Pretty much the entire world would vote for Hillary over Trump

You can find the full results at this link, but I'll post the more interesting results below.

Clinton: 70% Trump: 9% Don't Know: 21%

Clinton: 58% Trump: 15% Don't Know: 28%

Clinton: 52% Trump: 9% Don't Know: 39%

Clinton: 88% Trump: 1% Don't Know: 11%

Clinton: 58% Trump: 7% Don't Know: 35%

Clinton: 64% Trump: 11% Don't Know: 25%

Clinton: 48% Trump: 27% Don't Know: 25%

Clinton: 77% Trump: 11% Don't Know: 13%

Clinton: 54% Trump: 12% Don't Know: 34%

Clinton: 68% Trump: 7% Don't Know: 25%

Clinton: 52% Trump: 13% Don't Know: 34%

Clinton: 64% Trump: 6% Don't Know: 30%

Clinton: 52% Trump: 12% Don't Know: 36%

Clinton: 74% Trump: 8% Don't Know: 18%

Clinton: 46% Trump: 17% Don't Know: 37%

Clinton: 63% Trump: 8% Don't Know: 29%

>giving a shit what the rest of the world things

newflash, they don't get to vote idiot

>no one actually listens to the speeches and reads the programs

>everyone pro clinton because the muh trump racist meme is strong here

>Hillary represents the (((internationalists')))
>they would vote for her


I bet this would make even more people vote for the Trump.

Get out of my country you fucking mongoloid.

I can't think of a better endorsement.
I mean he's running for president of the United States of America

>Trump: 1%

>fabricated data: the survey

they didn't poll 12k people
they didn't balance for demographics
they didn't balance for location
they didn't control for tampering
they literally made shit up

welcome to political science polling 2016

>Clinton: 88% Trump: 1% Don't Know: 11%
>>MFW my Grandmother is a Trump voter in mexico

Doesn't really matter does it.

I guess that's what makes USA number one.

Good. I hate the rest of the world. Also, their media is even more biased against Trump than ours is.

well thank god the only country that matters is the us of a.

>other people dont want x elected
Is there a better reason to vote for X?

Man I am glad to be an American. Look at all these faggot cuck countries.

Thank fuck the rest of the world oesnt have a say, because clearly we're all fucking retards.

Thank you based World :) We Liberal Americans love you.


Poo in loo land is more based than all your shit countries

Lmfao who caraes haha xd

>caring about what poor socialist who gave their society over to Muslims think


Say it ain't so Poland! You were our last hope :(

Based Ruskies

>Mexico: Trump 1%

Mate if I was American I wouldn't care for what my minions have to say, just vote for Trump.

>other teams don't want your best player in charge

>let's sit out best player

>implying that makes any difference

what foreign people have to say about a politician from another country means absolutely anything

>Pretty much the entire world would vote for Hillary over Trump

There's a reason why Americans cannot connect the names with most foreign countries to their actual locations. Because they are worthless.

Really makes you think, huh.

Too bad this is our fucking election, and not theirs.

A bunch of cucked nations so no surprise.

The age of men is coming back. Prepare your anuses sissy boys.

low information people would rather vote for the democrat?

color me surprised

> Japan
B-but muh b-based animu child porn

That's the point. You don't want other countries to want your leader.

>China and Russia are the only countries that would take Trump over Clinton

Can anyone explain why this is? I'm genuinely curious

We Koreans don't like Trump because he wants us to pay 100% of the military maintenance fee in stead of splitting it up like right now. If he takes that back I'm sure we'll take Trunp over the corrupt Hillary.

Who the fuck cares what the world thinks? We're fucking America. We decide what the world will be.

leaf is right

Good. Fuck the entire world. That only proves that they are fucking us over and laughing about it. Fuck them all.

it doesn't matter. they are two sides of the same coin. a shekel.

This is disturbing

They know/have suffered Killary incompentece

Again, these fuckers seem to think Americans give a damn what they think.

Good thing the rest of the world can't vote, then

> the irrelevant small EU leech was your last hope and backup plan

Because they are the only countries besides USA that matter


Trump is the only one advocating for mending relations with Russia, whereas Clinton is just shy of declaring war on them. As for China I really dont know.

The media in Europe always shills for the Democratic candidate.

>Clinton: 88% Trump: 1%
This makes me think there may actually be some validity to this bullshit.

>Trump isn't working for Hillary

OTOH it's good that the republican party was abolished. What a bunch of cucks.

Who does an opinion of a foreigner on your local issue matters?
You will let the rest of the world dictate you what to do what whom to elect?
If yes then you truly has fallen

of course NON Americans and anti trump

their free rides of taking jobs, immigrating illegally, having NATO protection without giving anything, and free roaming for terrorists are all about to end...

Mark Zuckerberg

hmmmm I wonder why? because hillary would let those countries walk all over the US

>mfw Hillary Clinton accepts the Democratic nomination and gets taken out by Lee Harvey Oswald 2.0

China and Russia are the two countries which would benefit the most from a weakened USA.

All those other countries want the USA to remain strong.

Of course that goes completely over the heads of all the patriotard Trumpfags here.

Why would the CIA take out their golden girl?

They should have polled Austria. We might suprise everyone yet again


Well it sure as shit isn't Austria you cuck faggot.

>The entire world would vote for someone that hurt would and diminish American interests.


i'm sure these extremely one-sided polls were scientifically conducted and present the utmost in accuracy

kudos to special interest funded market research company IPSOS for its impeccable contributions to our understanding of global politics

>asking average people in the street their opinions about other countries elections
nobody really gives a shit about the US election, what the fuck is the point of this

>implying what the world thinks matters.

yet america could beat all those countries in a war single-handedly, without even using 25% of their war arsenall.

>Clinton: 58% Trump: 7% Don't Know: 35%
I call this bullshit.

China pretty much just nods to everything we say on geopolitical issues, so yeah

Well, you are kinda awful

Weakened = not being the private army of some irrelevant non-country country

You're right, WTF was I thinking?

>China benefits from a weak US
wew lad. They are dependent on us buying a shitload of their goods. If Trump is such a doomsday candidate and would wreck the US economy, China falls down with us.

Russia is pretty obvious because Trump probably wouldn't give a shit about Putin strongarming in Europe (and I don't either).

If that's true then they should love Clinton & Obama. Yet they don't.

China & Russia are looking for a US President that will work with them. Instead of like Obama, working around them.

>remain strong.
>Literally Europe bodyguard

Yes, unbalanced trade deals and being pc sjws will definitely strengthen us

>foreigners don't want an american president who puts american interests before foreign interests


Butthurt Pole diaspora pls go

I expected this. Cucked bluepilled faggots and muslims won't vote for a strong white man. I can't wait to move to the USA and vote Republican, become a member of the NRA and stop paying 50% taxes so shitskins can have a free handout.

>Clinton: 70% Trump: 9% Don't Know: 21%
Just nuke my country up, family

Fuck what the world thinks. They want a president like Hillary who will bend over backwards to give them money and aid. Trump scares them because he'll put American interests first and stop giving countries free shit for nothing.

>Having strong borders and a strong military will weaken the USA.
>Bringing jobs with livable wages back to the United States, thus restoring our manufacturing infrastructure will weaken the USA

Whatever they're paying you to shill, it's too much.

Nobody important cares how the rest of the world would vote in the US election given the opportunity.

>Trump 11%

Everyone I know seems to like Trump

First post = Best post


the Sino-Russian-American triumvirate would be the greatest peace keeping alliance in the history of the earth.

Same tbqh

Good thing the rest of the world doesnt get to vote in American elections, as much as democrats would like them to.

Reminder: The shills are out in full force now because they are desparate. Just keep on MAGAing Trumpbros, the God Emperor knows what he's doing.

i read this in Trumps voice

I'd die to see Trump elected. Wanting anything else is heresy and heresy is to be met with extreme force

Exactly the sort of person who would support Trump. Someone full of anger and hate, looking for excuses.

>wew lad. They are dependent on us buying a shitload of their goods. If Trump is such a doomsday candidate and would wreck the US economy, China falls down with us.
China wants to become the world's superpower. The USA stands in the way of that ambition.

Good thing the rest of the world doesn't matter in an American election, only America does.

I thought this was Horsey for a second.

run into a period of political trouble brought on by yourself? drop everything and run away to the US! It's a time-honored German tradition.

Precisely why you'd be much more at home in Germany with a black cock in your woman's ass and you clapping frantically over how much you've been culturally enriched.

Get fucked world

I wonder why they didn't ask us.

>Clinton: 63% Trump: 8% Don't Know: 29%
Also, what the fuck happened to Chile? Did they forget what policies saved their country? Or do they want to say that Trump is not right-wing enough for them?