a fucking Mexican flag on our soil.
Whether Trump wins or loses, I'm sure there will be riots. The melting pot doesn't work when these faggots won't integrate.
Right wing is the new meme for women, just like FA was for awhile. The lefty market is so saturated roasties are just jumping ship to stand out
I think so, I have no idea what she was.
All I know is she tried to get in on that "leaked sex tape" craze but it was obviously staged and actually quite gross.
But its ok when irish or Italian Americans do it. You sissy white boys are something else. No wonder you guys are getting C.U.C.K
I'm not even white.
You know damn well what.
Mix here, one half is even hispanic. What now?
If I fuck her good enough would she call me "Mein Furher"?
she had a shitty MTV reality show that was like crack cocaine for braindead 13 year old girls, like a decade and a half ago.
then the fame dried up, so she tried to do porn. then she OD'd on some serious drugs and allegedly fucked up her brain. now she's totally insane and constantly tweets racist comments and shit about lizard people.
>But its ok when irish or Italian Americans do it
You're clearly underestimate the ratio of illegal spics to illegal Europeans
Because juggalos are such a well respected group themselves
Why has no one noticed that she's in the passenger seat?
Someone should tell her it's not safe to drive from that seat.
0/10 shit boots would not wrangle with
Yeah all those damn illegal italian immigrants...wait..what?
>Might as well post something on FB while I'm airing out my pussy before I see my next client.
This is my favorite Sup Forums meme
Thank you.
I'd hulk smash her petite frame.
STFU Tila.
I would say tits or GTFO but I've seen yours and I don't want to see them again.
What's the feel like, when you started as a pretty girl and then paid a lot of money to get converted into a circus freak? Does that ever sting?
You, and your wife's son are welcome in my cuck shed anytime.
Wait what?
>Boston’s 10,000 Undocumented Irish Wait For Immigration Reform
I knew this juggalo who went to college and got a degree. He was such a successful person he wasn't an arrogant racist like you.
I am not white and nobody would ever confuse me for a white person but I fucking hate Mexicans so damn much. They make all of us Latinos who aren't complete trash look bad. Every Panamanian (me), Cuban, Dominican etc person should want the wall as much as anyone.
Are you kidding me?
>>mfw bating to her in early 2002
>mfw now get to wank to her redpilled Twitter and twat in 2016
I would pump her so full of my cum she would need a q-tip.
Oh God, I used to be one of those tubs of shit. Seriously, if I see any juggalo paraphernalia on a person I just disregard their existence.
Spencer please.
Absolutely not, being your juffalo friend too. We can browse plebbit all day, bro.
Yeah blaming mexicans but not blaming retard white Americans who are too stupid to notice the difference.
>I knew this juggalo who went to college and got a degree.