Kiss it, Sup Forums.
Kiss it, Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>world champions
>in a sport only played by americans
>ring only given in the NFL
>no champions league type competition to determine who is the best American Football team
Egotripping for days.
>New Zealand
>Flag literally has its colonizer on it
>tfw we literally fought a war so this wouldn't happen
Let these retards have their circus bread entertainment. It's quite frankly embarrassing to be American.
>oval rings
about as ugly as pats jerseys
>"World" champion
I like that they put an * on the pats head
american """trophies""" are so fucking tacky
At least we have world champions.
Your "world champions" are only national champions. Doesn't count.
stay obsessed
This. Stay based New Zealand
Honestly all of American Sup Forums should APOLOGIZE. The amount of anti-Brady trolling over the past 5 years has to come to terms with his GOATness. I'm sorry Based Brady
would look better if the world champs wasn't big and on the sides
World Champions of the United States of America!
The world is America my nigga. I bet your own news and your own politicians talk more about Emperor Trump than whatever Kiwi you guys have as PM.
Why does he look so smug? Wasn't he supposed to be the quiet shy white guy that doesn't care about branding and endorsments like all the niggers?
you can be smug when ur the best
Then move to London or something, where you can get raped by a muzzie
>283 diamonds
How's 8th grade treating you?
Best players in the world = world champions
Enjoy your literal who """country"""
Did daddy touched you again?:(
He's allowed to be smug once a year, also posing for a picture and those rings are so gaudy there's no way not to look smug
the best rugby player from your cuntry tried to make it in the NFL and failed miserably.
World Champions
Let me tell you something. I've been watching this game for 30 years and no rookie has ever impressed me as much as Hayne has. I've seen all the greatest. I've seen 30 superbowls. I've seen it all man. Hayne has that something special that I've only seen in very few players. Players that are sitting in the Hall of Fame right now. Players that kids and men aspire to be. Hayne is special let me tell ya.
>circus bread
Is it made from old clowns? I bet it tastes funny.
Based greatest ally
Beautiful ring, but the Cubs one was better.
Boston wins another World Championship.. they do every year so it's old at this point
fuck off mayo
>tfw when your team has played in 1 playoff game while the pats won 5 super bowls
As good as Cyrus Jones tbqh
They're all faggots, along with their fans, but can't deny they've done a lot of winning
the amount of people triggered by the WORLD CHAMPIONS is reason alone to keep it like that, even if it's an USA only competition
>world champion
>a gaudy ring
>people complain about world champions meme
Dont tempt them to make it an olympic sport like they did with basketball. We'd just get even more golds.
>democratic country
>confuses running your mouth for power
putin wants it
>authorizes the largest bomb since nukes were dropped
>hurrdurr hes just a shitposter u guiz
Because he's proud of his accomplishment?
You'd understand the feeling if you weren't a complete failure.
How the hell are they going to fit six Lombardis on there when they win it again next year?
>somewhere theres an alternate universe where bill belicheck and tom brady were on the browns and the browns now have 5 super bowls
Dude, Cleveland would kill itself if it could see that universe
>thinks no one else has nukes
>thinks ur powerful if u use em
>think trump actually used a nuke
Go to sleep donald kek
You're welcome to field a team and try to compete.
after visiting the NFL HOF, I can tell you the older super bowl rings are more aesthetically pleasing than this. I mean the Pats logo looks cool but making the ring fuck huge and gaudy is awful taste.
*takes it to mexico*
How else are you meant to fit so many trophies without making the ring bigger?
No. Kys, *scuck.
Hayne was Australian you fucking twat.
Hayne is a gift to the world you sheepfucker.
The amerilad said "the best rugby player from your cuntry tried to make it in the NFL and failed miserably."
He was posting to a NZ flag. Not to AU.
No he fucking wasnt
Hayne is from all counties. Too big for one country.
Now can you fuck off back to your world-less championships and such?
Who is this loser?
posting from front page haven't read thread
nz is a state of australia, so even if he was born in nz he's australian
>trying to deflect from the fact Aus literally owns NZ
Sad desu.
>Australasia was a combined team of athletes from Australia and New Zealand that competed together at the 1908 and 1912 Summer Olympics
We are one country mate.
Can someone tell me what the fuck a stone is?
In relation to jewelry?
That's not the case anymore.
But you don't
I feel the same with the Aussie shitposters.
No whatever those prisoners use over in Australia.
Oh. Don't know anything about that, m8.
>trump personally authorized the MOAB
That is retarded, I doubt he even knew it exists. Trump's only good policy decision was selecting General Mattis for SECDEF. Trump is clueless about foreign affairs or either war so he is just letting Mattis do what he needs to do.
Plus 1 MOAB ain't shit, we drop multiple 2000 and 5000 pound bombs on the taliban all the time, which in aggregate equals much more TNT equivalent than a single MOAB. The media just overhypes it because it sounds cool
>>no champions league type competition to determine who is the best American Football team
We have our teams play each other and the team that outscores the other team is declared the winner and, if you like, the best team that season.
Anyway, any time you think you can find 50 or so guys who think they can beat the Superbowl champs let them know. Until then keep enjoying your Ball Jog.
>We have our teams play each other and the team that outscores the other team is declared the winner and, if you like, the best team that season.
But that's not a world champion. Since it's only teams for the singular country.
Is New Zealand Australia's Mexico?
More like Australia's Canada.
how many time have you or your """"""""""wife""""""""" been raped by refugees this week?