/cp/ Culture Pals

Comfy music edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs around the world!


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Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:

qtcrawler script (javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension)


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eating an apple

share pls

I need a new profile pic. Where can I find one? Is /fit/ a good place?

What's wrong with the one you have currently?
What you really need is some more info on your profile


Just got my first nudes, lads.
Posting soon.


Please remember to post nudes

knew it lads, he's a handsome geezer

She's a homely lass. Please keep the nudes.


It looks pretty retarded and it's not even a picture of myself

crikey, what a rotter

nice one nonetheless

A picture off /fit/ isn't gonna be of you either, just take a picture of yourself

#selfie on Instagram for face
/CBT/ on /fit/ for body

Please post


>dat tight af pussy

She likes anal and dsbm. Gonna try to get finger in pooper.

I think I'm going to be sick

Jesus Christ. Fuck you!

I threw up

fucks sake

checked his profile earlier to mire the aesthetics too

jesus fucking christ portubro
are you that desperate?
for real i can give you lessons on how to get girls on interpals if you really need them


Hey, I fucked things up with a Philippine that had her hands in her panties, this is the best I've gotten yet.
You wanna see the lewds from the Philippine?
Shit face but average body.

That's legit disgusting

that is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever seen on this site

>checked his profile earlier to mire the aesthetics too

and not mine? erm rude sweetie x

Ty lads.

I'm being too straight foward with these girls.
She was basically the only one up for naughty chat out of the bat.

Go a little slower but jesus, hunt for some quality stuff

You're not my type sugar cup soz xx

Really don't feel like putting that much effort into this, desu.

what the fuck man get some dignity


i genuinely feel like throwing up

Why is a Nazi getting nudes from blacks and Asians?

If you don't want to spend a couple days on them then you should just leave the game to the players fella

was it even worth the effort?

DSBM, mein nigger ;^)

They're just the easiest tbqh

Nice shitpost kek

I got a frenchie that is being flirty, I'll go slow with her.

>qt sends daily pics of her big boobs while praying during ramadan
Absolutely haraam

Warm her up nigga
Like water for pasta
If you put the pasta right away, you get some shit dish
Wait until it's boiling and only then put pasta in and enjoy your carbonara

I think you mean "halal" ;^)
Okay, I'll try.
The problem is that they start asking for pics, so I just try and get them naked before they start asking too many questions.

Don't worry about pics, get 2 face pics and 2-3 body pics, then do the rest using your awesome dirty talk skills
Be sure that body pics you get from /fit/ match skin tone

Well, I only have a few face pics but they're not full face so qts get suspicious.
Do you think they'll notice if I send a similar looking guy? ;^)


Jesus fuck.
Even thought if someone was taking pics of horse pussy

>tfw meet French qt two years ago
>met her many times, took her purity, learning French for her on top of my other languages
>will go over again this November
>planning to engage her when I continue school in Europe this spring
>she feels like I'm the only one she's comfortable starting a family with; living together forever etc.
>I have a massive foot fetish, she loves how she can please me so easily with her pieds
>sends footpussy whenever I need it
Two years ago I thought nothing would come out of this, thanks /cp/ for giving me a wife

Yes they will you sperg
find some better model :3

This is how you get the ladies

Don't feel like making another account, desu.
Alright got over 500 viewers in less than 24 hours and only a little scripting.

Might try to exhaust the desperate gooks and then make a chad profile.

those are some nice feet

le so randum xDDDD

They're better in person, they drive me nutters and she knows it

What do they smell like?

Stay jealous of my social prowess, faggot

She says her mum always taught her to take care of her feet, so they smell very clean and soft


Fucked up again. You can have her Mememolo

I have an erection

You really gotta train your skills man

>i don't give a ****** about money

why the fuck would you snake out meme you little autistic spaz

Another one for my fellow footniggers. I soaked these soles many evenings with my babies

not even a foot fag but they are some very very nice feet

Thx lad, this woman really makes me happy, and she's incredibly happy with me

la chance


I don't get it

No doubt my user, I can't stand her friends. She's very traditional, clever too. She grew up in rural Provençal which may explain it. You lot can generate amazing women when they're done right, I'll give you that.

i know. There is tons of great french women you just have to find them

well now she knows meme is associated with you and she hates you

She doesn't hate me though

I will be returning the favour to France by breeding many white provençal babies with her, that's the least I can do


Definition of butterface

I-It's not like I like you or anything! b-baka!

Mate you didn't have to name drop me


Moult honneur et milles grâces

Didn't know that would be a problem. Sorry mate

I just messaged her this thread btw

After some messages, just got this.
I really don't have it and I'm just going to say that I whatsapp

It's fine I'm not really bothered

>pic related

Post the convo when she replies. And ask her what she thinks of me

awesome, glad I subscribed

God, I hate cunts like you.
This is the reason this general exists, you fucking retard.

You're the same cunt that doesn't provide any content to the general and then whines when it's "dead". Kill yourself, butthead.

I'm just joking lads
Anybody get her nudes? Not a fan of her face but that body is banging

lmao its just banter mate calm down

>dead thread

Why are British girls so bad?

>this user only accepts messages from female users
Looks like she's changed her settings anyway

I send her the thread because I thought you already had

You fucking retard, she doesn't accept messages from males now

Autismos maximus

Well, she received my message. If she didn't I wouldn't have been able to.

seriously fuck mosquitoes

You have to be joking?

If you're already talking to them it ignores new filters

Don't have them here.

Fuck south korea

So she received it?

so when are you going to leave that third world shithole?


refer to my earlier 'little autistic spaz' post

>actually sent it