How scared shitless would the rest of the world become if a holy alliance between the United States, Russia and China were formed?
How scared shitless would the rest of the world become if a holy alliance between the United States...
Man, I died like a bitch at that part in dark souls 3
Not much, we have been a good ally (we host several eeuu military bases, and sell you the good coke) of the eeuu; we don't care about rusky and gook commies. In fact, we have a good record of killing jungle commies.
>implying we don't
The EU would have a fucking heart attack.
>Allying with dog-eaters
Would rather nuke China instead.
There wouldn't be a rest of the world
>nuke china
>repopulate with burgers
>BTFO rest of the planet permanently
>not recognizing holy terra
How new are you
Only Chinese made clothes are holy, user
Spic here, America's going down the shitter anyways. White guilt, sjw, left wingers, tranny restrooms. I wonder which countries in particular don't have those things...
>tfw hated by Sup Forums
Why are Americans brown-nosing Russia these days?
I think its more that we just want to get along with Russia.
Good straya post
breddy much, Sup Forums hates everything though.
The rest of the world pretty much already belongs in the back pocket to one of these three countries.
Deus Ex.
I understand that, but it's beginning to look like a brown-nosing situation. Russians have a harshness towards Americans going back to the old USSR days, many still view you guys as their enemy.
>what is UN
its okay china, not everyone is angry at the world and blames you
While I now exactly where you are talking about. (And yes it kick my ass to) that is actually 40k art of holy terra
Top bantz m8
>Rest of the world
The only reason they don't like us now is pure envy, fuck the rest of the world, everywhere else sucks dirty asshole.
Would probably be one of the first to sellout under a "strategic alliance"