Is anybody watching this man go up against the entire room on CNN right now?
Is anybody watching this man go up against the entire room on CNN right now?
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Whats going on?
gonna need a steam brother
since I lack the coaxial jew
I wanted to make a topic but assumed Sup Forums doesn't watch CNN
Everyone is literally shitting on the guy, and he isn't doing a very good job at defending himself. All trumpfags are just as stupid and insecure as him.
came here just to see if there was a thread in here.
they are full on propaganda mode, they got really mad that Trump is closing on them and their identity politics game. that guy alone vs a whole panel of braindead sellouts.
yes, it's disgusting. I'd like to logically slam dunk their collective balls into a meat grinder
He's getting fucking annihilated. He has no ground to stand on and the panel won't let him get away with it
They've countered everything he's said very clearly. The guy has a perpetual deer-in-headlights look while he defends Trump's honor. He's literally making shit up to make Trump look good. This is fucking ridiculous.
it's like nobody has heard of a "mexican american" or a "italian american" or "polish american"
anderson is being a fucking cuck
Hard to defend yourself when the entire network is against you. Gotta give him props for standing his ground
looks like a Sith Lord
Jeffery the absolute based Lord
The nigger and slut at his table are having none of it
This is such a non-issue. Trump thinks the judge is biased against him because he got anti-open border platform, that's all there is to it.
Who's the hottie sitting next to based Jeff?
Van Jones is the stupidest nigger alive.
It's pretty bad that this is an "unbiased" news channel. Luckily no one believes the media, hell maybe this is helping Trump
Who is this based black man? He is quite articulate
S.E Cupp
Poor guy...
dude yes wtf? they need a better speaker than this cuck, Van Jones could be slapped with facts right now.
That's what you get when you let niggers and women present their "argument"
He is coming off as desperate as fuck trying to defend Trump
>They've countered everything he's said very clearly.
Guy starts to talk, the following happens:
>thats waycist (all the panel goes DAS RITE)
>shut up (all the panel goes DAS RITE)
>ooh trump never said that so we cant be talking about stuff that he really really didnt said except when it's us talking about stuff that he never said, but cmon guys who are we kidding was thinking about it for sure ( all the panel DAS RITE)
and i could continue...
If only Trump could give out a consistent line to be used by his surrogates OH WAIT
Omg this shit is hillarious. I love Jeffrey Lord.
Fucking van Jones you stupid fucking racebaiting piece of shit
Yeah see this
pic related
give him your power, Sup Forums
So glad we get CNN here. This is hilarious
Comedy gold
Wasn't he a registered communist? Why is that never brought up when someone goes on this show?
for the life of me i don't know why pundits don't just literally point out logical fallacies; it's infuriating
he's not a cuck you shill
He's being blown out of the fucking water and is scrambling with lame excuses. It's funny as shit, tbqhf
Trump fags BTFO
They have conservatives on cnn? This poor man doesn't even he relize he's just there to be sacrificed.
This, by the way, is why Trump is doing the right thing and dropping this topic tonight. He isn't defending his argument well and all of his supporters are embarrassed by this
dismissing things as a fallacy is a fallacy
for the ones who missed it it went like this:
I wasn't watching - was it over the Mexican judge? Because honestly Trump is being fucking stupid by continuing to push that
This is not the first time he claims a judge is biased btw, so it has nothing to do with race but with politics.
can I get a (You) for SE Cupp's tits?
I am
He got absolutely destroyed. It was embarrassing for him
what an amazing guy, taking on 8 panelists attacking him at once and holding his ground
the fallacy-fallacy is only as such when you do not have an additional argument
Yeah. Jeffrey Lord is twisting himself in knots because he can't defend the attack just using Trump's words
I'm just more mad he can't make a counter point.
Everyone is just talking over him and rambling and he can't even answer the questions.
Fucking disgusting. This isn't an intellectual discussion its fucking paid shills being shills.
Literally none of that happened spic
Sure can bud
>paying for cable TV
Unless you've got a link to a free stream no one gives a fuck.
5$ trump mentions Jeff lord in his speech tonight
no, he is twisting because the argument has not been framed properly. He attempted to frame it rationally, but everyone around him just spouted more fallacious nonsense.
There is no counter point. Jones' point was pretty solid
>he's getting btfo
>they're spouting fallacies!!!
YES, he was right on everything he said.
This guy was so based in going up against these leftist scum
Read the thread fag.
Or at the very least learn to fucking google.
No one spoon feed this retard.
Anybody realize how Trump just dominated the entire discussion despite Clinton becoming the presumptive nominee?
obvious leddit thread
the streams are so dope. we watch this shit and post animated dancing trumpgrils in the chat
By making himself look and sound like a complete idiot?
Delusional as fuck
This. Media keeps looking for stuff to stick and this will blow over entirely in a week.
CNN usually has one Trump/Repub on to see unbiased and they always dump on them.
He is a Trump follower after all.
I did not watch it but why are people on TV not mentoning that the Judge has ties to La Raza and other Hispanic advocacy groups.
Trump has a strongline issue against illegal immigration in his campaign how does this not create an obvious conflict of interest? How can we except the Judge to be fully neutral here if he personally is an advocate for Hispanic groups?
I like Trump but I think he made a mistake and did a really bad job of explaining it. It is not that the Judge is of Mexican ethnicity the issue is that he is openly an advocate for Hispanic law groups.
dismissing a judge because of political motivations is not the same as dismissing judge simply because of skin color. Van has no point other than to get him to agree to his, despite it having ZERO relation to Trump's.
Not the same la raza you idiot
he's sure fucking acting like one. A real man needs to go up against Commie Van Jones.
>trump getting called a racist by the speaker of the house
>blowing over ever
haha i love this board
He tried mentioning La Raza but the panel just cried racism
yes and he was pissing me off so much I had to change the channel. Yes, Trump may not be racist but what he said was racist, end of story.
Yes, Obama race baits, Al-Sharpton, race baits, and Trump definitely race-baits.
yes it is faggot
yeah and the "not the same" IRA organizations were not IRA
I would have made the point that Trump is calling out the judge for being a Mexican because it is a conflict of interest. The judge is literately a member of La Raza.
What now faggot?
Jones merely dodged the bullet because he made a hypothetical situation where no one would bat an eyelash because niggers get freebees for everything including his job at CNN.
>Not the same KKK you idiot
Both groups are Hispanic advocacy groups and are built upon race.
If someone was a member of an adovacy group built around white people that used a similar name to a white supremacy group would this be acceptable?
It's literally a link as an affiliate on the website.
The shills in this thread are astonishing. The man clearly laid out that the anti white racism is why Trump called the judge out. Liberal brains can't grasp the concept though.
Paul Ryan is already campaigning for 2020.
The establishment is afraid that Trump is permanently damaging the relationship between the GOP and Latinos.
>White judges can't judge blacks due to oppression and racism!!!!
You can't win with liberals. Doublethink out the ass.
>holding his ground
you trumpfags are seriously mentally ill
He got eaten like a fucking chicken shit cucktrump supporter at an alligator farm. He literally tried to materialize imaginary arguments or points out of thin air to defend Trump but was called out every single time.
Nothing wrong with racism says the white man
they can, they are just trying to divert it.
>anti-white racism
Poor Trump
>anti white racism
>by an American judge born in Indiana
I wouldn't be surprised if Ryan loses his seat.
Yes, he totally got steamrolled. You know by screeching baboons screaming over him and then when they talked he let them speak, unlike them.
Fucking liberal shills.
you're delusional. obviously this dude isnt the best surrogate but how the fuck would you fair when 7 idiots and a heavily biased moderater are all attacking you at once?
I'll answer for you, you'd shit your pants like a retard
I worked on the Indianapolis City Council. It's by far the most racist political system I ever encountered in the country as a consultant.
nah he just isnt strong enuf. good guy though for speaking his mind in that room full of bickering lesbians
>literally a member of the largest hispanic group ever
So if I ever have a black judge some remote connection to the NAACP, I can claim he's biased?
Deal with it, this was a monumental fuck up everywhere outside this trump echochamber
Then why do minorities think the "white" court system is unfair to blacks and hispanics? Isn't that the same argument?
This pisses me off so much. I like Anderson but he is a terrible moderator. Jeff barely speaks and Anderson tells him to be quiet so the others can speak, but then they all talk over him and Anderson does nothing about it.
What retarded non functioning part of your brain cannot grasp the fact his parents were from mexico. The judge was a memeber of LaRaza and other pro mexican groups.
No matter black or mexican, you all cry racism when you get caught fucking over white people
>assuming a highly educated federal judge is the same as the run of the mill illegal
Cyanide and/or bleach are good methods, Helium has added oxygen nowadays to prevent suicide.
Hahahahaha. whoa he got LE SHOUTED DOWN with FACTS and LOGIC how dare they correct and accurately counter his points so poignantly what the FUCK bros I thought us trumplings were intellecually superior?!
Ryan is a corporate cuck who is doing what he is told by his masters.
He is trying to protect his position because he will get the boot if he doesn't say what they want. Which is stop Trump. The Jew banks can't buy Trump. But they can buy his "allies" and so called fellow "party members". This is how the term cuckservative came into being. People who pretend to be on the other side but act like democrats if not worse.
>us trumplings
fuck off autist