>make donation
>more gibs
>breed like rabbits
>require even more gibs
how to solve this issue?
>make donation
>more gibs
>breed like rabbits
>require even more gibs
how to solve this issue?
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We need another Thomas Sankara.
Impose rationing on western nations whose unlimited eating requires 3rd world countries to export the vast majority of their crops to the point that their citizens can't afford their own staples and also have to breed at crazy rates in order to have extra hands on the farm to keep up with western demand. You have ample access to cheap food because of the essentially slave states. Oops I mean, kill them all lol xD
Good meme fat boy.
You're dumb as fuck.
Instead of food, give e-bowlas and aides
goddamn that's funny.
ha ha yeah you're right what am I thinking
There's never been any case in history of one state exploiting the resources and people of another, that's just crazy talk!
>move where the food is
>i live where the food is
no thank you
Education is the single biggest factor in reducing birth rate.
Next you need to legislate that the couple status together.
Stable nuclear family is the single biggest factor in upward mobility.
Income is the second biggest factor in reducing birth rate.
Revive the Nasionale Party and the Rhodesiese Front.
Status = stays
Let the chinese deal with it.
Build infrastructure. Spread capitalism. Tell communists to fuck off.
Reminder that arable land and food is infinite and not a zero sum game and there is no scarcity because I can't see any in my country. It's incomprehensible that people go hungry when there's infinite food. Must be a Jewish lie. Damn Jews trying to keep me from eating thrice my body weight daily!
They only one who can get food aid are required to be sterilised. Problem solved
Mandatory sterilization.
Stop gibbing
>3rd world countries
>exporting food
Bro, do you even basic economics?
How would it be financially viable to ship tons of food from one fucking continent to the other?
>loss of bodies to work the land results in shortages that actually effect western nations
>said nations reduce consumption
>slave states can actually afford their own crops as a result
I guess it works though it'd be easier if we simply ate less
Just a few staple crops I can think of that prove you wrong. Do you even supply and demand?
Those populations are just too stupid to accomplish anything. Only forceful eugenics could produce anything of value.
The US produces its own food you fucking idiot.
They might ship from North Africa to some southern parts of Europe, but they barely do to China or America.
Also, they're not starving because the "white devil" is taking away all their food, leaving nothing to them.
1. Stop humanitarian aid to the 3rd world.
2. Let nature take its course.
3. ???
stop helping. its doing more harm than good
Stop the charity and invest in local industrial-scale agricultural production and infrastructure in low income countries. The investor gets a profit, the farmers have a reason to farm (their customers are stolen by all the free shit), and the country can sustain itself.
In short, capitalism works. Socialism does not.
but then you're viewed as "racist" , "not human" for not helping the poor.
its a double-edged sword case
Mix contraceptives into the food donations. Seriously.
>how do we solve this issue
Lol, absolutely BTFO with facts. I bet Zdv6QZan is a retarded self-hating white.