Always that I hear about a "race war" I always hear how it is whites vs blacks or vs hispanics. Which makes me wonder...

Always that I hear about a "race war" I always hear how it is whites vs blacks or vs hispanics. Which makes me wonder, do Americans really believe that hispanic is a race? Everybody in pic related is hispanic. What are these whites going to when they meet with white Hispanics in the battlefied of the Great Race War?

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Bitch about black people.

This is why i refuse to call southern Europeans white, I mean Hispanics are 60% to 80% southern European. By admitting Spaniards/Italians to be white I have to admit Hispanics are also racially white people too

Southern Europeans are the creators of western civilizations. They're the master race

>tfw southern european ancestry and blonde

hispanic was a race until 1964. In the sense that spaniards and non-american injuns could be legally discriminated against

>we wuz romans n sheit

no paco, your ancestors were inbred dirt farmers that dodged the silver mines

>he thinks the ancient hellenic and latin people bear any resemblance to modern day southern european niggers


>dodged silver mines

What is this supposed to mean?

Is this in Mexico? Who is this guy and what political party is this? I'm interested cause his party is probably the only party in which white looking Mexicans overwhelmingly support.

Is the current president.

Okay. Where is this? This was probably taken at a white majority village

So you posted a picture claiming there are white people in it, but I don't see any?

Is that what mexicants think equates to white? lmao

Did some googling. It's safe to say only 1 in 100 Mexicans are white looking.


lol white

Yeah OP is exxaterating. You can tell what a fucking mexican is. They also can't go 10 seconds without emphasisng "LOL I"M A MEXICAN ESE OROLE" to remind you that you're a white oppressor.

t. California

it's where indios belong, mining silver for their european masters

learn some history joto

Those people don't look white

There are some white-ish hispanics... but 95% is not.

>Memo Gómez

Whites will side with Hispanics. Everyone hates niggers.

Malasya, stop it, If we are to talk about whites you are not the one, besides, what is this?, are we literally fighting to see which country is more "white"?

You see, is because of things like this that whites are considered better, (Even though there are cases where this is different)

I'll give you an example of why this is fucking stupid, that example is me and a lot of my compatriotas

A lot of us are not even mestizo, I am mediterranian my features are the same as an european, I went to France once and everyone looked just like me (of course referring to the white minority), you know what the only difference was? The fucking skin color, my skin is tanned because of the climate, you can say the same of spaniards and Italians or greeks (even though their skin is also light)

Do you wanna see a different race that is white but also not white? Slavs, Mongols, Turks, Eskimo, etc.

But aking your "race classification so far that you do not even consider spaniards white?, are you that stupid? If a chihuahua's furr is brown and other chihuahua's furr is white and the other one is yellow-ish, does that means that they are not the same race of dog?

Malasya, stop it, If we are to talk about whites you are not the one, besides, what is this?, are we literally fighting to see which country is more "white"?

You see, is because of things like this that whites are considered better, (Even though there are cases where this is different)

I'll give you an example of why this is fucking stupid, that example is me and a lot of my compatriotas

A lot of us are not even mestizo, I am mediterranian my features are the same as an european, I went to France once and everyone looked just like me (of course referring to the white minority), you know what the only difference was? The fucking skin color, my skin is tanned because of the climate, you can say the same of spaniards and Italians or greeks (even though their skin is also light)

Do you wanna see a different race that is white but also not white? Slavs, Mongols, Turks, Jews, Eskimo, etc.

But aking your "race classification so far that you do not even consider spaniards white?, are you that stupid? If a chihuahua's furr is brown and other chihuahua's furr is white and the other one is yellow-ish, does that means that they are not the same race of dog?

mi amigo I've met mexicans with "pemex", "cemex" and "semex" as their last names, in reference to the oil company and the concrete company

lower class/indio mexicans are super trashy

Actually it's in the non-white part of Mexico, the south.

Malasya, stop it, If we are to talk about whites you are not the one, besides, what is this?, are we literally fighting to see which country is more "white"?

You see, is because of things like this that whites are considered better, (Even though there are cases where this is different)

I'll give you an example of why this is fucking stupid, that example is me and a lot of my compatriotas

A lot of us are not even mestizo, I am mediterranian my features are the same as an european, I went to France once and everyone looked just like me (of course referring to the white minority), you know what the only difference was? The fucking skin color, my skin is tanned because of the climate, you can say the same of spaniards and Italians or greeks (even though their skin is also light)

Do you wanna see a different race that is white but also not white? Slavs, Mongols, Turks, Jews, Eskimo, etc.

But aking your "race classification so far that you do not even consider spaniards white?, are you that stupid? If a chihuahua's furr is brown and other chihuahua's furr is white and the other one is yellow-ish, does that means that they are not the same race of dog?

Actually most Mexicans are white per racial census.

>Well, this is almost depressing.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with then to put that kind of names... Some of them are even worst than names that a 12 year old kid would give to his Sims.

this is what poor people look like in argentina

Wrong, spics are way worse and we actually have a legal way of getting rid of most of them. The spics will be the first to go.

Blacks are based and will help us get rid of them

Good point, even in the whitest Latin American country the poorest class is non white, cherrypicking poor people is meaningless, they aren't average representation for a country at all.

When they speak Spanish we will kill them.

Post your picture

> Implying blacks would ever side with whites

You're right. Hispanic is not a race.

But you know just as well as I do, then when people say hispanic, we're referring to mudblood mestizos and indios.

Please, just because someone calls themself white doesn't make them white.

Top kek

It still would weight out for the white people that don't considers themselves white, of which there's quite a lot in Latin America

Why would you think that? Anyone who doesn't think they're white isn't white...

remember that half of mexico is literally subhuman. They often take surnames from whoever employs them

At least in Mexico if a person skin isn't pale is not rare that they don't consider themselves white, living in the North where the sun is strong most of the year lots of whites get heavily tanned, I've talked to people with completely European facial traits and light eyes who don't consider themselves white.

You're like a Communist who thinks he can hide atrocities by juggling definitions. The problem Mexicans are self-identifying, and their name for themselves is the Cosmic Race. Want us to use a slightly different term for the exact same thing? Explains a lot about your country.
And yes, they mean to say mestizo. I've been trying to spread the word about mestizo over Hispanic, turba over Mexican chimpout, etc..

And they aren't white. They're obviously too stupid to really be white if they can't tell that; they must be mixed.

They are Mitt Romney / Gary Johnson tier white, they're not visibly mixed, their reasoning is that they aren't white if their skin isn't white.

We'll make them show us their skis.

But I live in the desert.

These theories about how southern Europeans were replaced by north africans are bullshit hans.

Shoot them.

>Implying you are combat-fit

Get rid. All go.

Shit a lot of mexicans i know despise niggers. Like on principle, niggers, cholos and fags are not popular with the mexicans i know.

Fit enough to do something.
Everyone will get a job to take care of.

All people from Michoacan, that's southern Mexico. Also, Mexican is a nationality not a race, not everyone looks the same since not everyone is a mestizo. Not even people from all the Mexican states look the same.

You could get a job right now yet here you are tho.

Really funny coming from a spic.
Shouldn't you get back to cooking your meth?

Meth is a white people drug idiot

Truth hurts kek.

Who do you think is selling it? idiot.

>Non-Hispanic drug dealers don't exists