>november 2016
>hillary wins by a huge margin, no one is surprised but trump rubes who are too illiterate to follow actual political analysis and didn't see it coming
>dems take the senate back
>january 2017
>hillary withdraws garland nomination and replaces him with the most flaming lib on any bench
>is swept through the senate no problem
>cities all over America ban guns
>Hillary expands obamacare and benefits for illegals through executive action
>Hillary's court upholds every single action
>anthony kennedy kills himself because he's no longer the center of attention
>hillary replaces him with another lib
>trumpfags on suicide watch
November 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
>trumpfags on suicide watch
pretty sure they don't really care if they win or lose. they've been losing with the republicans even when they were winning.
no riots whatsoever
>believing in a le epic meme candidate
I would be to trust the conventional wisdom that Hillary should easily win the general if conventional wisdom and the political pundits as a whole weren't wrong every single time this election
When applying a more critical eye it made sense that Trump could easily manage to take the nomination, yet everyone said he didn't have a snowballs chance
Everyone mocked the notion of a Sanders campaign, and yet it was evident around October that it would be a serious campaign, a conclusion no one in the press reached until around February
If Hillary loses, its because the hubris of the DNC blinded them into turning toward conventional wisdom and assuming that Trump's antics would cause him to implode. This, despite the fact that so far the opposite has occurred, that voters have actually bought into his rhetoric and message
the only thing the media underestimated was trump. Which, to be fair, is still the variable here in the general so I can understand where you're coming from. The media didn't really underestimate Bernie because Bernie's campaign was over and done the weekend before super tuesday when he got absolutely raped in NC. And the Republican primary isn't really a fair comparison because Trump inspired a bunch of inbred tardos to come join the primaries (primaries have extremely low turnout so a few mouthbreathers can overwhelm no problem). You don't think he'll inspire just as many hippies who hate him to go vote in the general? The general election is the big leagues, you can't just get you klanmates to go take the election for you
>>trumpfags on suicide watch
Hardly. That was the plan for most of them from the beginning.
time to buy diesel and fertilizer
>pic related happens
>shills on suicide watch
>Not believing in meme magic.
> mouthbreathers
You reckon feminists vote Trump?
Look at every monthly poll
Notice a change each month?
Notice a trend?
Set your update to overnight too, eh?
>trusting pollsters when trump has the nominee bump
>trusting pollsters when hillary has a primary challenger
>trusting pollsters when bookies have always been better predictors
who the fuck is this kid and why is his life chronicled on the net
>the ride never ends
>believing in le strokewemon
Post your faces when hillary dies of stroke as trump wins New York
>mfw these is more or less current polling
>mfw I predicted a electoral college victory and a popular vote loss
The plan is coming together
I actually heard somewhere she has ambitions to repeal Heller.
of course she does. which is what i was saying in the op
I don't care.
It doesn't matter.
Looks like the cuck shill is triggered by facts
That's fucked.
She might have the opportunity to pick 3 as many as 4 justices.
She could practically write her own constitution at that point.
you mean she will
when she wins
Trump is bankrolled by the Clintons.
They tried to pick someone nobody in their right mind would vote for, but it backfired like "The Producers" play.
>"you said I wouldn't get AIDS, man"
>"Look at me, man"
Americans riot?
to fat to that.
the gun waving republicans are all talk.
Fucked, we are.
>that much of the black vote
Doubtful, I think Hispanics would vote for her more than blacks would.
>nobody in there right mind would vote to keep their guns and nationalism
Fucking kek
Why would they? If trend keep going trump will have a double didget lead by the end of October
The Primary Model
87%-99% Certain Trump Will Be President
B . T . F . O . BITCH!!!
extremely flawed system. Like I said above, primaries are relatively low turnout so if you get a bunch of people and their cousins who they fuck to vote for you instead of convincing existing voters you crush, doesn't mean anything for the general.
>said by the "all the polls are wrong guy"
Guess hilldawg is the new Rmoney
Yes we can
Feels good man, can't wait to see Sup Forums freak out in November.
Shillary threads are easy to spot.
On top of the obvious, when the OP is the only post they make, it's a dead giveaway.
They won't argue with us because they can't. They squirt out their steaming load of bullshit, and observe or run off to squeeze another turd out onto another website comment section.
At least they've learned not to argue with us, since they get disemboweled each and every time.
I have seen polls showing up to a 20-25% black vote for trump, but I rather wait for more like them. After all, we have some polls showing 35-40% Hispanics voting for Trump, at which point it is over. But we need more polls.
You prep those shitskins yet?
dude i've been (You)ing this whole thread
What is funny is that alot of the newer polls that include third parties show trump winning when they valid on the survey. I don't think they will get the 8-20% nonsense they are spouting but if ALL of them are saying it we will see 5% of the vote go to third parties which is more than enough to rekt it for either of them.
>political analysis
You'd think you motherfuckers would have learned by now.
Hmmm, legal Hispanics hate illegals I know that much.
Trump's a Gangsta to some which is a plus.
Hillary is just......man.......it's fucking Hillary.
You would be more charismatic than her and I've never even met you before.
>November 2016 Hillary gets elected
>December 2016 Hillary gets arrested for mishandling of classified information
>Trumps gets elected in an emergency election
You don't get it.
What the primaries measure is how excited people are about their candidate. If primary turnout is high, it means that party's voter base is energized and likely to come and vote for that candidate in the general election. If primary turnout is low, it means that party's voter base is apathetic and less likely to turn out and vote for that party's candidate.
Supporter turnout, more than anything else, is what decides elections. The majority of people vote tribally, selecting the same party over and over again. Which is why we talk of hard ceilings and hard floors for their percentage of the popular vote - because there are some people that no matter what will always support "their" team.
And because of that tribalism, the election is swung entirely by a minority of swing voters and by the energy of the supporters of a candidate.
Trump will win, because his primary results show that his base is not only energized, but that they're more energized than literally every other candidate in the election and that they're more energized than voters have been for decades about a single candidate. That energy will provide him a large share of his party's typical voters, and drive them to the voting booth. It doesn't matter if surveys project a Clinton or Sanders victory, because the energy of their primaries shows that their voters won't turn up and actually vote, regardless of what they say on the phone.
The ironic part is the only one offering political analysis is trump supporters in this thread with Op spamming betting sites with no methodology and screaming how litterally everybody else is wrong
You don't think this excitement goes both ways? Trump elicits emotions from everyone. Yes, he inspires a huge amount of people who eat roadkill to go vote. He also inspires Nazi comparisons from moderates and leftists alike, as well as strikes literal fear into the hearts of minorities. It cuts both ways. These people don't vote in Republican primaries, but Trump will stir them
Really made me think.
betting sites don't need methodology, they have the methodology of the free market. You think these gamblers are running a charity?
>Implying the Clintons give a fuck what Sup Forums thinks
We also need to talk about the Shy Tory Factor, which has been observed in several elections and proves that polls often portray support for right wing candidates to be weaker than it actually is on election day.
No one can deny the liberal bias in the media, the public, and the general western social narrative. Obviously, this drives people to lie and say they're voting left-wing when they're actually supporting a conservative candidate.
If the latest poll average puts it as +2 Clinton, I wouldn't be surprised to see ACTUAL votes turn out to be even or up to +3 Trump.
Then Trump will surely lose because people hate him. Just like Bush lost in 2004 and Obama in 2012.
These are UK beting sites which are out of touch and irrelevant with what is going on in the US. I will take monthly polls based over here over your limey sites anyday
>He also inspires Nazi comparisons from moderates and leftists alike, as well as strikes literal fear into the hearts of minorities.
The problem with this is that as leftists constantly screech about racism, sexism, ableism, blah blah blah - they run into Godwin's Law and gradual desensitization of the electorate.
If you're an average Joe, and you get a newspaper one morning that says Trump is LITERALLY HITLER, you might believe it. If you get that headline at least once a week for more than a year without any actual substantial proof or right wing death squads going around shooting people, you're going to question it. Public distrust of the media is at an all-time high. So the more journalists at the HuffPo complain about Trump=Hitler while Trump protestors are the ones rioting and burning things down, the more people will be desensitized to that narrative and more willing to back Trump.
1) Historically primary turnout is a poor indicator of general election turnout. 2) Trump is 'winning' by one of the lowest % of votes for a GOP nominee in decades. He also doesn't have the demogrpahics to win a general election: white men aren't enough to win an election - just ask Mitt in 2012 or McCain in 08
.Sanders has been losing decisively since the 3rd state in the primary. It's a media fiction that the Dems race has been close.
I dunno if you have been paying attention there m8 but there is clearly a very large following behind this meme candidate beyond Sup Forums and the fact you and those like you choose to ignore it is exactly why they are going to make sure it doesnt happen again whether Trump wins or loses.
How does Trump tip them to his side, though? You're right, there's not much actual support of him being a racist (he attracts racists, but whatever). But when Joe average turns on the TV and sees Trump speaking and he says "we are losing bigly" (just today, while reading from a FUCKING TELEPROMPTER), "I have a big brain", "I use the best words" smart, rational people don't see that and go "oh the media is wrong about this guy, he's actually a competent person
Thank you for correcting the record, increasingly nervous man
Clearly they are if he is gaining. A big reason oswald mosley lost traction is because he was discussed intellectual and ideological finer points. A politican should talk like a 8th grader. This is the same guy that had politican kiss his ass for decades
Also compare interviews and debates from reform trump to republican trump.(not that you will considering you have mind boggling confirmation bias and might as well get paid to spout nonsense.
I can only presume people don't go "fuck the establishment, now let's vote for Democrats to congress!".
"If, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if,..."
- the best spoken potus ever, Obongo
To be honest I have always found that red-headed girl to be very sexy
great book, no idea why its in this thread though
>How's MY office working out for ya? What's it like sitting in MY cum-stained chair at MY cum-stained desk, on MY cum-stained carpets in front of MY cum-stained drapes? That's MY job, and soon it's gonna be MY WIFE'S job, you're nothing but a placeholder.
>Don't you ever talk to me or MY WIFE'S DAUGHTER ever again
>Now get me and Ted Kennedy a cup of coffee you nigger
I saw the right wing impode when Romney failed in 2012. They were convinced he'd trample Obama; they're political retards.
> right wing
Let me guess green voter trash?
>denying Romeny was a Neoliberal
Obama is neoliberal in most economic aspects. They both were leftist cucks. Like I said green voter trash who doesen't know what he is talking about. Go back to the archive during the summer and after 2012. Atleast half shilling for obama other half mittens, most outsiders.
>Obama is neoliberal in most economic aspects. They both were leftist cucks
You're using a heterodox political spectrum. I suggest you take a course in Political Science. MIT offer free online courses, it will help you navigate ideology without branding anything related to government "leftist".
Wow that refuted litterally nothing I said. Obamas foreign policy is esspecially neoliberal as well right down to his policy towards iran while focusing the ire on syria (which is almost exactly the policy romney suggested) like I said you are likely a deluded green voting cuck who thinks a mormon who would fit into your liberal democrats and cares about being called racist is at all right wing.
i just hope we can have a trump and bernie purge day when she wins...
You said Romney was "leftist"... he is not.
All Presidents since Carter have been Neoliberals. They all were committed to the same economic programme; but, they differed on social policy, Obama was (and is) a social democrat. This makes him "centre right", on the political spectrum.
Romney was further to the right than Obama, based on his policy proposals.
Oh God I am with her. I am overwhelmed by her love. By her endurance as a candidate. I am overwhelmed by her graciousness, her kindness. This woman who has made world history tonight and will be our first female president!
This woman who is the must qualified candidate for president in the entire history of our nation.
I donated $35 tonight that I cannot really afford.
I am with her to the end. To the wall.
I am with her.
I am with her.
I am with this woman, whose contributions to our American democracy have never been acknowledged, or appreciated.
I am with her. She, who has always done the extra work and gone the extra mile… All of her life. For everyone.
I am with her. Not because she was for me. But because I believe that her heart and her love for America, for people who are downtrodden, and people who are discriminated against, is abiding. I am with her. I am with her always. I am with her because she is ever underappreciated, ever underestimated, ever vilified.
I am with her.
Because her candidacy is the promise of America. I am with her because she is the compassionate, loving, committed candidate that I have waited for, all my life.
I am with her.
Because, this was never going to be easy. She is a woman, after all. She has been attacked all her life.
I am with her.
My candidate. Who has ever, without knowing me, been for me. My candidate, who has ever been kind and compassionate. Who has ever worked her heart out
I am with her.
And, in many ways, I am her.
Once again you have no idea what you are fucking talk
>social democrats are center right
Besides obama is not remotely a social democrat. What fucking policy does he have that is social democrat in your deluded mind? What is the biggest policy that you think they differed on you retard? Because as someonr who actually knows american politics I can tell you there major difference was tax policy. If you watched the first 3 debates you would know they sat around mostly agreeing each other while being passive aggressive but once again you are a green voting retard so I don't expect you to know what you are talking about.
>social democrats are center right
A social democrat with a Neoliberal economic policy is centre right.
Bernie Sanders isn't a Neoliberal, he IS a social democrat, this makes him centre left.
I see you're having difficulty with ideology and the political spectrum. Again, I suggest you enroll in MIT's free political science course.
Once again cuck fag what policy do you think made him a "social democrat" what in your deluded mind was the biggest policy difference bewteen the two?
Obamacare is a social democratic policy. It was opposed, tooth and nail, by the Republicans.
STFU you two faggots
This is literal leddit tier debate
>muh labels
>muh categorisation
>muh left vs right
Are you 15 years old?
Fuck off
I'm 42.
Go to bed Hillary
>As of today Romneycare is still in effect and was used as a model for the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) due to it’s widely recognized success and popularity within Ma. However, parts of MA healthcare reform have been replaced with rules from the Affordable Care Act.
Are you fucking done or do I need to slap your dumb ass down some more?
>this prediction is spot on
>trumptards chimp out ITT
>i will be able to smugly post a screencap in Nov.
Revolution is the only good end to this story. Neither Hillary Nor Trump will fix this country.
Nice to see you supporting Pesident Obama's public relations team...
I'm aware of the "Romnycare" meme. Romney debunked this himself:
Literal Autism everyone, Remember don't feed the animals.
What the fuck is wrong with you
Sure, I acknoledge that she is unhinged just by looking at her expression, but I would still bang her
Christ the damage control is pathetic dude. You can't even admit you are wrong
Here is one of the 3 "differences"
> Medicaid expansion – In Massachusetts, Medicaid was expanded for children, parents, pregnant women and the long-term unemployed. Under the ACA, states have the option of expanding the Medicaid program to all families and Individuals with incomes up to 138 percent* of the FPL. The District of Columbia and 25 states are currently planning to exercise this option.
It's hilarous how you think you are debunking anything with almost insignificant policy differences. It's okay I get your ego is too fucking big and you won't dare fucking admit that by your own standards romney is a fucking "social democrat" but next time research what the fuck you are talking about before opening your trap esspecially when you call others retards.
>I will have to delete this screencap later
If this is true, you should feel bad and probably kill yourself.
Romneycare is not the same as Obamacare. This is a fact. Romney's policies were to the right of Obama's, this is also a fact. This is why Romey is a "Republican".
>Obama signed into law a comprehensive national health insurance bill, a goal that had eluded progressive presidents for a century. He got surprisingly tough reforms to Wall Street passed as well, not to mention a stimulus package that both blunted the recession and transformed education and energy policy.
All opposed by Republicans, of course.