Why are Mexicans so prideful? Do they have anything to be proud of? (Pic unrelated)
Why are Mexicans so prideful? Do they have anything to be proud of? (Pic unrelated)
>nationalism is bad when they do it
this is why we laugh at you
Well they did have a German Emperor...
So that was kinda nice
Not our fault you white boys are a bunch sissys
liberation from the spaniards
>Do they have anything to be proud of? (Pic unrelated)
They conquered the US without weapons.
Tienen miedo en el cucuy.
Mexico used to be a regional power till the US kicked their ass. Their early history was actually pretty decent.
so wait mexicans want their grandma to be president?
>being nationalist
>in a foreign nation
At least they're not black.
Do you mean Mexican-Americans or real Mexicans?
>damn you politicians for causing problems that have existed for hundred of years!!!
If you want to be a nationalist so bad go back to your OWN FUCKING NATION
They love Mexico so much they don't want to shit it up by living there.
Mexicans are the most nationalistic people in the US.
Just hand over Aztlan white boys.
I lived for the last 4 years in Mexico.
Whitebread American.
I think that people would be very very surprised that in the major cities of Mexico, you almost never see the type of Mexicans we get in the US.
Goto Guadaljara or Puebla and you will see that the regular Mexican hates the "campansinos" farmers Indian types, as much as you do.
When Trump says that Mexico is not sending their best, he is NOT kidding.
>implies OP believes they caused it instead of helped worsen it
Mexican-Americans/Hispanics don't have much to be proud of, they hardly spoke out against illegal immigration. Unless they speak out against in in full force over the next few months, they won't ever get the respect other nationalities do.
Best answer
Spanish America was neofeudal, with Arabic influence. In English common law zones like the American colonies, you had to respect the ordinary man, because they had legal equality and he had a gun. Spanish cultures and for that matter Arabs have a hideous power-worship that makes respecting ordinary people mysterioys or stupid to them. They think that acting like a petulant child proves their importance. Compare a beautiful woman getting away with things to prove her beauty.
was it really necessary to include the hashtag twice with 1 letter swapped
Because they get filled with beaner tales about how Mexico is really an Utopia and how we are all white and intellegent.
Normally bullshit said by their relatives who were just once in their lifes on Mexico, and that alone not too far from the border.
However, real Mexicans aren't prideful.
We know how fucked our country is, and we know the solution to all of our troubles lies within ourselves.
>pic related
A screencap i took, about the real truth of Mexico.
I love my country, and i want to help it.
And so, here shall i remain.
You have to go back
I'm ready in rightful Mexico.
what about all the ppl who is working for multinationals, and others big companies? that is there legally? so we only send shit?
actually we have more young and prepared ppl than the usa in proportion not per population.
College in mexico is cheap and there are many options for free schoolarships from the local or federal goverment, you can study in others countrys is you know other lenguages.
Education in the usa is made for segregating your society and making more tangible the separation betwen the rich and the poor.
We dont have foodstamps in mexico, ppl have to actually work just to eat, if you see someone fat is becuase they work and have money to buy that much food, meanwhile in the usa a lot of young and capable ppl are just drug adicts or too stupid and lazy to even work to have something to eat.
They are ugly and shitskined but more hardworking ppl than you little shits will ever be imagine usa and change all the mexicans for niggers that will give you a better image
what if i told you they are all usa citizens and they just look like illegals?
You look like a retard mongoloid sperglord mega cringe fat white fedora user, what good have you? lmao
I've never understood nationalism within mexicans in America. It's mainly millenials and not the parents. The country is a sack of shit that their parents left.
t. son of naturalized mexican dad
Chicanos love Mexico with passion OR hate Mexico with passion. Not Middle point. That's why they're so annoying for both Americans and Mexicans.
>Do they have anything to be proud of?
Mexico, civilizations like the Aztec's, Mayas, good food, moustaches, they can jump really high some of their women's are hot
>having pride in a country you're not from
Americans with Irish, Hispanic, African or Italian heritage in general.
Mexicans are Spanish/Native rape babies who appropriate Spanish culture, have a sub-basketball American average IQ and don't even have their own language. Build wall.
Yeah but you guys don't send the graduates of all the Universities of Puebla, Guadalajara, Ciudad Mexico etc..
As a % we get maybe 1% educated Mexicans and 99% laborers.and campansenos.
No one here notices the 1% of Educated Mexicans because they don't act like welfare queens and animals.
we don't want them..
and yes I know that all out factories are in Mexico.. We want those back too..
You can make you own factories and make your own cars..
this, pretty much
machismo is rampant with pudgy, manlet mexicans. I grew up in SoCal and never felt threatened by any Mexican. Not because they didn't make threats, but because they were always empty threats. It's probably compensation for their being knowing the are shit, or just being shit in general.
>They are ugly and shitskined but more hardworking ppl than you little shits will ever be
Why don't they work to make Mexico great again so that all the little shit white bois from the USA illegally enter Mexico?
You can repeat that you're hard workers as much as you like as individuals, but collectively that does doesn't add up Pablo, your argument is invalid.
>mass murder
Go be a nationalist in your native shithole.
I'm white as fuck I don't know what you're talking about Pablo
Just about the best cuisine in the world.
This is what I've noticed. Why are there no English Americans proud of their heritage?
"Mexico was a mistake."
they are just half as bad
The Mexican Empire died when Santa Ana got rekted.
Theres nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage provided you aren't deluded into thinking you yourself are literally of that group. Doesn't matter if its Irish Americans, African American or Mexican American
>Mexican intellectuals