>this triggers the capitalist
>this triggers the liberal
>this triggers the conservative
This triggers the capitalist
Stalin is like the friend you have that thinks he's above you (And is.) and steals all of your shit, and makes it his own.
>this triggers the imperial
>this triggers the storm cloaks
>this triggers the Thalmor
>This puts a trigger onto the heads of 40 million
Like nazi Germany and the USA?
hahaha ebin
He was kind of shit honestly, not a very competent dictator.
>this triggers the commieboo
Daily reminder that anyone over the age of 16 who supports socialism is clinically retarded and needs to be put down.
>be Stalin
>get murked by one of your own
Pottery tbqh
He was good at killing people, that's about it.
>this triggers the redditor
>things I don't like are mental illness
Is this the gommie memes thread?
Accept the fact that Stalin was a better fascist than Hitler or Mussolini
Stalin turned Russia from a peasant backwater agrarian state into a superpower rivalled only by the United States, all whilst being thrown into a war for national survival against one of the most competent adversaries in the history of mankind
Why be Nazi when you can be Stalinist??
>says this at a wartorn shithole and ignoring literally everything after the Berlin Wall
Soso was a conservative, though.
hahahaha wew lad kek epic
It certainly triggers anyone who enjoys eating fresh fruit and vegetables.
The implication is that the OP is a redditor, as Reddit is run by communists
Understand now, Paco?
Edgy post dude
Based Stalin for Mighty Emperor of Mankind
Please leaf don't bully...
>this triggers the
I agree! Fighting the system fucking epic, bro. Haha, wait till mom gets a load of my communist party graphic t shirt from reddit lol. She's gonna throw a fit!
I bet you dont even know where the name Paco is coming from...
In fact Franco name was paco...
le wew lad kek eric simby ebin XDDD
no its alright
>tfw Stalin reincarnated on a spanish football player
Right on, dude!
modern stalinists are basically edgelords. they're just fascists with a boner for soviet iconography.
>quoting autistic fucks
The eyes are totally different, seat of the soul nigger
Stalin took the uRSS in a medieval era and left it with the atomic bomb
He also stagnated the entire Eastern Bloc back into the medieval era
Truly an amazing leader
Have you visited Detroit lately?
Stalin is a meme kek. He accomplished nothing except the deaths of millions. His "victories" on the Eastern front were due 100% in part by the fact that he had millions upon millions of disposable peasants that swamped the German lines which were already thin due to having to put focus onto other theatres of war. Number of fronts the Russians fought on: 1. Wow, what a great country. Fuck off shill.
He purged most Jews from communist power.
Good job comparing one city that fell due to shit Socialist Democrats to the entire Warsaw Pact lad
>Canada effortposting
I mean you did pretty okay desu
I am from Soviet Finland and will happily bring socialism to America.
Beware of the Finnish invader.
USA will be communist!
>what are niggers
You are underestimating the concept of a people's army, its roots and popularity even and especially when used in mass attacks.
>Muh purges
>Muh famine
>Muh soviet union
Yeh, nah...
I don't know what's gayer, being gay or taking all that fucking time with markers to make a sign
[citation needed]
Enough with the memes. We need to be better than that, Ameribrother.
There was no "peoples" army. There were peasants forced into war. Either fight in the army or starve on your farm. Wow I wonder what these "patriotic" Russians will decide to do?
Communism ONLY works by deliberately pushing your people into a corner and forcing them to your side. Nobody would ever ELECT a communism government, given how every communist political party in any democracy gets about less than 1% popular support. Man, what an earth shattering ideology.
You wanna talk about the countries ruled by USA on the past decade and the result of it?
Every country you invade since the ww2 had being destroyed or bankrupted or both, Vietnam, Irak, Afgnstan, half of latine american countries, the only country you sucess to develop was Israel.
Good job goy
you sound triggered
Yes, they were forced into war. Unlike the western armies that were ever build on freedom. But forcing those peasants into war made their brothers and sisters and maybe their parents into patriots for sure.
This triggers continental philosophy