do you hate women?
Do you hate women?
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And they run when the sun comes up
With their lives on the line
For a while
Gotta follow the laws of the wild
With their lives on the line
Out here only the strong survive
No, I love women.
I hate feminism.
i hate myself
Why do you ask cunt?
just as much as I hate men (people)
yeah i'm pretty edgy
I really, really like women
i hate ones.
yeah, but i also hate men
They're the vaginal Jew.
I found the vaginal Jew, everyone!
i like that one
No, I just don't think they should have rights.
I hate normies.
And all women are normies deep down.
nah not really
Any response other than "no" denotes a lonely virgin/fatbody/acne monster/12 year old/all of the above.
Sorry you hater's can't get laid and are seen as repulsive to the opposite sex! (more for me!).
i...don't care about them
i try anyway
but i do hate feminists
I just want to fuck them but they don't like me
We will purify society, and then there will be lots of traditional heterosexual babymaking. Got to clean the kitchen before you can cook.
Not really, but I do have the obligation to stand up against the Vaginal Jew.
only if they dont want to fugg me
>a fucking leaf
I have a realistic expectation of women
i don't hate women, i just know the truth about them.
I hate everyone equally
I don't really hate them I just want to put all those that dont follow traditional gender roles or have ever supported feminism in a firing squad, that'd be to honorable for them though. Maybe just make them forced sex slaves? Unless they're too unattracctive then what?
Oh I know lets just follow our forefather's example. Just do what we did at the witch trials and labes them all as witches.
That's impossible and it has been a slow decline since women's suffrage. There is no going back and it will never be repealed.
If women didn't have pussy, they would be expired a long time ago.
Along with the punishments that go along with being a witch.
The only time I'll ever get seriously involved with one, is when I decide to have children.
Other than that, they're a waste of my time.
I dont hate women.
Then again the only woman who I will ever trust is my mother.
Women are deceitful by nature.
I hate this one because she fucks gypos
No. But at the same time, I don't trust them and have zero respect for them.
This is why we need to usher an era of male bisexuality.
Women will return to their kitchens with a smile if it meant not having to spend the rest of their lives as lonely spinsters.
I have read Schopenhauer.
What's impossible is expecting feminism to grow stronger while importing Muslims and cartels.
We're already in an age of male bisexuality and things are worse than they have ever been.
sure, why not
>do you hate women?
No, only sluts.
why would I hate them? they're stupid and easy to manipulate
I don't hate women.
Hating women is as pointless at hating the water I drink or hating the air I breathe. It is what it is and they are who they are.
No. I've finally realized their true nature.
Women are not as amazing as they are portrayed to be, and they are far too spoiled in western society.
Most are dumb sex objects. There are some, though, that are still incredibly 'based' and they are the only reason men still bother with women in general.
I feel nothing about women. It sucks that I can't abvoid contact with them at my work because they seem to bright up whenever talking to me.
I thought ignoring them was supposed to work?
I got no reason to like 'em.
Except for my mom and the one that broke my heart, yes.
It's almost as if SJWs realize on a subconscious level that we cannot "progress" on this current course, so they are willingly importing millions of Muslims. They claim it's because they aren't bigots, but I think, deep down, they all yearn for a return to traditional gender roles and realize that only an insane sand cult will be able to do it at this point. They think they will be able to "liberalize them," but the truth is that the Muslims will influence them with their religion and not the other way around.
only fag do;
I don't even know any woman
t. 25yo touchless virgin
Uh... what world do you live in, dude?
Who's fucking up Western Civilization the worst? The many-headed demon of Intersectional Feminist, or guys having the option of railing either women or other guys?
>correlation =/= causation
>le vaginal jew
Literally /r9k/ levels of delusion
I hate everyone, if you happen to be female, that's just coincidence.
Yes, very much. I hate them infinitely.
I don't. But Im not going to make a fool of myself anymore by worshipping you or following you like a puppy dog.
Just leave me alone.
>stormfags in this thread will unironically dig out their jpgs of white girls running in fields and claim that women can be beautiful as a counter to this
I've never met a conservative bisexual person; they were all either hardcore, hedonistic SJWs or apolitical attention whores that fuck and suck anything at the drop of a hat and possess an inability to remain faithful to anything but their own desire.
You may claim otherwise, but every self identifying bisexual person I've ever met was some variant of borderline personality disorder.
Wtf r u on about?
I don't really care about them. I very rarely interact with them.
I love women from a physical standpoint. I think some are the most beautiful things to exist on this rock. But I fucking hate talking to 99% of them. Not all, but most are so incredibly vain and shallow it makes me want to puke.
How can you tell if they're interested or not? I immediately assume they're all just assholes.
I thought I did, but then I realized I only hate certain types of girls. Just like I hate certain types of guys. I'm so glad I'm not autistic
>think some are the most beautiful things to exist on this rock
Truly a man of awful taste (no homo)
I hate women because women won't have sex with me
No neckbeard troll, its honest truth
we are importing them so that they will see the benefits of a western lifestyle and not be so isolated in their religion. most muslims who live among other religions and cultures are more open-minded and less crazy. the worst thing we can do is isolate them in their own countries where they will grow increasingly more religious and psychotic and fearful of westerners. when they live amongst us the see that we are people just like them and that most of us believe in God and have morals and values and want a better world for our children. it prevents the polarization that occurs from separation.
only american women
In general I like them more, trust them less and respect them about the same.
Well, I don't know... I'm personally a moderate bisexual, with gay rights being my most liberal aspect, though I'd happily see the orgy-having pozzfags thrown off a mountaintop somewhere.
I think a lot of men don't come out as bisexual strictly because, when given a difficult option and an easy one, they choose the easier alternative.
Like, if you want to, you can either give in to your heterosexual aspects as a bi man, or you can risk social ostracization as a faggot, even if you're just a half-faggot.
Not sure what that picture has to do with my post; if you're implying that bisexual people are cool headed, well balanced individuals, every experience I've ever had with them proved otherwise. Maybe you're one in a million.
In general, yes.
But the women I know are really nice and I get along with them better than I get along with men. I have no idea why.
no, but I do avoid them out of fear
I envy you being able to trust your mother mine tried to trade me for drugs as a child
sadly Sup Forums has alot of /r9k/ cross posters still angry at their high school experience with girls.
>most muslims who live among other religions and cultures are more open-minded and less crazy.
Except that is not true and has been proven true more than enough times in Europe throughout the past decade.
My virgin detector is off the charts
>when you can't disprove something, and have to accept it, even if you don't like it
Pick was pretty hot though.
I love a specific type of woman and loathe most of the others.
Still would fug though
All the bi people I know are conservatives that just like to get laid all the time