Why do they always confirm my biases?
Too bad the faye one is only charged with a misdemeanor
ha. imagine getting a felony at 18.
fucking idiots. enjoy ticking off that box on every job application from now on.
>nigger muslim
>2 mexcrements
>a bernie bro
> Kitaegorodsky
Oh shit nogger that literally means "from China town" in Russian, although it's actually derived from another word and has nothing to do with China , and it actually means "from Kitai-gorod", which is a neighborhood in Moscow where it's super comfy to be degenerate on Friday or Saturday night.
Apart from this irrelevant info, I have nothing to say, thank you .
>Ski in the mix
Not much has changed since the Weimar days
When did James Holmes break out?
youre racist, thats the only reason.
They probably think if Sanders wins (lol) they will be hailed as matyrs and will be freed from prison, etc.
>Job application
>Sanders Supporters
lel, that's a Polish Jew. Ski is Polish gentile. So spics a nig and a kike, lol.
irrelevant info is always welcome here. Thanks Russiabro.
>The one white kid looks like a smug gay pewdiepie.
>job application
when will the California GOP be donating $5000 dollars to Hiroshima Nagasaki?
Better yet, they should donate $9001 just for teh lulz.
that nigga look like he was made in the Oblivion Character Creator
Lol. The white SJW was the only one NOT charged with a felony.
I don't know how to feel about this. I thought the SJPD were a bunch of beaners with their heads up their asses.
Hmm I speak Russian, and idk how you got that.
Plus aren't sky, ski, ska polish based last names?
Which also leads me to believe that the fagget is actually Jewish, inherited a polish last name but clearly has a Jewish mother
I am racist, but it's not the only reason why this always happens.
It's also a lot of meme magic. Just like these motherfucking dubs.
Did they get the guy that hit someone with a bag of rocks?
Maybe we can exploit this
I wanna dye my hair blonde like eminem circa 1999
Keep trying user you can do it!
a nignog, 2 sjw snowflakes, and a beaner. Pretty much what I expect of trump haters.
As should be, he has a much lower recidivism and has a chance to be rehabilitated. The others are lost causes
>job application
>numale with dyed hair
>nu male with dyed hair
yep no surprise here
Interesting, thanks
>retarded Muslim nigger
>gay spic
>fat spic
Kek, some real oven fuel
C-check 'em...
George Soros funded them
yet you see Trump supporters are just a bunch of narrow minded fat hicks who likes to spew exaggerated bull shit and incite violence.
Prepare your anus, punks
Look under your bed, there's probably a jew hiding too
yes, and the one who bodied that old man
They want socialism so they dont have to work bro.
Guys like said, only the white guy wasn't charged with a felony. Can we use this to get some SJW and BLM rage directed at the SJPD? Payback for their standing down while Trump supporters were getting beaten up.
'murica has Somalis now? enjoy
and one more for you....
>job application
Isn't that what Bernie supporters do when they protest Trump rallies?
Probably, they're everywhere if you squint hard enough
unlike you cucks we throw them in prison
>the white guy only gets a misdemeanor
Shame, the traitors need to be BTFO as well.
I seriously cannot tell what is real and what is fake anymore.
I feel like Sup Forums has a lot more power in the real world than they'd like to believe.
Is this meme magic art imitating life, or life imitating art?
that's ALL bernie supporters do is protest Trump rallies
A Muslim nigger, two spics, and a Jew. Go figure.
Is this what the bolsheviks would have looked like if the revolution happened today?
This doesn't mean anything. Just because they are arrested doesn't mean the District Attorney will press charges. They'll be held in jail until this fades from public eye and the DA will quietly drop the charges.
Ski and variations are panslavic. In Russian it's a suffix used to denote possession or origin: AmerikanSKI film is a film from America. So it my as well be a Russian surname
> Hmm I speak Russian, and idk how you got that.
Got what? Kitaigorodski is the only possessive adjective you can build from "Kitai-gorod".
He's only 19, all he needs is some guidance or a good sit down. Why are yall so quick to give up on your own?
>job application
catholic churches love importing them for some reason, they are all over New England
>mfw they are charged as white hispanics
Two Mexicans, a muslim, and a bluhaired beta faggot. Nice haul.
We should tweet RACISM at the San Jose PD, those spic cops didn't do a damn fucking thing doing the riot
Thanks ivan for this info
I'm a 6'4 chef at Wendy's earning 124k a year
Wanna know more?
>job application
we have like a whole state of them in the midwest
big terror case just went down in the twin cities 3 somali's convicted of aiding ISIS one of them funneled them the money they he got from student loans (that he either got for free, or will never pay back)
Your dicksize, i dont feel inadequate enough yet
lol white guy got off so easy. even smiling in his mug shot
You don't take half measures with cancer. You kill it all or it just comes back.
same genetics, most likely the same look on his face
>SJPD still jacking off to the piddly 4 people they arrested
What a joke.
>John Leary
>late Harvard Professor
>Meme is a contagious thought form
No mercy :-)
They are the most populous immigrant group in Minnesota.
They also packed them into Postville, Iowa, after the Jews destroyed that town, because God forbid a town keep or rebuild its character.
Is Ahmed the fast Somali that tackled that one fleeting white kid?
personally, I hope they remember to vote.
I'm eagerly awaiting the downfall of the Hildebeast.
Who was the guy that they were chasing?
They have been shitting up minnesota and maine for a few decades
>Be leftist
>Go to college so you can protest for 4 years
>Go around mob-attacking people you don't agree with
>Act surprised when you get arrested
I wish liberals would "occupy" a razor-blade and slit their fucking wrists.
I want this niggers head on a pike.
>When all your friends get a felony and you get a misdemeanor
Dyed hair, of course
REALLY need to do this.
>do it
(((White Privilege))) gets you a misdemeanor.
you could have just said pewdiepie
Felony at 18 HAHAHA they won't be going to college or getting hired anytime soon. Their lives are literally over.
his look
>these niggers and spics are going to jail
Our state department pays churches to import them
Lutheran Social Services is a big one that imports Somalis in to Minnesota.
Implying KEK will give you dubs if you ask for it. KEK will give you dubs if you- PRAISEEE KEK
"haha, i'm a felon because i stood up to facism! totally worth it, heh! BERNIE!"
A nigger, two spics, and a white cuck. Go figure....
LOL the white guy was the only one to get the misdemeanor
I'm surprised someone saw that as well